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Ray of Hope @ the CorE Teaching Series January 8, 2013. i Exalt. Acts 2:42-47.
Ray of Hope @ the CorETeaching SeriesJanuary 8, 2013 i Exalt
Churches, like people, have a soul—a corporate soul. Congregational or corporate soul is at the very heart of the organization. It is a leadership concept that embraces the church’s unique values. What sets successful congregations apart is their discovering and tapping into that soul. Aubrey Malphurs
Core values • Explain who we are – our identity • Explain why we do what we do – Acts 2:42, they “devoted” themselves • Determine our ministry distinctiveness, what sets us apart, what makes us unique in our culture. • Dictate personal involvement
Core values • Communicate what is important in the life of the congregation • Influence overall behavior – We do what we value! • Inspire People to Action • Contribute to ministry success
Core Values are the constant, passionate, biblical core beliefs that drive the ministry, describing what we care about and feel strongly about.
The Core Values of the Ray of Hope Christian Church are: Exalt the Savior Equip the Saint Evangelize the Seeker Empower Through Stewardship Elevate Society
Aspirational and Actual Values Actual Values are those beliefs that we own and practice daily
Aspirational and Actual Values Aspirational values are those values that leaders and people neither own nor practice.
The church is the body of Christ on earth.I Corinthians 12:12
iExalt – Exalt the Savior I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes her boast in the Lord. Let the afflicted hear and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. Psalms 34:1-3
You created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created. Rev. 4:11 NLT
When we worship God, we give him pleasure.
Sing to the Lord a new song; His praise in the assembly of the saints. For the Lord takes delight or pleasure in his people. Psalms 149:1,4 NIV
“The chief end of humans is to glorify Him and enjoy His favor, forever.”
Who or what we worship is a good indication of what is really valuable to us.
If we worship God, hoping it will pay, it won’t!
Through faith in him, we have discovered that we’re not the audience, He is!
The English word worship means “worth ship”
You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, honor and praise. Rev. 4:11
Defining Worship The response of all I am to the revelation of all He is.
Worship is the “total” adoring response of humans to the Eternal God self-revealed in time. Evelyn Underhill
Adoration the act of paying honor to a divine being, reverent homage, fervent and devoted love.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your strength.
•Shachach– to kneel, stoop, prostrate oneself or throw oneself down in reverence - Psalm 95:6 •Shabach– to shout to the Lord – Psalm 47:1; 95:1;100:1•Yadah– to worship with uplifted hands – Psalm 63:4•Halel– to celebrate God foolishly and boast about his attributes. (love, mercy, goodness, etc.)•Tehillah– to sing spontaneous songs of praise - Psalm 89:1;96:1• Todah– to dance before the Lord – Psalm 149:3
In the Greek, the word for worship Proskuneo means to express deep respect or adoration by kissing towards, or bowing down. It is associated with words that include epaineo, “to command or to applaud” avieo,“to praise God” and sebomai, “to revere”
Worship is ultimately a lifestyle – a way of life!
“publicly proclaim His majesty and might, His glory and greatness!”
The true basis of worship is God touching and freeing our spirit so we may worship Him. Singing, praying and praising may lead to worship, but worship doesn’t take place until our hearts are ignited by a divine fire. Richard Foster
The Worship of God is not a rule of safety – it is an adventure of the Spirit flying after the unattainable.” Alfred North Whitehead
True spiritual worship ought to contribute something powerful and lasting to our personalities, our relationships, our service, our total lives as Christians. Warren Wiersbe
Worship means a release of energy. It puts into life something which steps it up to a higher voltage. Albert W. Palmer
Worship should be both private and public, in our secret closets and in the Sanctuary.
When you worship Him at all times, it will heighten our sense of expectancy in public worship.
Acts 2:42-47 Acts 4:32
Teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16
Steps into Worship • Learn to practice the presence of God and worship Him daily. • Prepare yourself for worship the night before. Go to bed early, get a good night sleep, have a time of inward reflection and examination and confession before retiring so that you can wake up refreshed and unburdened.
Steps into Worship • Arrive to worship 10 minutes early, so you can pray and meditate, center yourself and connect with others in worship through the spirit. • Set aside your own agenda and be totally available and dependent on the leading of God in worship. He is the ultimate worship leader, teacher and preacher.
Steps into Worship • Respond to distractions with gratitude. • Come prepared to offer a sacrifice of praise when you don’t feel like worshipping, when you have had a hard week, when you really didn’t even feel like coming to church. • Invite others to magnify the Lord with you, and see if God want show up and show out in the worship experience.
Questions • When am I most blessed in worship? • When I am least blessed in worship? • What part of me have I held back in worship and why?