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Learn about the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) in Alabama, including guidelines, standards, and how students and schools are selected for testing. Understand the importance of participation, accommodations for students with special needs, and the process of verifying test results' validity.
“State NAEP” is a congressionally mandated test given nationally every TWO YEARS. NAEPis administered from January through March of every odd year, and results are usually made available publicly in October of that year (although the results of 2017’s assessment were not available until January of 2018 due to changes in the test administration.) NAEP FACT: NAEP tests 4th and 8th Grade Math and 4th and 8th Grade Reading only. Approximately250-270 of Alabama’s 1,500 schools take the NAEP test. Approximately 5,700students (per state/per grade) in Grades 4 and 8 are randomly selected to participate by NAEP officials. The Alabama State Department of Education plays no role in determining who will be selected for testing.
National Assessment for Educational Progress 1 Are school given examples of questions in advance? Yes. Released NAEP items are available on the NAEP Questions Tool. http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/itmrlsx/default.aspx. NAEP Frameworks. Not designed for or aligned to any particular curriculum or standard. Developed by multiple groups nationwide. https://www.nagb.gov/naep-frameworks/frameworks-overview.html. 1 2 2 What standards are used in determining the questions? 3 3 The sampling methodology uses systematic sampling with probability proportional to size. This methodology has been used for decades and is of high technical quality. The entire design is built so every student in Alabama has the same chance for being selected for NAEP. https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/assessment_process/selection.aspx https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/focus_on_naep/#/reports/sampling How are schools/ students“randomly” selected?
National Assessment for Educational Progress 5 4 Any suggestions to motivate students? 4 What can we do so schools can get their data returned to them? School level data is not provided. NAEP was not designed for that purpose. NAEP provides only national and state achievement estimates. The more engaged school staff/leadership are, the higher thestudent participation is, but the relationship to achievement is unknown. • https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/focus_on_naep/#/reports/grade12participation. 6 https://www.nagb.gov/content/nagb/assets/documents/naep/naep-tuda-one-pager-4.6.pdf What analysis is done on NAEP scores to determine the highest correlation with high test scores? There is no report that examines this. The NAEP data are publicly available and anyone can examine the data and investigate the possible relationship of specific variables with achievement. https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/. 6
National Assessment for Educational Progress 7 Is participation in the NAEP voluntary? Are there consequences if a school does not participate? NAEP is voluntary at the student level. Parents can decline participation. Still, Title I school participation is mandatory under ESSA to receive Title I funding. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-114s1177enr/pdf/BILLS-114s1177enr.pdf 7 8 9 8 NAEP provides numerous accommodations to include as many students as possible in the assessment. https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/about/inclusion.aspx What accommodations are provided for students with special needs? 9 • What accountability measures are done to verify that the test results are valid?. • An independent Validity Studies Panel examines multiple facets of validity topics for the NAEP program. • https://www.air.org/project/naep-validity-studies-nvs-panel
National Assessment for Educational Progress 10 • Are we being best • served by using NAEP • as our measure of • progress? • Until Alabama creates its new assessment and established a • baseline, the NAEP is the ONLY consistent longitudinal data we • have available to track long-term educational trends. 10 11 11 12 • What if one year you have academically advanced students, the next students who struggle academically? • Not likely, as it is a valid random selection. Still, that scenario can • happen in any state, on any given year… but not consistently. 12 • Yes. However, other states are improving as well. In order to change rankings, Alabama would need to improve at a faster rate than most others in order to catch and surpass. • Are Alabama students improving overall?
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