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The Geological Time Scale

The Geological Time Scale. Geological Time Scale. The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old Since then Earth has experienced continuous change

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The Geological Time Scale

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  1. TheGeological Time Scale

  2. Geological Time Scale • The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old • Since then Earth has experienced continuous change • Some changes occur quickly, like volcanoes, earthquakes and floods, while others occur so slowly we can barely notice them, like erosion, and moving continents.

  3. Geological Time Scale • To make the age of the Earth more understandable geologists have designed the Geological Time Scale, which breaks the 4.6 billion years into smaller portions.

  4. Geological Time Scale • As the Earth changes so do the organisms that live on it. • Species have developed through time and changed as their environment changed. • Others have dominated the planet for millions of years only to be replaced by other species better adapted to changing conditions.

  5. For example...

  6. But what really killed them?

  7. Earth’s Timeline

  8. Earth’s Timeline

  9. Earth’s Timeline

  10. Earth’s Timeline

  11. This might help

  12. Geological Time Scale • Mass extinctions have occurred several times in Earth’s history • Dinosaurs died about 65 mya • 250 mya 96% of marine animals and 75% of land animals were wiped out • After every major extinction there is an opportunity for different species to become dominant

  13. The Principle of Faunal Succession • This principle states that species change in form through time. • Each form is different from those that come before and after • From the fossils they find geologists use this principle to tell the order of layers in a rock sequence

  14. The Evolution of the Horse

  15. Index Fossils • These are fossils that can help tell the age of the rock layer it is found in.

  16. Index Fossils • These are fossils that can help tell the age of the rock layer it is found in. The Three Characteristics of an Index Fossil

  17. Index Fossils • These are fossils that can help tell the age of the rock layer it is found in. The Three Characteristics of an Index Fossil • It’s easy to recognize • It was only in existence for a short period of time • It is found in many locations around the world

  18. The layer you find this fossil in is 540 myo Trilobite

  19. Earliest multicellular life?

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