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Recommendations for Latvia’s NIS and un proposed Action Plan 2005-2010

Recommendations for Latvia’s NIS and un proposed Action Plan 2005-2010. Valdis Avotiņš, LIDA. ESTER 4th Meeting, Tel Aviv, January 12-14. Model of Latvia ,s NIP Action Plan Prioritair sub-programmes / measures WP6a report WP7a report Discussion. Content. Gap Analysis.

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Recommendations for Latvia’s NIS and un proposed Action Plan 2005-2010

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  1. Recommendations for Latvia’s NIS and un proposed Action Plan 2005-2010 Valdis Avotiņš, LIDA ESTER 4th Meeting, Tel Aviv, January 12-14

  2. Model of Latvia,sNIP Action Plan Prioritair sub-programmes / measures WP6a report WP7a report Discussion Content

  3. Gap Analysis

  4. Science & research and industry : two isolated and not interlinked worlds in Latvia Local SMEs lack in competence; they do not properly estimate their competitive position in Europe’s / global market and do not act to develop company and increase its competitiveness Latvia’s science has loosed its critical mass by human resources, equipment, infrastructure and financial support Latvia’s financial system do not take active role to support innovative projects and technological development Innovation service, technology development infrastructure is poorly developed compared to both EU developed and new member countries Key conclusions

  5. Overall goals of the innovation strategy

  6. Action Plan 2005-2020

  7. Implemented over 1 year Innovation policy efficiency analysis, monitoring, benchmarking SAP “Market orientated research”, grant scheme, implemented by MoES Grants to provide co-financing for participation in EU programs and networks: IRC, 6th Framework, PAXIS, IRE, RIS+, ESTER, EUREKA etc. “Support to the participation of commercial companies ininternational exibions and trade missions”, grant scheme (former LEMAP – Cost Sharing Grant Scheme) A. Existing programmes

  8. SAP “Support to modernization of the business infrastructure” incl. 3 subprograms, grant scheme SAP to promote best practices and success stories for technology development, grant scheme SAP “Risk capital financing for small and medium sized enterprises” SAP “Support to development of new products and technologies”, grant scheme (prototype development) SAP “Support to the consultancy services”, grant scheme SAP “Support for the workforce professional skill improvement, retraining and further education”, grant scheme National program to modernise scientific infrastructure (mainly research equipment) B. Up-coming programmes

  9. Foresight dialogue, strategic future planning initiative Global supplier program, WB 10 and 13 Centre of Excellence program WB 2 Entrepreneurship motivation program, WB 12 Grant scheme Innovation Assistant (bridging universities and industry) Programme to promote Liaison offices in universities C. Non-existing, important (1/2)

  10. SAP “Support to technology incubators”, two linked grant schemes: 1) for private technology incubator operators, 2) for pre-seed and seed fund (s), WB 8 Improvement of NIP (action plan measures) co-ordination Grant scheme to support proposal design for EU programs to NGOs and SMEs Technology Transfer program, WB 3,4 and 7 Commercialising IP programme (legal statement regards ownership of intellectual property) WB 5 and 6 C. Non-existing, important (2/2)

  11. JPT Nac. progr. IZM Riska KP UMP ESP CoE IA Inkubat TOP Labā prakse Piegādāt. IPR 22 experts’ evaluation

  12. Entrepreneurship motivation programme (60-90 ths Ls in 2 years) Grant shcheme “Innovation assistent” (5 + 1208 ths Ls in 3 years) SAP Support to technology incubators (ESTER project) Grant scheme to support design of proposals for EU programs (NGOs, SMEs) (65 ths Ls / year) Programme “Centres of excellences” (5 ths Ls) SAP “liaison offices” in universities (5 + 60 ths Ls / year), Technology transfer programme (5 + 60 ths Ls / year) NIP coordination and dialogue with partners (20 ths Ls year) Priorities for new sub-programs Total from NIP budget 2005 / 2006 : ths Ls 135 / 250

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