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Chapter 2 Jeopardy

Chapter 2 Jeopardy. Category1. Category2. Category3. Category4. Category5. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. Final Jeopardy. $100.

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Chapter 2 Jeopardy

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  1. Chapter 2 Jeopardy Category1 Category2 Category3 Category4 Category5 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 What is the function of the nucleus?

  3. $100 Answer H1 The nucleus is the “brain” of the cell telling the parts of the cell what to do.

  4. $200 Question from H1 What is the job of the vacuole?

  5. $200 Answer from H1 The vacuole acts like a stomach, storing food and waste.

  6. $300 Question from H1 What is the job of the mitochondria?

  7. $300 Answer from H1 The mitochondria are the power producers for the cell.

  8. $400 Question from H1 What is cytoplasm within the cell?

  9. $400 Answer from H1 Cytoplasm is the jellylike substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

  10. $500 Question from H1 What is the job of the cell membrane?

  11. $500 Answer from H1 The cell membrane holds the cell together; it allows needed materials in and waste to exit.

  12. $100 Question from H2 True or False: Animal cells are the same as plant cells.

  13. $100 Answer from H2 False

  14. $200 Question from H2 How is the shape of a plant cell different from an animal cell?

  15. $200 Answer from H2 Plant cells are rectangular; animal cells are irregular in shape.

  16. $300 Question from H2 Name the two parts of the plant cell that an animal cell does NOT have.

  17. $300 Answer from H2 A cell wall and chloroplasts.

  18. $400 Question from H2 What is the function of the cell wall?

  19. $400 Answer from H2 The cell wall surrounds the cell membrane, and gives the cell extra support and protection.

  20. $500 Question from H2 What is the function of the chloroplasts?

  21. $500 Answer from H2 Chloroplasts use energy in the sun to turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugar.

  22. $100 Question from H3 What gives plant cells their green color?

  23. $100 Answer from H3 Chloroplasts

  24. $200 Question from H3 Why do cells have different shapes?

  25. $200 Answer from H3 Cells have different shapes because they have different jobs, each cells’ shape helps it perform it’s job.

  26. $300 Question from H3 Name three different shapes of cells.

  27. $300 Answer from H3 Branching, Flat, and Round

  28. $400 Question from H3 Where would you find branch like cells in your body?

  29. $400 Answer from H3 In your lungs, connecting your lungs to your brain.

  30. $500 Question from H3 Where would you find round cells in your body?

  31. $500 Answer from H3 In your blood they carry oxygen throughout the body.

  32. $100 Question from H4 What is a cell?

  33. $100 Answer from H4 A cell is the basic building block of all living things.

  34. $200 Question from H4 What is tissue?

  35. $200 Answer from H4 Tissue is a group of the same cells working together doing the same job.

  36. $300 Question from H4 What is an organ?

  37. $300 Answer from H4 An organ is a grouping of different tissues combined together into one structure.

  38. $400 Question from H4 What is an organ system?

  39. $400 Answer from H4 An organ system is a group of organs and tissues working together to carry out a life process.

  40. $500 Question from H4 What is an organism?

  41. $500 Answer from H4 An organism is any living thing.

  42. $100 Question from H5 Where does cellular respiration occur in the cell?

  43. $100 Answer from H5 The mitochondria

  44. $200 Question from H5 What do the muscle system and skeletal system work together to do?

  45. $200 Answer from H5 They work together to help the body move.

  46. $300 Question from H5 How do the muscle and skeletal system work together?

  47. $300 Answer from H5 They work together by contracting and reflexing.

  48. $400 Question from H5 What is cellular respiration?

  49. $400 Answer from H5 Cellular respiration is the taking in of oxygen and food in order to get energy.

  50. $500 Question from H5 State the order of organization of cells.

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