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Learning Assistance Program Requirements . August 23, 2013 g ayle.pauley@k12.wa.us. Change to LAP Law. Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5946 of 2013. U nder Chapter 28A.165 RCW and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 392-162. (In process). NOTE: .
Learning Assistance Program Requirements August 23, 2013 gayle.pauley@k12.wa.us
Change to LAP Law • Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5946 of 2013. • Under Chapter 28A.165 RCW and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 392-162. (In process)
NOTE: For the 2013–14 school year, districts may continue LAP as it was implemented in the 2012–13 LAP application. However, districts that select to do this must determine how they will implement the required changes made to LAP under ESSB 5946 in 2014–15.
What are the important changes to LAP? There are significant LAP changes resulting from 2013 legislation. They are: Districts are no longer required to submit a LAP application/plan to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Districts are no longer required to develop an Accelerated Learning Plan for identified LAP students.
LAP Requirments • Each district must submit a LAP Assurance Form through the iGrants system in Form Package (FP) 218. FP 218 is now available in iGrants and is due September 9, 2013. These assurances outline the end-of-year reporting that is now required under the new legislation. • LAP must first focus on addressing the needs of students in kindergarten through fourth grade who are deficient in reading or reading readiness skills to improve reading literacy. (Districts must use intensive reading and literacy improvement strategies from a state menu of best practices in 2015–16 for schools where more than 40 percent of third grade students scored at basic or below basic.) • LAP funds may be used to provide support services to students who demonstrate disruptive classroom behaviors.
5% Up to five percent of a district's LAP allocation may be used for development of partnerships with community-based organizations, educational service districts, and other local agencies to deliver academic and non-academic supports to participating students who are significantly at risk of not being successful in school, to reduce barriers to learning, increase student engagement, and enhance students' Readiness to Learn (RTL).
What stays the same? •LAP remains supplemental to core instruction. •LAP may be used to provide supplemental reading, writing, mathematics, and readiness interventions associated with these content areas. •Districts may select the grades (K–12) to be served for basic LAP services. •LAP may also support eleventh and twelfth grade students at risk of not meeting local and state graduation requirements.
What must a district do to access LAP funds? • Contact your District Business Manager for the 2013–14 LAP allocation amount. • Districts must sign the Assurance Form found in iGrants, FP 218. FP 218 is now available in iGrants and is due September 9, 2013. • Districts must collect LAP individual student and program effectiveness data to report to OSPI.