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Poetics of Diversity

Poetics of Diversity. Diversity technology project Education 301/ 02 Melissa Pinson Troy Powell Andrea sturgeon. Slide 1- Introduction slide Slide 2 – Table of Contents Slide 3 – Breakdown of the lesson Slide 4/5 – General Diversity Support (Educator/Staff Directed)

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Poetics of Diversity

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  1. Poetics of Diversity • Diversity technology project • Education 301/ 02 • Melissa Pinson • Troy Powell • Andrea sturgeon Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  2. Slide 1- Introduction slide Slide 2 – Table of Contents Slide 3 – Breakdown of the lesson Slide 4/5 – General Diversity Support (Educator/Staff Directed) Slide 6 – Poetry Resources Page (Educator Directed) Slide 7/8 – Using Poetry with Gifted Students (General Educator Directed) Slide 9 – Poetry Therapy for Students with Disabilities(General Educator Directed) Slide 10/11 – Poetic Benefits for Students with Exceptionalities and Disabilities (General Educator Directed Table of Contents Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  3. Slides 12-20: Diversity Lesson: Age Slides 21-28: Diversity Lesson: Race Slides 29-36: Diversity Lesson: Class Slides 37-44: Diversity Lesson: Language Slides 45-51: Diversity Lesson: Belief Systems/Religion Slides 52-58: Diversity Lesson: Gender Slides 59-65: Diversity Lesson: Sexual Orientation Table of Contents Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  4. Breakdown of the Lesson • Poetics of Diversity • Grade: Intended for grades 9-12, but can be tailored. Grade level is dependent on poetry selected • Unit/Lesson: Poetry Appreciation • Authors: Pinson, Powell, Sturgeon Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  5. General Diversity Support Teaching the children of a new America:the challenge of diversity • http://wilsontxt.hwwilson.com/pdffull/01226/M42ZZ/XFR.pdf Rewards of teaching diversity • http://wilsontxt.hwwilson.Com/pdffull/05893/le5ax/VSI.pdf Technology and multiculturalism • http://wilsontxt.hwwilson.com/pdffull/05893/LW7YJ/2S5.pdf Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  6. General Diversity Support, Cont… Havighurst's developmental tasks, young adolescents,and diversity • http://wilsontxt.hwwilson.com/pdffull/03859/2XH48/VSI.pdf Literature as lessons on the diversity of culture • http://www.indiana.edu/~eric_rec/ieo/digests/d42.html Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  7. Poetry Resource Pages • Writes of passage: www.writes.org • Scriveners: http://pages.prodigy.com/sdmama • America’s best loved poems: www.favoritepoem.org • Teen ink: www.teenpaper.com • Aha! Poetry(Asian poetics)www.ahapoetry.com • Poet’s corner: directed towards diversitywww.geocities.com/~spanoudi/poems/index.html Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  8. Using Poetry With Gifted Students • Process methodology for gifted students • http://www.nexus.edu.au/teachstud/gat/hatzi_gi.htm • Poetry techniques to challenge gifted students • http://www.chalkface.com/pdfs/sample-PTTC.pdf Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  9. Gifted Students, Cont.. • Creative strategies for teaching language arts to gifted students • http://erice.org/digests/e612.html • A focus on values • http://www.kodak.com/global/en/consumer/education/lessonPlan066.shtml Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  10. Poetry Therapyfor Students With Disabilities • Writing therapy in the classroom: A case study http://bll.epnet.com/citation.asp? • Poetry writing in the classroom: prevention and intervention • http://bll.epnet.com/citation.asp? Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  11. Poetic Benefits For Students With Exceptionalities and Disabilities • Multicultural literature: reading to develop self-worth • http://wilsontxt.hwwilson.com/pdffull/05893/LW7YJ/2F5.pdf Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  12. Diversity Lesson: Age Investigation of Ageism In America Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  13. Internet Discovery Activity • Students will conduct an internet search (google, yahoo, etc.) on the key word ageism. • Students will visit at least 5 websites and record key information from each Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  14. Group Discussion • Students will report information from internet discovery to class in a group discussion format • Instructor will record key points of student discoveries on board Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  15. Journal Response • Students should focus entry on how their discoveries made them feel, what they think could be done to stop ageism, and if they know anyone that has been a victim of ageism. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  16. Brain Storming • Students will generate 2 lists: • 1.) Detail their current likes/dislikes, favorite activities, etc. • 2.) Predict what their likes/dislikes will be fifty years in the future. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  17. I like: Rap music, action movies, playing football I don’t like: Romance movies, living at home, I think I will like: Jazz music, watching football, mystery movies, watching the news I won’t like: Loud teenagers, rap music Brain Storming Example Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  18. Poetry Writing • Using the two lists as a writing prompt, students will compose a poem from the perspective of their future selves looking back on themselves as teens. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  19. Useful Websites: Ageism • What is Ageism? • http://www.healthandage.com/Home/gid2=1639 • Aging & Ageism • http://www.pscw.uva.nl/sociosite/TOPICS/aging.html • Ageism Resources • http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/ageism.htm Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  20. More Useful Websites • Ageism • http://www.aoa.gov/NAIC/Notes/ageism.htm • NWSA Aging & Ageism Caucus • http://www.nwsa.org/aging.htm Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  21. Diversity Lesson: Race Examination of Race in a Poem by Langston Hughes Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  22. Poetry Reading • “I, Too,” by Langston Hughes • The instructor will read poem aloud to class Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  23. Small Group Discussion • Students will get into groups of three or four and discuss implications of poem, if they are valid , and how they would respond to Hughes given the chance. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  24. Class Discussion • Small groups will choose one speaker to present views discussed in their group • Instructor will record points of discussion on board Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  25. Journal Response • Students’ responses will focus on their interpretation of what Hughes is saying to them as individuals • How does this make them feel? Do they agree or disagree with Hughes? Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  26. Poetry Writing • Students will compose a poem in response to “I, Too” by Langston Hughes • Students poetry must directly address the issues raised by Hughes as identified in class discussion & journal entries Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  27. Useful Websites: Race • World Conference on Racism • http://www.un.org/WCAR • Race, Racism,, & the Law • http://academic.udayton.edu/race/ • Multiculturalism & Diversity- The New Racism • http://multiculturalism.aynrand.org/ Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  28. More Useful Websites • Sociosite: Ethnicity, Migration & Racism • http://www.pscwuva.nl/sociosite/TOPICS/Ethnic.html • ACLU: Racial Equality • http://www.aclu.org/profiling/ Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  29. Diversity Lesson: Class A Closer Look at the Issue of Class in a Poem by Langston Hughes Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  30. Poetry Reading • “Ballad of the Landlord,” by Langston Hughes • Instructor will read poem aloud to class Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  31. Brainstorming • Students will pair off and generate plausible dialogue that would take place between a landlord and renter as found in the poem Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  32. Role Playing • Students will act out brief scene using the dialogue they created between the narrator of the poem and the landlord Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  33. Journal Response • Students’ responses should focus on what they would do if they were in the narrator’s position, what role the class of the people involved played, and why the narrator may have reacted the way he did in the poem Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  34. Poetry Writing • Students will compose a poem concerning a time when they have been aware of their own class status and how it made them feel or how a situation may have turned out differently if they were part of another class Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  35. Useful Websites: Class • You Want Class Warfare? • http://www.tompaine.com/op_ads/opad.cfm/ID/7085 • Class Warfare: Fact & Fiction • http://www.tcf.org/Publications/Issue_Briefs/ClassWarfare/intro.pdf Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  36. More Useful Websites • Class Warfare • http://www-csli.stanford.edu/~nunberg/class.html • Class Warfare • http://www.thbookservice.com/BookPage.asp?prod_cd=c6112 • Now Is the Time • http://www.observer.co.uk/comment/story/0,6903,605591,00.html Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  37. Diversity Lesson: Language International Poetry as an Introduction to Foreign Culture Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  38. Internet Discovery • Students will engage in an internet search for poetry written in a language other than English Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  39. Poetry Translation • Students will use the internet to obtain an English translation of the poem Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  40. Poetry Reading • Students will read in class the poem in its language of origin and then share the translation Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  41. Journal Response • Students’ entries should focus on how the point of view presented in the poem may be similar to or different than their own in regards to the topic of the poem Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  42. Poetry Writing • Students will write a poem about the country of origin for the poem they found. • Poem should focus on what they learned about the culture and people Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  43. Useful Websites: Language • Apples & Oranges Poetry Magazine • http://www.aopoetry.com/ • International Poetry • http://www.geocities.com/johbeil/transl_index.html Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  44. More Useful Websites • International Poetry Forum • http://www.thepoetryforum.org/ • Poetry Repair Shop • http://www.geocities.com/~poetryrepairs • The Poetry Challenge • http://www.poetrychallenge.org/ Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  45. Diversity Lesson: Belief Systems/Religions Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  46. Useful Websites: Belief Systems/Religion • http://aril.org/World.html • http://www.nwrcl.org/ • http://www.splcenter.org/teachingtolerance/tt-index.html • http://home.earthlink.net/%7Edboals1/diversit.html • http://www.mhhc.com/socscience/education/multi/activites.html Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  47. Activity • Students will be asked to bring in different examples of ethnic/religious intolerance in current events. • Students will then discuss their chosen topics with the class. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  48. Activity • Examples of different cultural poetry will be read in class to students. • Students will then be asked to get into groups and discuss the poems. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  49. Activity • Students will be asked to choose one culture or religion to research. • Students will be required to complete a graphic organizer based on their research. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

  50. Activity • After completing a graphic organizer, students will write a poem about their chosen culture or religion. Pinson, Powell,Sturgeon / Diversity Technology Project

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