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2013 Legislative Session Briefing

2013 Legislative Session Briefing. Daytona State College Cabinet – June 18, 2013. Community College Program Fund (CCPF) Daytona State College allocation - $50,626,420 Capital Project – Classroom/Student Services Building - $3,000,000 Vetoed. Budget. Capital Project.

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2013 Legislative Session Briefing

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  1. 2013 Legislative Session Briefing Daytona State College Cabinet – June 18, 2013

  2. Community College Program Fund (CCPF) Daytona State College allocation - $50,626,420 • Capital Project – Classroom/Student Services Building - $3,000,000 • Vetoed Budget Capital Project

  3. Redefines “developmental education” as accelerated, modularized, contextualized and compressed coursework. • Defines “Gatekeeper Courses” and “Meta-majors” • Requires very specific notification to each student about developmental education options Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1720 Developmental Education

  4. Exempts Florida public high school graduates who entered high school in 2003-04 school year and any thereafter who earned a standard high school diploma from placement testing. • Exempts active duty members of the U.S. military from placement testing. Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1720 Developmental Education

  5. State Board of Education to establish meta-majors and academic pathways by December 31, 2013. • Each college must submit a developmental education plan to the Chancellor by March 1, 2014. • All colleges must implement developmental education plans by Fall 2014 Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1720 Developmental Education

  6. Requires annual accountability reports to the Governor, Legislature and State Board of Education. • Increases limit for Florida College fee exemptions from 40 to 54 FTE, or 1% of the college’s total FTE enrollment, whichever is greater. Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1720 Developmental Education

  7. General Education Provisions • Restores general education credits to 36 from 30 • Delays implementation of core academic courses to 2015-16 • Other Provisions • Revises duties and membership of the Higher Education Coordinating Council Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1720 Developmental Education

  8. Primarily a K-12, career technical center bill. • Provisions apply to Florida colleges offering career and technical education • Requires development of Postsecondary Industry Certification Funding List for performance funds. • $1,000 per specified industry certification Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1076 Career and Professional Academies

  9. Requires the State Board of Education to recommend a performance funding methodology for Florida Colleges based on • % of graduates employed or enrolled in further education • Average wages of employed graduates • Average cost per graduate • Similar language applies to state’s universities. Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1076 Career and Professional Academies

  10. $10,000 baccalaureate degree fee waivers • Authorizes colleges to waive any portion of the tuition, activity and service fee, financial aid fee, technology fee, capital improvement fee and distance learning fee for the purpose of offering a $10,000 baccalaureate degree. • Applies to upper division coursework only. Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1076 Career and Professional Academies

  11. Adult General Education • Adult education students must: • Identify employment opportunities using market-driven tools • Create personalized employment goal • Conduct skill and knowledge inventory • Compare results with what is needed to attain employment • Upgrade skills and knowledge needed through adult general education programs. Major Higher Education Legislation SB 1076 Career and Professional Academies

  12. Dual Enrollment (SB 1514) • Prohibits Florida colleges from limiting dual enrollment based on capacity. • Requires school districts to pay the standard tuition rate per credit hour from Florida Education Funding Program funds for any public school students taking dual enrollment courses on college campuses. Higher Education Issues Other Issues

  13. QUESTIONS? Prepared by Sharon Crow Senior Vice President Governmental Relations Higher Education Issues 2013

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