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Reaching Middle SCHOOL and Elementary School Students Today for our Academy Tomorrow

S pace. T echnology. a nd R obotic . S ystems. Reaching Middle SCHOOL and Elementary School Students Today for our Academy Tomorrow. Paying it Forward. The Fifth Discipline: The art of practice of the learning organization.

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Reaching Middle SCHOOL and Elementary School Students Today for our Academy Tomorrow

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  1. Space Technology and Robotic Systems Reaching Middle SCHOOL and Elementary School Students Today for our Academy Tomorrow Paying it Forward

  2. The Fifth Discipline: The art of practice of the learning organization • “A shared vision is not an idea. It is not even an important idea such as freedom. It is, rather, a force in people’s hearts, a force of impressive power. It may be inspired by an idea, but once it goes further—if it is compelling enough to acquire the support of more than one person—then it is no longer an abstraction. It is palpable. People begin to see it as if it exists. Few, if any, forces in human affairs are as powerful as shared vision.” (Senge, 1990, p.192)

  3. Space Technology and Robotic Systems Todd Woldtwold@education.ucsb.eduEd.D. candidate 2012 Paying it Forward

  4. Lompoc High Demographics According to the CDE Accountability Report Card

  5. Comparable Demographics *No HAWC Academy data for 2010-2011

  6. Aggregated Academy Data LHS **2011 Graduation rate unavailable, LHS data includes Academy Graduation rate.

  7. CPA: Community Partnerships • The CPA law requires each academy to receive financial or in-kind contributions from employers that equal or exceed the amount of the State grant. • The goal of CREATE is to address the demonstrated high demand for renewable energy technicians in southern and central California as a multi-county consortium. • As a piece of our grant partnership with CREATE, we are able to budget $3000 to run our summer camp.

  8. STaRS Academy Partners • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics • Analex Corp. • Boeing • California Space Authority • CinnectEd • CREATE California • InDyne • Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce • NASA/KSC/VAFB • NASA Ames Research Center • Small Manufacturers Institute • SpaceX • Orbital Sciences • United Launch Alliance • KidWind Lompoc High School 2011-2012

  9. Green-Energy Summer Camps

  10. Green-Energy Summer Camps

  11. Campers

  12. Green-Energy Summer Camps

  13. Green-Energy Summer Camps

  14. Development

  15. Development

  16. Mentoring

  17. Mentoring

  18. Leadership and the New Science: Discovering order in a chaotic world • “In a field view of organizations, we attend first to clarity…and then we must make certain that everyone has access to this field…vision statements move off the walls and into the corridors…in the past we may have thought of ourselves as skilled designers of organizations, assembling the pieces…we need all of us out there, stating, clarifying, reflecting, modeling…if we do…a powerful field develops—and with it, the wondrous capacity to organize into coherent, capable form.” (Wheatley, 2006, p.56)

  19. Organizational Culture and Leadership • “In a rapidly changing world, the learning leader must not only have vision but also be able both to impose it and to evolve it further as external circumstances change…the culture creation leader needs persistence and patience, yet as a leader must be flexible and ready to change…The difficult learning agenda for leaders is how to be simultaneously clear and strong in articulating their vision and yet open to change.” (Schein, 2010, p.374)

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