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Broadway Joe A Roast Above. Breakfast Foods. Bakery - scones, cinnamon rolls, muffins, quiches, granola, caramel rolls Lunch Foods Fresh soups, salads, sandwiches(served from 11:00am-3:00pm) and our famous individual, thin crust, wood fire baked pizzas (Pizzas served from 11:00am-1:00pm).
Breakfast Foods • Bakery - scones, cinnamon rolls, muffins, quiches, granola, caramel rolls Lunch Foods • Fresh soups, salads, sandwiches(served from 11:00am-3:00pm) and our famous individual, thin crust, wood fire baked pizzas (Pizzas served from 11:00am-1:00pm)
Specialty Drinks • Lattes, Mochas, Espresso, Teas, Milkshakes, Smoothies, Steamers, Cappuccinos, Hot Chocolate Drip Coffee (Individual drip) • Dark roast: Broadway Joe, French Roast • Medium Roast: Costa Rican, Sumatra • Light Roast: Sunrise, Decaf • Coffee of the Week: Changes weekly
Services • Free Wi-Fi: wireless internet network that the customers are allowed to access • Open Mic night: Thursdays nights, open to anyone who wants to talk • Free delivery on orders in excess of $20: by phone or via internet
Target Customers • In store: Welcome to all ages. Products are 100% organic, target groups: health conscious people and students • Online: business people with no time to come in can order online, anyone who is interested in learning more about our products and services
Marketing Mix • Storefront Operation -Punchcards: every 10th cup is free -A person in a coffee cup suit -Flyers: Advertising both Broadway Joe and mic night • Online Operation -Pop-up ad: 2 for 1 coupons for our famous pizza -Associate Programs: trade advertisements with other related companies, recognized on both our site and theirs -Search Engine Optimization: when someone searches online for coffee related products in Laramie, Broadway Joe is the first to come up
Metrics • Number of Unique Visitors: Tracks who is visiting our site and for how long-better narrows our customer demographics • Cookies: Used to obtain information about customers and their web activities. Can be used to determine on which websites we should advertise • Clickstream-Dates and Times: Tracks when the customers are viewing our website most frequently in the day, we can offer special discounts or promotions at peak times
Web 2.0 Technology • Pandaform http://www.go2web20.net/site/?a=PandaForm Using this website we can build forms such as: order forms, and keep a detailed list of business contacts. • Cardmobili http://www.go2web20.net/site/?a=Cardmobili It allows you to have all your cards on your phone. Instead of showing the cashier your credit card along with your punch card, just show your phone and it’s done. • AnswerGarden http://www.go2web20.net/site/?a=AnswerGarden Using this allows customers to post comments and concerns about our business or website, using this we can see what customers are unsatisfied with, and how to better serve them.
Business Information • The purpose of our business is to make and sell organic coffee and baked goods. • To stand out from the competition we have open mic night on Thursdays to attract customers, as well as free Wi-Fi for anyone in hopes that it brings more business to our coffee house
How it began… • Grandfather left us this coffee house, and we turned it around for the better • We implemented a new website and better advertising campaign to attract more customers
ERP Fundamentals • Our ERP is Microsoft Dynamics made by Microsoft • Our System: • Allows stronger connections with customers, resulting in stronger profits • Helps provide business insight for effective decision making • Improves production of people and processes • Promotes growth of the organization to gain competitive advantage • Manages financial accounts and promotes fiscal responsibility • Helps to reduce IT costs • Allows the company to adapt to changing business conditions and promotes IT agility
How we Implement our ERP System • We buy the program and install it in our computer system to improve our business efficiency • Pros: Easily installed, simple interface, user friendly, scalable to individual businesses. • Cons: must be implemented on all systems, only compatible with Microsoft operating systems • Cost: $600 for software and license
Refenences Baltzan, P. and Phillips, A. (2011). M: Information Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill CardMobili. (2010). CardMobili. (online) Available http://www.cardmobili.com/, October 4, 2010. Creative Heros. (2010). AnswerGarden. (online) Available http://answergarden.ch/, October 4, 2010. Genescoffeebeans.com. (2010) Coffee bean picture. Used as slide backgrounds. Accessed October 4, 2010 from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.genescoffeebeans.com/uploads/coffec_beans.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.genescoffeebeans.com/country_of_origin_coffees.htht&usg=__HD7Egx1J0rgLpfLhtRQ1TlxoBSQ=&h=600&w=800&sz=200&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=GMCsgU__SRuzpM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcoffee%2Bbeans%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1255%26bib%3D619%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1. Microsoft, Initials. (2010). Microsoft dynamics. Retrieved from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/default.aspx NexTag Inc., Initials. (2010, November 5). Microsoft dynamics point of sale 2.0 pos software. Retrieved from http://www.nextag.com/Microsoft-DYNAMICS-POINT-OF541523257/prices-html Oursky Limited. (2010). Build Forms + Track Contacts for Business. (online) Available http://www.pandaform.com/, October 4, 2010.