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Vietnam War. A Storybook by Krista Trostle. Operation Sunrise. The first test of the Strategic Hamlet Program Brought people from their ancestral grounds with no compensation into small villages called Hamlets These Hamlets were then protected by local milita
Vietnam War A Storybook by Krista Trostle
Operation Sunrise • The first test of the Strategic Hamlet Program • Brought people from their ancestral grounds with no compensation into small villages called Hamlets • These Hamlets were then protected by local milita • Easily taken over by the Viet Cong who would kill or intimidate the leaders • Mostly a failure • Many people would escape the Hamlets to return to their homelands, which made the main purpose of the program fail as the people they were trying to protect were going into newly designated free fire zones Building a Barrier
Assassination of Diem • The South Vietnamese Army overthrew Diem • The next day, Diem and his brother were both killed • Many people celebrated, but this prompted political turmoil • At first, America denied helping at all, but it was later revieled that they encouraged the leaders who planned it during a series of meetings • Three weeks later, Kennedy was assassinated Diem on the Cover of Time
Gulf of Tonkin • Torpedo boats were used to destroy two U.S. destroyers • Johnson used this saying America needed to retailiate against aggression • Johnson used it to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • The troops and South Vietnam gained support from America allowing the war to escale even further Motor torpedo boats attacking US ships
Free Fire Zones • A measure that approved fire on everything in the zone • Free fire meant that everything was considered an enemy, even women, children, and the elderly • It was supposed to only be declared a free fire zone if all the people were soldiers, but oftentimes it was declared prematurely and there were still civilians • Many civilians died because of this A Free Fire Zone under attack in Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder • Bombing campaign against the North Vietnamese • Objectives were to demoralize the North Vietnamese people and created political chaos, but failed on both accounts • Officially started on March 2nd, 1965 when 100 US planes attacked an ammunition base at Xom Bang • Even though it was only supposed to last 8 weeks, it lasted from March until October • 643,000 lbs of bombs dropped • Damage to Veitnam was put at $300 million, but US costs at $900 million • Ended when President Johnson offered its end as a way to get North Vietnam to the negotiating table Bombing During Operation Rolling Thunder
March 8th, 1965 • General Westmoreland asked for two corps of Marines to gurad U.S. facilities • Combat troops began arriving in Vietnam on March 8th, 1965 • At first, there was 50,000, that was revised to 80,000, then in June, 200,000 • July 28th, President Johnson announnced that draft calls would be increased so the US could raise their troop strength from 75,000 to 125,000 • By the end of the year there were 184,314 American troops serving there • On June 8th, Johnson authorized American Troops to engage in direct combat operations
Hoa Lo Prison • Nicknamed the Hanoi Hilton • A prison where American Soldiers were kept for long periods of time in isolation in small, dank, dark rooms that reeked of urine and vomit without being cleaned • Infested with mosquitos, cochroaches, and rats • Given little food, what was given was contaminated • Little to no medical care • Camp Authority, those in charge, tortured American soldiers • Some estimates as high as 95% of inmates were tortured
Hoa Lo Prisoners Resistance • Even though they were faced with torture, many resisted • They were not allowed to talk, so instead they made a way to communicate through tapping • One man went on television being forced to say there were not war crimes happening, he blinked the word torture in morse code • "The POWs had one mental exercise in common," wrote Robert Timberg in The Nightingale's Song. "They committed to memory the name of every prisoner they knew of, which eventually included almost all of the nearly six hundred aviators in captivity. The mind game was serious business. Suspicious of Vietnamese claims that they had made public an accurate prisoner list, the Americans wanted to be ready for any opportunity to smuggle out a complete roster."
Tet Offensive • A surprise bombing operation launched by the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong • On January 31st, 1968 the Vietcong and North Vietnamese attacked all of South Vietnams Capitols and military bases at once • The death toll exceeded 500 a week at some points • It was hard to regain all the lost ground • Crippled the American Army • Shocked the United States public
My Lai Massacre • The My Lai Massacre took place on March 16, 1968. • No one knew what happened for more than a year • The search and destroy mission degenerated into the massacre of over 300 unarmed civilians, women, children, and elderly • Lieutenant Calley ordered his men to enter the village firing, even though there was no opposing fire • Witnesses said praying women and children were shot in the back of the head • At least one girl was raped, then killed.
Operation Sunrise Kevin, Dougherty, and Stewert Jason. The Timeline of the Vietnam War. 1st ed. London: Thunder Bay Press, 2008. 94. Print. "The Vietnam War America Commits 1961-1964." The History Place. 1999. The History Place, Web. 30 Nov 2009. <http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/vietnam/index-1961.html>. Assassination of Diem "The Cold War Continued: The Vietnam War." American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, Victor Bondi, Richard Layman, Tandy McConnell, and Vincent Tompkins. Vol. 7: 1960-1969. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. GETTYSBURG AREA HIGH SCHOOL. 27 Nov. 2009 http://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=pl2248. "Ngo Dinh Diem Assassinated in South Vietnam." This Day in History. A&E Television Networks, Web. 30 Nov 2009. <http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Article&id=2472>. Sources (by slide title)
Sources cont. Gulf of Tonkin Kevin, Dougherty, and Stewert Jason. The Timeline of the Vietnam War. 1st ed. London: Thunder Bay Press, 2008. 58. Print. Hall, Mitchel. Vietnam War Era Perspectives and People. 1st. Santa Barbara California: ABC-CLIOa, 2009. 62-63. Print Free Fire Zones "Calley, William." Vietnam War Reference Library. Vol. 1: Biographies Volume 1. Detroit: UXL, 2001. 30-37. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. GETTYSBURG AREA HIGH SCHOOL. 30 Nov. 2009 http://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=pl2248. Operation Rolling Thunder Kevin, Dougherty, and Stewert Jason. The Timeline of the Vietnam War. 1st ed. London: Thunder Bay Press, 2008. 64-65. Print. "Operation Rolling Thunder." History Learning Site. 2009. History Learning Site, Web. 30 Nov 2009. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/operation_rolling_thunder.htm>.
Sources cont. March 8th, 1965 "The Cold War Continued: The Vietnam War." American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, Victor Bondi, Richard Layman, Tandy McConnell, and Vincent Tompkins. Vol. 7: 1960-1969. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. GETTYSBURG AREA HIGH SCHOOL. 30 Nov. 2009 http://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=pl2248. "The Vietnam War the Jungle War 1965-1968." The History Place. 2009. The History Place, Web. 30 Nov 2009. http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/vietnam/index-1965.html. Hoa Lo Prison "Stockdale, James." Vietnam War Reference Library. Vol. 4: Primary Sources. Detroit: UXL, 2001. 179-196. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. GETTYSBURG AREA HIGH SCHOOL. 30 Nov. 2009 http://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=pl2248. "Hoa Lo Prison." Vienam Beauty. 12 Jan 2009. Vietnam Beauty, Web. 30 Nov 2009. <http://www.vietnam-beauty.com/cities/ha-noi/4-ha-noi/257-hoa-lo-prison.html>.
Sources cont. Ho Loa Prisioners Resistance "Stockdale, James." Vietnam War Reference Library. Vol. 4: Primary Sources. Detroit: UXL, 2001. 179-196. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. GETTYSBURG AREA HIGH SCHOOL. 30 Nov. 2009 http://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=pl2248. "Hoa Lo Prison." Vienam Beauty. 12 Jan 2009. Vietnam Beauty, Web. 30 Nov 2009. http://www.vietnam-beauty.com/cities/ha-noi/4-ha-noi/257-hoa-lo-prison.html. Tet Offensive Hall, Mitchel. Vietnam War Era Perspectives and People. 1st. Santa Barbara California: ABC-CLIOa, 2009. 51-52. Print. "Tet Offensive." Travel and History. U-S-History, Web. 30 Nov 2009. <http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1862.html>.
Sources cont. My Lai Massace "The My Lai Massacre." Vietnam Online. 2009. American Experience, Web. 30 Nov 2009. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/vietnam/trenches/my_lai.html. Hall, Mitchel. Vietnam War Era Perspectives and People. 1st. Santa Barbara California: ABC-CLIOa, 2009. 143-144. Print.