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COMMUNITY POLICIING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. David H. Bayley Distinguished Professor University at Albany. 以比較觀點談社區警政. 貝里博士 榮譽教授 紐約州立大學 奥本尼校區 伍姿蓉.陳斐鈴譯. Organization of Today's Presentation. Why has COP lost its luster? What does work in police crime-prevention?
COMMUNITY POLICIING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE David H. Bayley Distinguished Professor University at Albany
以比較觀點談社區警政 貝里博士 榮譽教授 紐約州立大學 奥本尼校區 伍姿蓉.陳斐鈴譯
Organization of Today's Presentation Why has COP lost its luster? What does work in police crime-prevention? What COP principles are still important? COP in an age of terrorism. Future of COP.
今日演說綱要 社區警政為何失去光環 ? 警察犯罪預防工作中,何者有效 ? 社區警政的原則中,那些仍舊重要 ? 在恐怖主義年代的社區警政 社區警政的未來
Community Policing: Evidence of Effectiveness Over the past two decades, there has been a major investment on the part of the police and the public in community policing. Because community policing involves so many different tactics, its effect as a general strategy cannot be evaluated. Some community policing strategies appear to reduce crime, disorder, or fear of crime. But many other have not been found to be effective when evaluated.
社區警政:效用之證據 過去20年,警察和大眾一直致力於社區警政的投資。因為社區警政牽涉許多不同的方案,如同其他一般的策略,它的影響難以評估。 一些社區警政的策略明顯可以降低犯罪、失序或對犯罪的恐懼感;但是許多的策略在接受評估時卻未見成效。
警察策略 運用 各種不同 方式包含 執法 單獨依賴 執法 未聚焦 聚焦 鮮少有效或無效 中度有效的證據 -缺乏特色的社區警政 -問題導向警政 例如 :新聞稿 強度有效的證據 弱度有效 -在犯罪熱點的問題解決 -社區警政的個人接觸 -警民互相尊重的接觸 -改善警察合法性 -步巡(降低恐懼) 鮮少有效 不一致或弱度有效的證據 -增加警力 -對慣犯的調查 -一般巡邏 中度到強度有效的證據 -快速反應 -著重密集的執法 -事後偵查 -犯罪熱點區的巡邏 -對暴力犯罪不做區別的逮捕 委員會對警察效用研究結果的彙整
Police Effectiveness in Crime Control The “standard model of policing” that relies on increasing resources for law-enforcement generally applied rather than targeted on particular places does not work. E.g. hiring additional personnel, intensifying patrolling, reducing response times, increasing the proportion of arrests to reported crime.
在犯罪控制中警察的效用 • 仰賴增加一般執法所運用的資源而非針對特定地點的〝標準警政模式〞,並沒有效用。 例如增聘人員、加強巡邏、降低反應時間及增加逮捕率等。
Police Effectiveness in Crime Control Police are more effective when they focus operations on particular persons or places and when they utilize more than deterrent law enforcement. The most effective strategies use a problem-oriented approach and target their application.
在犯罪控制中警察的效用 • 警察聚焦在特定的人員或地點及不只運用威嚇的執法方式時,是較有效用的。 最有效用的策略是運用問題導向的方法及鎖定其運用。
Core Programs of Community Policing Consultation Adaptation Mobilization Problem solving
社區警政的核心方案 1、諮詢 2、調適 3、動員 4、解決問題