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USDA FFVP Program Training 2013 - 2014. July 11, 2013. Training Objectives. Operate a FFVP that meets Administrative Review requirements. Implement a Financial Management and Budget Plan for 2 grant periods of the SY 2014 FFVP which uses all of the allotted funds. Training Objectives Cont.
USDA FFVP Program Training 2013 - 2014 July 11, 2013
Training Objectives • Operate a FFVP that meets Administrative Review requirements. • Implement a Financial Management and Budget Plan for 2 grant periods of the SY 2014 FFVP which uses all of the allotted funds.
Training Objectives Cont. • Create FFVP snack menus which include variety and Georgia-grown produce. • Identify FFVP grant nutrition education activities and uses for resources received.
Is there a Handbook? http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/ffvp/
What are the goals ofthe FFVP? Healthier food choices Healthier school environments Expand variety of F/V that children experience Increase children’s F/V consumption Make a difference in children’s diets to impact present & future health
What’s the History of FFVP? • The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers the FFVP at the national level. • Within participating states, the FFVP is administered through the State Department of Education.
History: The Beginning • FFVP began as a pilot project under the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002. • This Act authorized funds for 4 States: Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, and one Indian Tribal Organization. • The purpose of the pilot was to determine the best practices for increasing fresh fruit and fresh vegetable consumption in schools. • 2004 - 4 more states( NC, MS, PA, WA) – made “permanent” under NSLP. • 2006 expanded again to add 6 more states.
History: The Beginning cont.… • The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, aka, the Farm Bill, became law on May 22, 2008 (Public Law 110-234). • Section 4303 of P.L. 110-234 amended the National School Lunch Act by adding Section 19, the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, making it a permanent program nationwide.
What’s new this year?? • 156 Schools participating • $50.08 per student allocation • First Quarter allotment: increased from 16% to 17.5%
How are schools selected?Page 7 • Schools must be an elementary school. • Schools must operate the NSLP. • Schools must submit an application. • Selected schools must have 50% or more students eligible for F/R meals. • Highest priority must be given to schools in good standing with highest percentage of low-income students. • Total enrollment of all schools must result in a per student allocation of $50 - $75 per year.
Why 2 grant periods? School year July 1 – Sept 30 Oct. 1 – June 30 Federal fiscal year Oct. 1 through Sept. 30
Allotment When do I get my allotments? How do I get my allotments?
BUDGET Example • October-June allotment: $25,000 • October-June serving days: 132 • $25,000 ÷ 132=$189.39 daily allotment • Oct. serving days: 18 x $189.39=$3409.02 • Nov. serving days: 16 x $189.39=$3030.24 • Dec. serving days: 11 x $189.39=$2083.29 • March serving days: 21 x $189.39=$3977.19
Monthly Claim for Reimbursement • Due 20th after month end. • Must include supporting documentation: • invoices • timesheets with hourly wage & benefits • APPROVED Equipment Pre-Approval • MAY INCLUDE Nutrition Ed games, fact sheets, lessons, photos, menus*, etc.
Monthly Claim for Reimbursement • Operating Cost • Fresh Fruits & Veggies • Labor to prepare snacks • Small Supplies Examples: napkins, paper plates, serving containers, utensils, knives, cutting boards, and low-fat dip
Monthly Claim for Reimbursement • Administrative Cost Kitchen Equipment, and also scanners, camera with accessories, etc. Leasing equipment Labor costs: planning, budgeting, etc… NOTserving or preparing F&V snack. • Administrative costs are limited to 10% of each of your 2 allotments.
>>>> SNO FFVP Invoice Application <<< https://portaluat.doe.k12.ga.us/SchoolNutrition.aspx?page=CSA&acl=A&oid=46048
SNO Navigational Instructions • Multi-page full color document • Provides step-by-step instructions how to submit your claim • Print and review reports before submitting to avoid “REJECTED”
BREAK • Please return promptly in 15 minutes
How do schools purchase fruits and vegetables? Local Procurement Policy Produce Bid (Bid Supplies & Equipment, too)
How is LABOR reported/claimed? Time and Effort • The FFVP is a separate federal program • Time and Effort is required for multiple programs • Maintain T&E at the district office • Check with your business manager for guidance • To be allowable, salaries and benefits charged to a federal award include: • Actual employee time • For each pay period • For all programs • Documented • Signed by employee and supervisor • If NOT being paid by FFVP, then Semi-annual certification will suffice.
Time and Effort cont.. • Q. Where can I find the regulations? • A. Per OFM OMB Circular A-87, Attachment B, Section 8.h
What about Food Safety? Tonya D Gray, MPA, RS Food Safety and Security School Nutrition Program Georgia Department of Education 1662 Twin Towers East 205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, SE Atlanta, GA 30334 Phone: 404-463-6928 E-mail: tgray@doe.K12.ga.us Web Page: http://www.ga.doe.org/fbo_nutrition.aspx
LUNCH • Lunch Buffet -----Enjoy! • Please return promptly in 45 minutes
When are Administrative Reviews scheduled? • Administrative Review, FFVP Portion (#1900 - #1910) • FFVP Self-Monitoring encouraged