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ENERGY AUDITING tool to increase ENER GY EFFICIENCY. Ing. Bronislava Herdová , PhD. energy auditor. Why energy efficiency?. Overal EU policy objective: 20% GHG emissions – 20% RES – 20% Energy savings ( until 2020)
ENERGY AUDITINGtool to increaseENERGY EFFICIENCY Ing. Bronislava Herdová, PhD. energyauditor En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
Why energy efficiency? Overal EU policy objective: 20% GHG emissions – 20% RES – 20% Energy savings (until 2020) Directive No. 2006/32/ES on on energy end-use efficiency and energy services New Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency Tools to increase EE? => energy auditing, energy services En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
Why energy efficiency? cheapest energy is that which is not necessary to produce EE is in the center of economy and political attention EE contributes to fulfilment of main three targets of EU energy policy - sustainability, security and competitivness EE decreases dependance of economy on non-stabile prices of oil and gas EE is part of healthy energy and economy policy of state It supports local economy and its growth based on innovations It increase lifetime of objects and technology equipment Decreases operational costs, environmental impact Saves money and time En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
WHAT IS AN ENERGY AUDIT (EA)? pool of activities (systematic procedure) focused on analysis of current energy need and consumption going out of valid technical standards, analysis of problems (weaknesses and deficiencies), EA identifies and in detail quantifies effective possibilities of energy savings tailored to the object being analyzed, „field-work“, economy tool having dynamic character, often basis for grant financing of projects. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
WHAT IS THE AIM OF EA? to minimize costs for energy to minimize operational costs to minimize costs for repairs and reconstruction increase quality of environment that contributes to increased work productivity In case of EA as duty (Industrial consumers with annual energy consumption over 5,5 GWh/year) the procedure of EA as well as content of the report is determined by Regulation No. 429/2009. In case of voluntary EA is the content and focus as well as target given by customers requirement. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
MAIN TOPICS/AREAS OF EA Subject of energy consumption analysis are energy resources consumed in the industrial area, i.e.: Electricity Natural gas Steam Coal Wood, wood chips/pellets Fuels (petrol, oil, propane-butane)..... En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
MAIN TOPICS/AREAS OF EA thermal-technical protection of buildings, heating systems hot water preparation, ventilation systems and air-conditioning (buildings and technology) electric appliances (administrative and technological incl. electrical connection, transformation, distribution network, el. switchboards, el. compensation) gas or other energy resources consuming appliances (furnaces, cleaning devices,..) Indoor/outdoor lighting, measurement and regulation. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
WHAT OFFERS EA TO THE CUSTOMER? • identifies highest achievable potential of energy and costs savings and its effort, • points out on often visible as well as hidden technical/hygienic/safety deficiencies of buildings and building and production technology equipment,... • recommends technical parameters of measures, • calculatesinvestment needs of measures, their asset - economical, technical, environmental, • proposes procedure for realisation of measures, • it is very effective technical, economical and management tool for investment decision processes going out of economical modelling, • it is solid basement for effective control of energy consumption and herewith also • operational costs En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
ENERGY AUDIT - PRACTICE Identification of subject of EA Data collection, analysis and evaluation of current status Proposal of EE and RES measures Economy and environmental evaluation of measures Proposal of at least two variants for implementation of measures and recommendation of optimal variant Drafting of written report from EA En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
CASE STUDY – chemical industry En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
a) Collection of main data about the customer and basic description: Step 1: Identification – EA subject Name of company: OSPRA Invest, Ltd. Legal status: Ltd Address: Rovinka, BA (Istrochem) Responsible person: Contact: Sector: Chemical industry Subject of EA: -buildings (administrative and production hall) and their technical equipment -production technology En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
Step 1: Identification – EA subject En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
b) Description of main activities of EA c) Site plan d) List of all buildings and theirs use, description of all energy consumers 1 – security 2 – AB, dressing rooms, showers 3 – new storage hall 4 – main production hall (offices, social spaces, production hall Bielloni, production hall A, B, welding hall) 5 – storage hall – tent 6 – crusher of waste follies - recycling 7 – container housing units 8 – transformer station - TS 1, TS 2 TS3 – out of the area of the company 1 STEP: Identification of subject of EA – site plan En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
Production of re-granulate 1 STEP: Identification of subject of EA – site plan (ISTROCHEM) En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on energy inputs • Collection of monthly energy and water consumption of at least of 3 last years! • Collect data on costs coupled with purchase of energy for relevant 3 years • Most of the data from INVOICES • If possible – readings from meters or data collected through e-manager application if available • Energy consumption that is given by climate conditions should be re-calculated with decree-days!!! En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on energy inputs • OSPRA Invest, Ltd. (Rovinka+BA): • 97,4% of all energy consumed is ELECTRICITY (57% Rovinka, 43% BA) • No Natural gas consumption • 2,6% - fuels En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on transformation and el. distribution • Who is power supplier (ZSE, a.s.), measurement on NN or VN side • Power supply through 3 TS, 3 x 22 kV line, transformation from 22 to 420/230 • Data about transformers (type, year of construction, output, connection, cooling?... • Data about VN and NN distribution lines (dimensions and lengths of distribution lines, used materials, transmission power, scheme of el. connection, technical state, technical state, equipment with measurement and regulation, control of el. review reports (duty)) • Data about switchboxes in the VN/NN • Control of power factor correction • Control of invoices on technical supply conditions and tariffs En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection about main energy consumers • Main energy consumers: • Buildings • Production technology • A. In case of buildings (thermal protection, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning): • Purpose and operation • Thermal-technical parameters of buildings • Building technical equipment (HVAC) • Thermal losses • Consumption of energy for operation of buildings En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • Thermal-technical parameters of heated buildings, • check project documentation • check building materials and parameters of all building envelope components, • measure indoor temperature in heating period (ideally also in summer) • Heating/hot water system: • check for type of heating (steam, hot water, electricity), common system for heating and hot water? • type, characteristics and technical parameters of heat sources (el. boiler, gas boiler, coal boiler, biomass…) • types of heating bodies (el. convectors, infra-red heaters, radiators (hot water/steam)...) En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • heat distribution network length and thermal insulation, materials and thickness • check if consumption of electricity for heating/hot water is measured, • make on site measurement of internal temperature 22oC, • how is the measurement and regulation (equithermic, hydraulic regulation, thermostatic valves...) • check all relevant documentation – project documentation, revisions, and etc. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • Heating: OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka, BA not analyzed) • electric heating – el. infra-red heaters in production hall, el. convectors, el. oil radiators • indoor temperature: 22oC • regulation (according to indoor temperature) • Hot water: OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka, BA not analyzed) • prepared for dressing rooms (showers) and toilets • el. heaters En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • Cooling and ventilation • Check and collect same data as in case of heating...characteristic and technical data of source,distribution, measurement®ulation… • OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka, BA not analysed) - ventilation • No central ventilation system, only ventilators placed in the roof ( 6 x 750 W) and by ventilation windows • these consumers are not important consumers • However the ventilation – fresh air intake and extraction of waste air was not satisfacory! • OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka, BA not analysed) – cooling/air-conditioning system • No central cooling system, only 2 adiabatic evaporative chillers installed on the roof En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka, BA not analysed) – coolling • No central cooling system, only 2 adiabatic evaporative chillers installed on the roof for 2 production halls • Number of adiabatic evaporative chillers: 2 • Type: evaporative chillers JH 30 • Parameters of chiller: Qvzd. = 30 000 m3/hod. x 2 = 60 000 m3/hod. • El. input power: 3,0 x 2= 6,0 kW, 3 x 380V, 50Hz. • Coolling output (tout 30 °C and relative humidity 45%): Qch = 100 kW. • Assumed average water consumption: 0,16 m3/hod / pH 5-7 / • Regulation: according to indoor temperature • Measurement: no separate measurement En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • Indoor lighting • Check for lighting system characteristics and parameters – type of lamps, lighting sources, input power, type of ballast/driver and etc. • Check way of operation and regulation • Check consumption if measured, otherwise check all necessary inputs to calculate lighting electricity consumption • Check if lighting-technical conditions are observed En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on main en. consumers - buildings • Indoor lighting – OSPRA Invest (Rovinka) • - Administrative spaces – associated lighting combined with daylight in-built lamps with linear fluoresenc lighting sources type T8 (1 x 18W, 2 x 36W) with conventional ballast, in some technical places are conventional incandescent lamps 60W • - Production hall – ceilling lamps with IP65, hang down in high of 4,5 m, linear fluorescent lighting sources type T8 with input power 3x36W, conventional ballast....... En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection on en. consumers – production processes • In case of technology consumption • collection of technical data on electric appliances/devices from documentation and /or from labels (input power, voltage, output) • operating mode and time of processes/devices operation during year, • check for technological schemes • control of technical documentation • notes from operation • measured energy consumption of individual devices or production sections (if measured and processed) • level of control of energy consumption and regulation En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection electricity consumers - production En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection electricity consumers - production • Except directly technology consumers, it is necessary to focus also on energy carriers that are input for the production processes – OFTEN BIGGEST POTENTIAL FOR PROPOSAL OF MEASURES: • Compressed air • Heat / Hot water / steam for technology purposes • Cooling of technology devices • Water treatment • Waste water treatment • and etc.... En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection – main el. consumers - production • Compressed air – OSPRA Invest (Rovinka) – pneumatic driver • Is the most expensive energy carrier!!!!! • 3 compressed air production stations – delivery to 2 central compressed air distribution networks • Type of compressors – screw compressors • mater/slave – switch every 24 hours, regulation – according to pressure in the network 7/8,5 atm. • no continuous control of compressors (by inverter) • no regular measurement of pressure decrease in the distribution network • no heat recovery En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection – main el. consumers - production • Cooling – technology purposes – OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka) • FRIGOSYSTEM – placed in hall B – producing of cooling water for extruder (16oC) • Hall Bielony – chiller - cool for central distribution system – only production purposes • Welding hall – chiller - cool for central distribution system – only production purposes • Cooling tower – cooling of recycling device REMA only (already ordered new cooling device) • Regulation – operation according to needed temperature in the cooling system • use of excess heat – in winter for heating, in summer – is exhausted out of the building En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection – main el. consumers - production Cooling – technology purposes – OSPRA INVEST (Rovinka) En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: data collection – main el. consumers - production Cooling – technology purposes – OSPRA INVEST At least for the purpose of preparing energy balance, it is necessary to check also small electric appliances – as their are not significant consumers further analysis were not necessary En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: analysis and evaluation of current state OSPRA INVEST - compiling basic energy balance (Rovinka+BA) Rovinka En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
2 STEP: analysis and evaluationofcurrent state OSPRA INVEST– analysisofelectricityconsumption Analysis and evaluation of supply tarrifs 3 delivery points with reserved and max. reserved capacity (Rovinka) • Red – overrunning od ¼ max. • Blue - overrunning of reserved capacity • Delivery point 3108116420 is overrunning these values (winter - el. heating, external consumer) • Delivery point 3108132200 – possible measure – lowering of reserved cap. to 660 kW event. max. res. cap. to 700 kW • Electric distribution network and main electric devices are according to measurements and revisions in good technical state • el. distribution lines are currently over dimensioned – reason: reserve for connection of new devices/ retain variability for shifting of existing technology devices En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
2 STEP: analysis and evaluation of current state OSPRA INVEST – analysis of electricity consumption – production technology (Rovinka) Total installed power input and el. consumption • Assessment of energy consumption going out from operational hours, power input and load factors, • Division of consumption according technological areas • Technical state – satisfactory even most of the production devices are old and energy intensive • Motors with input power up to 100 kW are replaced by asynchrony motors with inverter, large motors – larger investments – up to 50% of savings per device Hall A – input power and assumed consumption. Hall B – input power and assumed consumption. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
STEP 2: analysis and evaluation of current state OSPRA INVEST – analysis of electricity consumption – production technology • Measurement and regulation - Production technology: • Full automatic regime of most of the devices • Way of operation is putted manually by employees • Measurement is not provided for large consumers! • Operation is given by order and type of foils ordered – in case of Rovinka is not evaluated specific energy consumption of electricity given by amount of produced foils (too many different processes – individual processes are not monitored) • In operation in BA – specific energy consumption has been evaluated • Compressed air and cooling: • Consumption of el. for compressed air and cooling presents from total electricity for production only 3% • Evaluated as effective – new investments already planned • No measurement, only regulation – T/p • No useofheatrecovery En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
2 STEP: analysis and evaluation of current state OSPRA INVEST – heating and hot water • Evaluation of thermal-technical properties of heated buildings (no measurement): • Calculation of heat need for heated buildings (720540-2) • Estimation of heat gains • Estimation of consumption of electricity for heating • Technical state – satisfactory, regulation according internal temperature • Hot water – only teoretical calculation (no measurement) – going out of normative calculation En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
2 STEP: analysis and evaluation of current state OSPRA INVEST – indoor lighting • Calculation of consumption (no measurement) – Rovinka: • Calculation of electricity consumption going out of input power, operation hours and efficiency of lighting sources and type of ballast – 638,32 MWh/year • Lighting is under-dimensioned on places with permanent stay of persons • No regulation of lighting system that would switch or dim according to need – currently manual • Partly obsolete lighting – low efficiency of optical system, missing covers of lamps, used linear fluorescent lamps with low specific output with classical ballast (20% consumption of power input of lighting source) • In part of production hall was made reconstruction with appropriate lamps, but some of new lamps have classical ballast... En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposalof EE and RES measures • Type of measures: • According to size of investment • no cost measures (mostly organizational measures) • low cost measures (coupled with low investments and quick payback) • iinvestment measures (coupled with large investments and longer payback • b) According to achievable savings and economic return • measuers with short payback period (up to 5 years) • measures with long payback or without payback period En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposalof EE and RES measures • OSPRA Invest - Rovinka • NON-COST Measures: • Monitoring and evaluation of energy consumption on monthly basis • Monitor and decrease internal temperatureespecially in administrative part were was measured temperature higher by 2,2°C in comparison to normative requirements! • Lower the reserved capacity to 660 kW eventually max. reserved capacity to 700 kW in case of el. delivery point 3108116420 En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of EE and RES measures • OSPRA Invest - Rovinka • LOW-COST Measures: • Connect heaters (DHW) through thermostats with timer in order to provide for setback mode 3 hours before end of shift. • Connect el. convectors (heating) through thermostats with timer in order to provide setback mode of heating in administrative spaces (8 hours working time). • Provide for monitoring and measurement of el. consumption of biggest el. consumers En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of EE and RES measures • OSPRA Invest - Rovinka • Investment measures – production technology • Replacement of main driver of the production line line B5 with input power 160 kW with new el. motor with with frequency speed control. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of EE and RES measures • OSPRA Invest - Rovinka • Investment measures – production technology, i.e.: • Replacement of main driver of the production line B6 with total input power 337 kW. The main driver input power is 160 kW, replacement with new el. motor with frequency speed control. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of EE and RES measures • OSPRA Invest - Rovinka • Investment measures – buildings – thermal protection of buildings, i.e.: • Building for administrative purposes with dressing rooms – thermal insulation, replacement of windows, instalation of thermotat with timers on heating bodies En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of EE and RES measures • OSPRA Invest - Rovinka • Investment measures – buildings – indoor lighting, i.e.: • Replacement of existing lamps with lamps with IP65, high efficient optical system – reflector, linear fluorescent lamps type Master TL5 HE ECO 45W and electronic ballast. En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of at least 2 variants of EE measures OSPRA Invest - Rovinka i.e. - proposal of 2 variants En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
3. STEP: Proposal of at least 2 variants of EE measures OSPRA Invest - Rovinka i.e. – energy balance after realization for each variant En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
4. STEP: Economyevaluation • Simplepaybackperiod • IN = investment • CF – cash-flow • Realpaybackperiodby consideringdiscount rate TSD • CFt= annualsavings (changesofcashflowafterrealisationofmeasures) • r – dsicountfactor • (1 + r)-t– odúročiteľ • Netpresentvalue • CFt - Cash - Flowoftheproject in yeart • r- discount • t – evaluatedtimeframe (1 to n years) • Tž– lifetimeofequipment • Internal Rate ofReturn En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
5. STEP: Environmentalevaluation En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713
5. STEP: Selectionof variant • Economyevaluation En-efekt, s.r.o., Ambrova 35, 831 01 Bratislava, e-mail: herdova@ecb.sk, Tel.: 0904 220 713