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Human Organ Systems

Human Organ Systems. Michael Raucci, D.C., D.I.B.C.N Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist. Humans Have 12 Major Organ Systems. Endocrine System Respiratory System Excretory System Immune System Reproductive System - Male - Female. Integumentary System Muscular System

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Human Organ Systems

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  1. Human Organ Systems Michael Raucci, D.C., D.I.B.C.N Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist

  2. Humans Have 12 Major Organ Systems • Endocrine System • Respiratory System • Excretory System • Immune System • Reproductive System • - Male • - Female • Integumentary System • Muscular System • Skeletal System • Cardiovascular System • Nervous System • Lymphatic System • Digestive System

  3. Integumentary System • Skin, hair, and nails • Protects underlying tissues Skin - Water-proof – keeps water in or out and foreign particles out (due to keratinization) • Has nerve endings for senses • Regulates body temperature with sweat glands (evaporation causes cooling). Sweat also removes some wastes

  4. Skin Color • Genetically determined • Melanin – skin pigment • Absorbs harmful radiation reducing DNA damage

  5. Skin layers • Epidermis – epithelial tissue • Mostly dead cells filled with the protein keratin • outer portion of skin • Dermis – mostly connective tissue • lies below the epidermis with a lot of the protein collagen • Within the Skin • Blood Vessels 4) hair follicles • Nerves and Receptors 5) oil glands • Muscle fibers attached to hairs 6) sweat glands

  6. Glands • Sweat – sweat is 99% water, also dissolved salt and ammonia • Oil – sebaceous – lubricate and soften hair and skin

  7. Vitamin D • Steroid like compound • Helps the body absorb Calcium • Produced in the skin • Supplemented by dietary intake • Anti-cancer properties

  8. Hair and Nails • Hair - Can protect skin from UV radiation • Melanin gives it its color • In most mammals it can assist in body temperature regulation by standing the hair up and creating a blanket effect • Nails – protect toes and fingertips • Grow from a nail bed

  9. Abnormalities • Wounds – heal via clotting, immune system and new regeneration or scar tissue • Cancer – damaged genetic material results in abnormal growth of cells and tissues. Basal Cell Carcinoma Keratosis (mole) Squamous cell Carcinoma Melanoma

  10. keloid Neurofibromatosis Skin tag

  11. Muscular System • Move bones – by contracting and relaxing • Maintain posture – continuously active • Squeeze and pump – assist the circulatory system

  12. 3 types of muscles • Smooth – digestive system – moves food and waste through the system via peristalsis. Uses predominantly involuntary muscles. • found within the "walls” of hollow organs; such as blood vessels, bladders, uteri. gastrointestinal tracts • Cardiac – found only in the heart – self excitatory • Skeletal – attached to the bones for movement

  13. How would you characterize this muscle? The nuclei are centrally located, there are no striations, and the musclefibers do not branch. Another good clue that this is smooth muscle is that when smooth muscle contracts, the nuclei take on a corkscrew appearance.Involuntaryvisceral systems, arteries and veins, digestive tract, bladder, uterus Smooth Muscle

  14. Cardiac Muscle • How would you characterize this muscle? The nuclei are centrally located, striations are present, and there is branching of the muscle fibers. Several intercalated discs are indicated by the white arrow heads.

  15. Skeletal Muscle • How would you characterize this muscle? The nuclei are peripheral, striations are present, and there is no branching of the muscle fibers. Even when you cannot visualize striations, the peripherally placed nuclei allow you to differentiate skeletal muscle from both cardiac and smooth muscle. • Voluntary • Striations = overlapping strands

  16. Muscle Definitions • Voluntary – under conscious control • Involuntary – work irregardless of thought • Tendons – strands of connective tissue located at the ends of muscle. Attach the muscle to the bone • Flexor– bend a part of the body • Extensor– straighten a part of the body • Muscle tone – a baseline contraction that a muscle maintains even during relaxation * Many muscles work in pairs (contraction & relaxation)

  17. Exercise • Resistance (weights, bands, gravity, etc.) – increase the size and strength of a muscle • Isometric – contraction without movement • Isotonic – contraction creates movement of a unchanging weight (barbell) • Isokinetic – contraction creates movement of a changing weight (nautilus machine) • Aerobic (running, swimming, cycling, etc) – improves the stamina of a muscle particularly the heart. • Defined as a sustained raising of the heart rate

  18. Growth • Muscles grow in length in response to a stretch. • Muscles grow in bulk in response to a need.

  19. Injury • Muscle strain • Ruptured tendon • Overstretching or overuse • Overuse can be a singular event or a repetitive activity • Inflammation

  20. Treatment • Ice or heat? • Immobilization or mobilization? R – rest I – Ice C – Compression E - Elevation

  21. What’s wrong with these Pictures?

  22. Steroids • Anabolic Steroids – powerful chemicals that resemble the male hormone testosterone. Damages: heart, liver, kidneys, testes in men, labido, hirsuitism in women, emotional instability

  23. Skeletal System • Bones, cartilage and ligaments • The bones in your skeleton are alive • Bones - Protect and support. Also provide anchoring and framework for muscles to act upon

  24. Cartilage to Bone • All bone starts out as cartilage and undergoes ossification at different times during childhood • Spongy bone vs Compact bone • Growth Plates

  25. The Knee Joint

  26. What’s in a bone? • Compact bone • Spongy bone – not really “spongy” – actually provides most of the strength of the bone via trabeculation • Compact bone – the hard, solid outer surface • Marrow – inside the bone – stores fat and makes new red blood cells

  27. Cartilage lines the surface of a joint and is the flexible material found in the ears and tip of the nose • Joint • Sliding-vertebra • Ball and socket-shoulder, hip • Hinge- elbow, knee, jaw • Ligaments – connect bones to bones • Growth plates – cartilage surfaces which allow bones to grow in length. These close by age 15 in girls and 18 in boys

  28. Levers and lifting • How do levers work? • How do you increase the effectiveness of a lever • What is the safest way to lift?

  29. Cardiovascular system teaching aides • Why do we need blood? Why do we need oxygen? • Discuss women’s increased need for iron d/t menses • WBC demo – 2 volunteers – 1 is a pathogen and 1 is a macrophage. I am the WBC and I bump into cells of my own and recognize them but when I bump into a pathogen I make antibodies (Piece of blue tape) which attaches to pathogen and all its clones. Macrophage (24 hour buffet) only eats things that are marked with antibodies. • Use same demo to explain why can’t get chicken pox twice. Also explain how modifying a virus allows us to create a vaccine. And how an antibiotic works. • Platelets – discuss hemophilia • Heart - have demo heart available. Squeezing it makes no noise. Noise is created when the vavles slap shut. Like slapping hands together.

  30. CardiovascularSystem (circulatory system) • AKA Circulatory System • Heart pumps blood through all the blood vessels supplying nutrients and removing wastes to cells • Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries

  31. Blood • An adult human body contains approximately 5 liters of blood • Plasma – the liquid part of the blood (water, minerals, nutrients, sugars, proteins, etc.) • Solids – RBCs, WBCs, Platelets

  32. Red Blood Cells • Red blood cells (RBCs) – transport oxygen and carbon dioxide • Hemoglobin – the protein in blood that carries the oxygen • Hemoglobin contains iron (FE++) • RBCs are made in the bone marrow • RBCs lose all their organelles including their nucleus before entering the bloodstream thus they cannot divide and they can live only about 4 months

  33. White Blood Cells • Fight pathogens (foreign invaders in the body) • WBCs release antibodies – mark pathogens for elimination • Macrophage – engulfs foreign objects via endocytosis • Made in bone marrow

  34. Platelets • Fragments of cells • Live 5-10 days • Form plugs when there is a cut and release chemicals that react with proteins in the blood to form a net of clotting fibers (Scab)

  35. Heart • Muscular organ • Located in the center of your chest behind the lungs • Size of your fist • Pumps blood through the body • Human heart has 4 chambers (left and right atria [upper level chambers] and left and right ventricles [lower level chambers]) • Valves – close after the expulsion of blood to prevent back flow • Lub-dub is the valves closing

  36. Blood flow in the heart • Deoxygenated blood is brought to the right atrium via the Vena Cava. • This is then pumped into the right ventricle • From the right ventricle the deoxygenated blood is pumped into the blood vessels of the lungs where oxygen perfuses into the blood • The now oxygenated blood reenters the heart going into the left atrium. • It is then pumped into the left ventricle. • Finally it is pumped out of the left ventricle into the body via the aorta

  37. Circulation

  38. Circulation • From the body into the Vena Cava • From the Vena Cava in the heart’s right atrium • Right ventricle • Pulmonary artery • To the lung • From the lung into the pulmonary vein • Into the left atrium • Left ventricle • Pumped into the aorta and out to the body

  39. Blood Vessels • 3 types • Arteries – carry blood away from the heart. Arteries have thick muscular walls • Capillaries – the smallest blood vessels. Usually only one cell thick. Allow nutrients, oxygen and other substances to diffuse through • Veins – the veins transport the blood from the capillaries back to the heart. Veins have valves. The contraction of skeletal muscles helps to move the blood through the veins

  40. What is Blood Pressure? • Definition – the force exerted by blood on the walls of a blood vessel. • 120/80 systolic/diastolic • Systolic is the pressure when the ventricles contract • Diastolic is the pressure when the ventricles relax. • What’s the problem with high or low blood pressure? Hypertension is a dangerous condition that may lead to heart attack, stroke or kidney failure

  41. Exercise and Blood Flow • Exercise means increased need for energy hence increased need for oxygen thus the heart must beat faster (and you must breathe faster) • Also blood is shunted away from internal organs towards the large muscles. How does exercise help the heart?

  42. Blood Type • Type A – has A antigens, and B antibodies • Type B – has B antigens, A antibodies • Type AB – has A and B antigens, have no antibodies to A or B • Type O – has no antigens, have both A and B antibodies Who is the universal donor? Who is the universal recipient?

  43. Cardiovascular Diseases • Effect heart, blood vessels and/or the blood. • Atherosclerosis - #1 cause of death in the USA -blood vessels become narrower due to fatty (cholesterol) buildup until they are blocked. -If the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart mussel are blocked the effected area of heart muscle will die (AKA Heart Attack) • Hypertension (high blood pressure) – blood vessels become weak and heart is overworked • Stroke – when a blood vessel in the brain fails, bursts or becomes clogged (dissection, aneurysm, and embolism) • DVT- deep vein thrombosis

  44. atherosclerosis Thrombus with recanalization Coronary Artery Disease Total closure 90% closed

  45. Lymphatic System • Returns leaked fluids to blood vessels. • Also involved in immunity • Involved in reducing swelling • Lymph (the fluid) is moved by the squeezing of skeletal muscles. • Question: Why must a paraplegic (legs are paralyzed) have someone move their legs for them occasionally? • Question: Why might it be bad for a person who has varicose veins to sit for a long period of time?

  46. The Lymphatic or "lymph" system is commonly known as "the garbage disposal system" of the body. It is often referred to as the "second circulatory system" and flows throughout the entire body. It is through the Lymphatic System that toxic substances move out of the body through the bloodstream.Why is it important for your health to maintain your Lymphatic System?When your Lymphatic System is blocked or clogged, this creates a condition of stagnation which promotes fatigue and ill health. Some of the common symptoms include lumps, bumps, pain and swelling.How does the Lymphatic System become clogged or blocked?Unlike the blood circulatory system, the Lymphatic System has no pump to keep fluid flowing. Some causes of a blocked lymph system are due in part to stress, lack of exercise, improper diet and repressed communication.What are lymph nodes? All the small and medium-sized lymph vessels open into lymph nodes which are situated in strategic positions throughout the body. The lymph drains through a number of nodes, usually 8 to 10, before returning to the blood. These nodes vary considerably in size: some as small as a pin head and the largest are about the size of an almond. Lymph nodes are found throughout the body. in inflammation and malignant disease. As a result, palpation (feeling) of the neck, armpits and the groin area is an important part of clinical investigation. Lymph from the head and neck passes through deep and superficial cervical nodes. What is the Lymphatic System?

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