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The Human Resources Department Welcomes you to Mersey Care. Where we are based: V7 building, Kings Business Park, Prescot, Merseyside L34 1PJ What we do: Provide advice and support to staff and management on all employment issues and work to develop and implement the Trust Workforce Objectives.
Where we are based: V7 building, Kings Business Park, Prescot, Merseyside L34 1PJ What we do: Provide advice and support to staff and management on all employment issues and work to develop and implement the Trust Workforce Objectives
What are we trying to achieve? NHS STAFF CONSTITUTION 1: To provide all staff with clear roles and responsibilities and rewarding jobs for teams and individuals that make a difference to patients, their families and carers and communities. 2: To provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs and line management support to succeed 3: To provide support and opportunities for staff to maintain their health, well-being and safety. 4: To engage staff in decisions that affect them and the services they provide, individually, through representative organisations and through local partnership working arrangements. All staff will be empowered to put forward ways to deliver better and safer services for patients and their families.
Equality and Human Rights In Human Resources we ensure we use the FREDA principals in every thing we do Fairness Respect Equality Dignity Autonomy By using these principals when applying policies and procedures we can ensure that everyone is treated equally.
Staff Engagement • Annual staff survey – all responses are anonymous • Provides us with your views and allows us to understand how we are performing as an employer • Each CBU will create an action plan to address any issues raised • You should be able to receive and give regular feedback in your PDR’s and regular supervision with you line manager
Flexible Working – HRO3 • Committed to a work life balance • Open to all employees • Ability to request the right to work flexibly • Can involve change to hours / home working / compressed hours / flexi-time / term time working • To apply for flexible working need to ask your manager for relevant paperwork • We endeavour to support flexible working wherever possible however service need must be taken into consideration
Leave for Personal and Family Reasons HR04 • Emergency Carer Leave / Time off for dependants • Medical / Dental Appointments • Emergency / Urgent Personal Circumstances • Parental Leave • Maternity / Paternity Leave • Adoption Leave
Management of Attendance HR07 • You must notify your manager of your absence ASAP • You can self – certify for absences of up to seven days • GP fit note must be produced after this time and must be sent within 24 hours of the previous expiring • Unauthorised Absence • You must maintain regular contact with your manager during any periods of sickness absence
Management of Attendance HR07 • Trigger Levels: • Short Term - 3 occasions or 11 days in any rolling 12 month period • Long Term - 4 weeks or longer • Occupational Health Appointments • Sickness Review Meetings • Return to Work Interviews
Annual Leave For full time staff • Annual leave should not be taken in less than ½ day blocks • Not entitled to Bank Holidays in Lieu if absent due to sickness
Annual Leave • Part Time Staff: • Use tables 2 & 3 in HR17 • Your entitlement will be issued in hours • Pro rata: • Annual leave is pro rata if starting part way through the year • Entitlement / 12 x full completed months • Example 27 days / 12 x 4 (Dec – March) = 9 days
HR08: Verification of statutory registration of temporary and permanent staff • HR16: CRB Policy and Procedure
This is what the Pension Guide looks like. You should all have one in your induction packs
Eligibility from ages 16 – 75 • Automatic membership • Choice to Opt out of the scheme (SD 502) Eligibility
All NHS Pension queries should be addressed to: Payroll & Pensions PO Box 185 Bootle L30 4XG Telephone: 0844 324 5298 (Opt 2) Scheme Guide & other pensions information available at: www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/pensions
Contacts • PCP: Laura Ahmed (0151 473 2768), Paula Wynne (0151 471 2620) • SAFE & Addictions: Sylvia Stanton (0151 471 2333) • Liverpool: Dawn McLoughlin (0151 473 2762) Rachel Webster (0151 471 2607) • High Secure Services: Angela O’Brien (0151 473 2801) Jane Holland (0151 473 2764) • Corporate / SMS: Leanne Williams (0151 473 2760) • Rebuild: Julie Duffy (0151 471 2429) • Informatics Merseyside: Kim Stanley (0151 471 2470) • STAFF SUPPORT SERVICES:0151 330 8103