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Student Page. Our American Founding Fathers. American History--7 th Grade Mid-Term Project. Introduction. Mr. Karam, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Ferrato . What Do I H ave to D o?. Game. So How D o I D o T his?. Optional Video. How am I G raded?. Conclusion. [Credits]. Student Page.
StudentPage Our American Founding Fathers American History--7th Grade Mid-Term Project Introduction Mr. Karam, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Ferrato What Do I Have to Do? Game So How Do I Do This? Optional Video How am I Graded? Conclusion [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage Introduction You Read You Took Notes You Read Some More Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? For the past few months we have been learning about the Revolution and the final events that lead to our country being born. In American History, this is as cool as it gets! You have known about this mid-term project since the beginning of the year but you have been dreading it. But its fun, trust us. All you have to do is play some online games, make a fun video with your classmates and write a SHORT paper on the things you learned about the founding fathers. Are we the greatest teachers or what?! This Web Quest is the instruction manual and the trainer all in one. Go through each page and you will be guided step by step on what you need to do to get and awesome grade! You will be going through this Web Quest during class time so we will be here to help you through it, although you should try to do it all on your own because you’re smart! You will be expected to…… • Participate in all Web Quest Activies • Make an interview video with your selected partner • Individualy Write a 2 page paper about your selected Founding Father. Do all that, following the rubric at the bottom, and you will have a great time and a good grade! Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage The Task Pick a Founding Father! Your task is to choose (with your partner) one of these Founding Fathers to interview! By clicking on the picture, you will be led to a website of detailed information of the individual that will be needed to complete the interview that will be used in your newsclip! Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? Game Game George Washington Benjamin Franklin So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion Thomas Jefferson John Adams James Madison [Credits] [Teacher Page] Just for Fun! Can you name these Founding Fathers? (Click anywhere for answers) [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage Game The more research you do, the more you will know, and the more complete your task will be. But! Remember, research (or any learning experience) shouldn’t have to be boring! Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? For Further Exploration: Here are a couple more websites about all the Founding Fathers, how they contributed to the making of the United States, and a up-close look to our Constitution! Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? Also provided, is an online game and two visual tours of the George Washington’s and Thomas Jefferson’s home to continue your exploration of the Founding Fathers! Take your time and have fun! How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion 1) http://www.history.org/kids/games/foundingFather.cfm 2) http://explorer.monticello.org/ 3) http://www.mountvernon.org/virtualtour [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage The Process How Do I do This? As a team of reporters you and your partner will select a Founding Father to create a compelling story and report on it during the 6pm news. Make sure you play the game first to gain valuable insight on each of the Founding Fathers. With your partner, select a Founding Father who you would like to report on. INDIVIDUAL WORK STEP 1 : INTERVIEWING Remember that you and your partner are reporters. You need to think and work like reporters when formulating your exclusive story. Each reporter will be responsible for creating a Research Paper with the answers to the following questions: • Who are you interviewing? • Why and How is this person important to American History? • Where and When did this person become important to American History? • What facts or information do you have which leads you to believe this?--site your sources! • What do you want future generations to know about this person? Need help learning more about your Founding Father? You can google your Founding Father but make sure you are using credible sources. Sorry folks, Wikipedia does not count as “credible” for this project. Check out these links Biography.com Encyclopedia Britannica STEP 2: WRITING YOUR RESEARCH PAPER Format your paper by first writing the question, then answering it in complete sentences using your research. Your answers should be documented using citations and quotes. Please make sure you follow MLA guidelines. A quick refresher for MLA can be found here MLA Writing Guide. Turn in your paper with your final project. YOU’RE NOT DONE YET! Next Slide for your GROUP WORK InFirst Slidetroduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage GROUP WORK STEP 3: PRE-PRODUCTION: Once you and your partner have completed doing your research, and comparing notes, you will need to figure out how do you want to present this story in your newscast. You can do this in one of two ways: a) One partner plays the role of interviewer and one partner plays the role of the Founding Father b) Both partners are co-anchors in the newscast and you split the story between both of you After you have figured out which way you wish to present your story you will need to write a script indicating who is responsible for what aspects of the story, formatting your script as you would a play. Only one script per reporting team needs to be turned in with your final project so make sure both of your names are on the paper. Need some help with how to speak like a news anchor? Some great tips can be found here STEP 4:PRODUCTION: In this step you can be as creative as you wish with the news set. No points will be deducted if you do not have a professional looking news set. It can be as simple as sitting at a table. However, we do expect a little creativity when it comes to what you are wearing. If you need ideas check out the local news to see what news anchors wear. Also if you are playing the role of the Founding Father you should attempt to resemble him in some way (Paper mask, or similar costume works). Using your webcam begin filming your newscast. Don’t forget to introduce yourselves and your station (Channel 7 NewsNOW). Edit your video using MovieMaker. Be creative adding sound clips, music, graphics and transitions. You can import one clip created by animation software such as GoAnimate. Keep in mind, however, you and your partner MUST be featured in the newsclip. We do not want to see an entire animated clip. Your final edit should resemble a catchy 3 - 5 minute lead news story. Need an example? Check out this clip {Example Video}. STEP 5: Turn in your final edit along with your script, and individual research papers. Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage Evaluation Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage Conclusion THANK YOU! Congratulations on completing your first newscast! You have given us the exclusive story of some of the most important individuals to American History. Your research gave you the opportunity to learn about these gentlemen and you used your creativity to show us what you and your partner discovered by producing your own news clip. By completing this assignment, you are are on your way to learning how to investigate and ask important questions like: (Click your mouse) Asking these questions will help you conduct research not only for your History classes but also for your other classes as well! Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]
StudentPage StudentPage Credits & References Cites: (quill pen picture): http://www.thechapmans.nl/images/quill_pen_and_ink_well.JPG http://weltybrothersstudios.com/images/misc/cover-FoundingFathers.jpghttp://www.biography.com/people/groups/founding-fathers/all http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1269535/Founding-Fathers https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/school_report/resources_for_teachers/8472052.stm http://goanimate.com/ http://www.history.org/almanack/people/bios/biowash2.cfm http://www.ducksters.com/biography/ben_franklin.php http://classroom.monticello.org/kids/resources/profile/81/Brief-Biography-of-Thomas-Jefferson/ http://www.ducksters.com/biography/uspresidents/johnadams.php http://kids.laws.com/james-madison http://www.history.org/kids/games/constitution/ http://www.brighthubeducation.com/history-homework-help/113603-learn-about-six-great-americans-our-founding-fathers/ http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/american-revolution-history/videos/founding-fathers-of-innovation http://www.history.org/kids/games/foundingFather.cfm http://explorer.monticello.org/ http://www.mountvernon.org/virtualtour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWAwRlBCL4o http://webquest.org/index.php Introduction Introduction What Do I Have to Do? What Do I Have to Do? Game Game So How Do I Do This? So How Do I Do This? How am I Graded? How am I Graded? Conclusion Conclusion [Credits] [Teacher Page] [Credits]