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Use of PR and advertisement in social media. Petra van der Jeught. Social media.
Use of PR and advertisement in social media Petra van der Jeught
Social media Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue "We use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.„
Examples of social media • Blogger, • ExpressionEngine, • LiveJournal, • OpenDiary, • TypePad, • Vox, • WordPress, • Xanga • Ustream, • blip.tv, • oovoo, • Youtube • epinions.com, • Yelp, • Inc.Askville, • EHow, • ccMixter, • Pandora Radio, • Spotify, • Last.fm, • MySpaceMusic, • ReverbNation.com, S • hareTheMusic, • TheHypeMachine, • Groove Shark, • SoundCloud, • Bandcamp, • Soundclick, • Imeem, • Justin.tv, • Livestream, • OpenCU, • Skype, Stickam, • Stack Exchange, • WikiAnswers, • Yahoo! Answers, • Quora, • ask.com • And many others…
Social media in… • Segmentation • Targeting • Positioning
Reasons to Use Social Media • Gain a CompetitiveAdvantage • LearnfromYourCustomers • Enhance Your Products and Services • Better Target Marketing Efforts • Market Innovation
Contextualadvertisement Contextual advertising is a form of onlineadvertising that involves the targeted placement of ads for display amongst relevant content.
Reasons to usecontextualadvertisements • The global migration to the virtual world which offers greater reach • Lower costs with greater effectiveness • The ability to facilitate and transact business online
Facts and trendsinContextualAdvertising • Advances in Advertisement Relevance Software • Message Customization and Contextual Advertising • Software-FreeContextualAdvertising • Contextual Advertising and Video Games • In-Text Video ContextualAdvertising • Billboards and ContextualAdvertising • Viral Videos and Contextual Advertising • ContextualAdvertising and Pricing • ContextualAdvertising and Control • Contextual Advertising and the Migration Toward Behavioral Advertising
Advances in Advertisement Relevance Software • Developers are seeking to improve the relevance of targeted advertisements displayed to the viewer. • the relevance of an advertisement is determined by technology such as Googlebot and Mediabot. • This technology works by inserting JavaScript into the webpage in order to display relevant advertisements to the user. • The algorithms are currently being improved to more accurately match advertisements to the preferences of the consumer.
Message Customization and Contextual Advertising • Developers are devising ways to determine the ages of the individuals using a particular computer or the family groups associated. • Developers are seeking ways to customize the messages displayed to the audience. The advertisements, in the future, will also be able to gain more information from the audience to influence an individual buyer through message customization.
Software-FreeContextualAdvertising • Some companies choose to work directly with publishers to include contextual advertising. • TheAdSense program analyzes the content of the web pages and selects ads that seem most appropriate.
Contextual Advertising and Video Games • Developers have tried to insert contextual advertising in video games. • Sony’s Wipeout HD was one of the first games to contain contextual advertising before loading. Gamers complained and immediately the advertisements were removed from the games. • Developers are seeking ways to integrate contextual advertising without interrupting the load time of the game and the user’s experience.
In-Text Video ContextualAdvertising • Adbrite was one of the first to market in-video text advertisements on YouTube. • ScanScout uses General Catalyst Partners in order to place advertisements over the video before viewing.
Billboards and ContextualAdvertising • Companies are making plans to embed cameras in billboards and scan the faces of people who pass by the billboard. • The software will tell the advertiser how many people passed the billboard and how long they looked at it. • Most individuals will have their gender read by an accuracy of 85%. • Men and women could see different ads based on their gender. These campaigns intend to be “ultra-targeted” to direct advertisements only to individuals who frequent the area.
Viral Videos and Contextual Advertising • Viral video uses the participation of the audience to create user-generated media. • Businesses will try to understand their audiences to solicit involvement from user-generated media. • Consumers will become attracted to messages that are relevant to them as opposed to targeted at a general audience.
ContextualAdvertising and Pricing • Publishers and advertisers are encouraged to work together to maximize the amount of money that they both earn. • If they work together, they both will earn a profit. Advertisers enjoy the ability to set their own prices for their product. • Google introduced the Smart Pricing scheme that will allow prices to be dynamically set.
ContextualAdvertising and Control • Publishers can now select more than one contextual advertising company. • They will gain more control when they are allowed to choose. • Publishers may also have the ability to select specific ad categories.
Contextual Advertising and the Migration Toward Behavioral Advertising • Behavioral advertising is expected to become the next contextual advertising. • Behavioral advertising records the user’s behavior rather than just the user’s preference.
Example of Toyota • Combination of YouTube videos and Facebookpages to promote its Sienna minivan. • Creating afictional couple who “believe they are cool despiteall evidence to the contrary” • Series of videosthrough the YouTube site, then solicited Facebookfans, combining both forms of social media. • Within a few weeks, each of the YouTube videoshad been sought out and viewed an estimated12,000 to 15,000 times, with approximately 2,000Facebookusers signing on as fans of the Sienna.
Domino’s Pizza • By Wednesday afternoon, the video had been viewed more than a million times on YouTube. References to it were in five of the 12 results on the first page of Google search for “Dominos,” and discussions about Domino’s had spread throughout Twitter. • “Even people who’ve been with us as loyal customers for 10, 15, 20 years, people are second-guessing their relationship with Domino’s, and that’s not fair.”
“We realized that when many of the comments and questions in Twitter were, ‘What is Domino’s doing about it’ ” Mr. McIntyre said. “Well, we were doing and saying things, but they weren’t being • covered in Twitter.”
References • http://clevermarketer.com/5-reasons-to-use-social-media.html • http://www.slideshare.net/virtuallinda/top-10-reasons-to-use-social-media • Tylor, G.: „Do AdsWork on Social Networks? HowGender • and AgeShapeReceptivity” • http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/RedRobin • http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/sienna • http://www.business2community.com/marketing/contextual-advertising-as-a-powerful-tool-0122216