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TCM data 2006: Data submissions, QA work and problems identified. Jørgen Nørrevang Jensen ICES. TCM data sources. Data submitted through the EIONET system Data from the ICES Data Centre (data from the various commissions, OSPAR, HELCOM, AMAP and “voluntary” contributions)
TCM data 2006: Data submissions, QA work and problems identified Jørgen Nørrevang Jensen ICES
TCM data sources Data submitted through the EIONET system Data from the ICES Data Centre (data from the various commissions, OSPAR, HELCOM, AMAP and “voluntary” contributions) MEDPOL Data and other data in a different format than specified in the EIONET system.
ICES Data Handling procedures Oceanographic data The oceanographic data submitted to ICES is received in nearly any kind of format provided that it is well structured and documented. Data are then converted to the ICES format The data are checked by a wide range of QA-procedures before data are uploaded to the ICES database The procedures mention above implies a time-lag between the submission of data and the upload In case of serious errors/correction the countries are asked to either resubmit or confirm potential unit errors etc. This will further delay the upload of data to the ICES database
ICES Data Handling procedures Data on contaminants in biota, sediment and seawater The data on contaminants are submitted in a specific format The data are checked for structural consistency and QA by a screening programme before the upload to the ICES database Based on the result of the screening data are either uploaded to the database or the submitter is asked to resubmit a corrected version The procedures mentioned above implies in principle no time-lag between the submission and upload (provided that the data submitter has used the screening programme and these data are without errors)
QA checking mistakes/errors found DryWetRatio < 1 This is very likely a unit error – ratio given instead of % (Denmark and Croatia) Danish values corrected after correspondence with data submitter NationalStationID not valid (measurements with no link to station) (for Estonia) Basis (of determination) not filled in This information is mandatory and crucial for recalculation in relation to basis (D or W) (Croatia and Romania)
QA checking mistakes/errors found Latitude and/or longitude out of range In this case most probably caused by a swap of latitude and longitude (Romania). Data corrected accordingly and data submitter notified and asked to confirm. Concentrations NULL If an determinand has not been measured no records should be reported
QA checking mistakes/errors found High values of concentrations (Croatia and Italy). Data submitter asked for clarification Determinand names not according to codelist (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland and Romania)
QA checking mistakes/errors found Column names not according to EIONET template SamplingDepth < 0 (Italy) Data corrected to positive sampling depth Unit problems µg/kg is not the same as µg/kg. Unit converted to the “correct” format
Closing these gaps inspace and time? Data from other sources – in a different format than the ICES or EIONET format: UNEP/MAP database copy Collection of Black Sea data Stronger legal enforcement: WFD MSFD Producing data products that makes these gaps obvious – might encourage countries to submit data
Suggestion for a change to the • ‘Smileys’ data submission scoring system: • The present scoring system is based on the following rules: • No data submission: 0 • Delayed delivery of data: 1 Smiley. • Submission of at least one data type: 2 Smileys • Submission of at least 3 data types: 3 Smileys • Bias in present system • Easy to get 2 Smileys by just sending one set of data • Data types are equally important • Suggested change to the scoring system: • No data submission: 0 • Submission of at least one data type: 1 Smiley • Submission of two or more data types including one data type that is basis for a CSI or a candidate CSI (in this case nutrients/chlorophyll-a and hazardous substances in biota): 2 Smileys • Submissions of three or more data types including two or more data types that are the basis for a CSI or a candidate CSI (in this case nutrients/chlorophyll-a and hazardous substances in biota): 3 Smileys
Tasks and deadlines in 2008 for NRC • Answer QA questions in relation to 2006 data (ASAP) • Submissions of the 2007 EIONET data - business as usual (31 October 2008)
Questions for EIONET Marine and Coastal NRCs • Incomplete NRC contact person list. Could you endeavour to help your NFP to keep the list updated with the names of appropriate NRC contact persons? • In case you happen to be on the list of NRC contact persons without being the right person for ‘data issues’ could you redirect us to the appropriate NRC contact for that? • In case that your country has not submitted any data directly or indirectly to EIONET-Water could your explain why this has not happened?
Questions for EIONET Marine and Coastal NRCs (continued) • Incomplete data series. Are you aware that this may be the case for your country and do you know why? • Could you endeavour to collaborate with the EEA-ETC/WTR (ICES as Marine Data Centre) to follow-up the results of the quality assurance checking of EIONET-Water data? • Could you agree with the EEA-ETC/WTR ideas to improve the Smileys scoring system for data submissions?