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Time Capsule

Fussion Time Paola Garc ía. Time Capsule. February 18, 2014. Index. Investigate ……………………………….3 Design …………………………………………4 Plan…………………………………………….5 Create ………………………………………6 Evaluate ……………………………………..7. 1. Design Cycle. 2. Investigate.

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Time Capsule

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fussion Time Paola García Time Capsule February 18, 2014

  2. Index • Investigate ……………………………….3 • Design…………………………………………4 • Plan…………………………………………….5 • Create ………………………………………6 • Evaluate ……………………………………..7 1

  3. DesignCycle 2

  4. Investigate • In the part of investigation I searchinformation of whatis a time capsule and howyou can make a time capsule. I thinkthat the investigationthatwedid of the time capsule wasveryinteresting and help me toknowsomethings I didn´tknow. 3

  5. Design • Myteam and I made a drawing in whichwedesignhowour time capsule will look like. I likedesigning the time capsule withmyteambecausewesayour ideas of howit can be and wejointall the ideas to do the design of our time capsule. 4

  6. Plan • In thispart of the projectwemadelike a list in whichwewriteallthematerialswewould use tocreateour time capsule. Thispart of the projectwasdifficultbecauseweweretalkingaboutwhich material is the better and what material willlast 10 years. 5

  7. Create • Wegoto a carpentry in which wemadeour box of woodwith help of somecarpenters. In thispartwedidn´tput a lot of effortbecause the carpentersmade the wooden box. 6

  8. Evaluate • Wemade a reflection of all the activitieswemade. Thispart of the projectiswhatI´mdoingrightnow and I thinkisgoosbecauseyoureflectaboutallactivitiesyoudid. 7

  9. T chart Dislike Like • Making a video of all the school. • Making a time capsule. • Making interviews tostudents. • I likeall the things. 8

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