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Do Now: . Brainstorm as many benefits as you can think of for learning English as a second language. English: Language , Culture, and Identity. Lesson Objectives: The History Of English. Students will be able to: Explain the origins of the English language
Do Now: • Brainstorm as many benefits as you can think of for learning English as a second language.
Lesson Objectives:The History Of English Students will be able to: • Explain the origins of the English language • Explain the metaphor “English is a linguistic mutt”
Origins of English • The English Languagebegan in whatisnowEnglandwiththearrival of the Anglos and theSaxonsfromNorthWesternEurope in the 5th Century.
Origins of English Celtic + Latin + Anglo/Saxon/Jute = ENGLISH
ScandinaviansArrivetoEngland • Vikingsarrive in England in the 9th Century and bringwordsthat are stillcommonlyusedtodaysuch as give, take, and they. • Boththroughwar and commerce, theNormandsalsoinfluence English with French words.
The Linguistic Mutt • Based on what you have learned in this lesson, explain the following metaphor: • The English language is a linguistic mutt. Mutt – a mixed breed dog that represents an unidentifiable mix
Do Now: • Explain the following metaphor: The English language is a linguistic mutt.
Lesson Objectives:The Spread of the English Language Students will be able to: • Differentiate between British and American words • Describe how different forms of English have come to evolve considering historic and contemporary factors
Spread of English • Howdidthe English languagemakethetransitionfromexistingonlyon a smallislandtobecomethemostusedlanguage in theworld?
Colonization • Withcolonization and the English Empire, English spreads aroundtheworld.
Colonization • Whateffectsdidthe spread of the British Empirehaveonthe English lanuage?
Colonization • Withcolonizationtwomainthingshappened: • English spreads to new regions • English adopts new wordsfromtheseregions and continuestoevolve
American English As a land of immigrants, English in the USA grewtoincludeelements of variousimmigrantcommunities (Dutch, Italian, German) as well as theNativeAmericans. This has partiallyattributedtothedifferencesbetween American and British English.
Lesson Objectives:Global English Students will be able to: • Explain the benefits of knowing English in the 21st century • Evaluate the pros and cons of global English
Global English The English SpeakingWorld…
Global English • Manysociologists and linguistshavedetermined English to be ourplanet´s global language. • Itisthemostcommonlylearnedsecondlanguage in theworld. • Itisconsideredtheinternationallanguage of business, commerce, as well as themostcommonlyusedlingua franca.
Global English Pros and Cons • With a partner, think of four pros and fourconstothephenomenon of Global English. In whatwaysishavinganinternationallanguagehelpful, and in whatwaysisitharmful?
Chinglish • Chinglish refers to spoken or written English that is influenced by the Chinese language.
Lesson Objectives:The Bilingual Advantage Students will be able to: • List various benefits of being bilingual • Apply gapped text strategies to correctly organize scrambled paragraphs of an article • Successfully identify if statements about the text are true or false and give a one line justification of why
Lesson Objectives:Language and Perception Students will be able to: • Explain the idea of linguistic relativity • Support or refute the theory of linguistic relativity based on examples seen in class
Lesson Objectives:Language and Perception Students will be able to: • Explain what the English Only Movement is • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the movement • Justify opinions regarding the movement with examples, evidence, and experiences • Evaluate the role that language plays in personal and cultural identities