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This article discusses the macroeconomic developments, external sector developments, inflation rate, and labor market in Bulgaria. It also presents the overall policy framework and main challenges before the fiscal policy. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of achieving public spending efficiency and the need for fiscal decentralization. The article identifies the healthcare and education sectors as areas that require urgent policy attention, and also mentions other relevant reform areas such as business environment, administrative reform, innovation, R&D, and labor markets.
Addressing the Medium- and Long-run Challenges: the Overall Policy Framework Lyubomir Datzov Deputy Minister of Finance Republic of Bulgaria May 2007
Macroeconomic developments • Increasing activity of the economy, GDP growth rate accelerating to about 6.3% on average in recent years; • High rates of investment and potential GDP growth • Positive real convergence prospects
External sector developments • The current account deficit increased to around 16%, but • The inflow of FDI was also impressive: EUR 4.1 billion in 2006, covering 103% of the CAD • The FDI inflows were exclusively non-privatization related
Inflation rate • Single-digit since introduction of the CBA • Accelerated to 7.4% in 2006 mainly due to adjustments in administrated prices and excise taxes • Expected to decelerate in 2007 and following years
Labour market • Employment is increasing steadily, employment rate still to catch up with EU averages • Unemployment decreasing, reaching record-low levels • Some sectors report labour shortages, but evidence is still somewhat contradictory
Overall policy framework • Outlined in three major strategic documents: • The Convergence Programme (2006-2009) • The National Reform Programme (2007-2009) • The National Strategic Reference Framework (2007-2013) • Full consistency among goals and policy actions is implemented in the three documents
Main challenges before the fiscal policy • Three main strains of challenges: • Macroeconomic imbalances and adequacy of budgetary policy • Structuring and re-structuring of budgetary expenditures • Structural reforms in all areas of public spending
Macroeconomic imbalances and budgetary responses • Output gaps: adequate fiscal surpluses need to be achieved in order to counter-balance eventual demand-pull inflationary pressures • Expenditures need to be constrained in order not to stimulate imports and CAB deterioration • In cases of economic downturns the fiscal policy should react properly to provide the required recovery impulses
Achieving public spending efficiency • Increasing budget revenues has an upper limit • A ceiling of 40% of GDP has been established for budget expenditures • Higher expenditures efficiency needs to be sought in order to obtain higher value of public services for a unit spent on them • Increased productivity of the public sector has to be targeted at all levels of administration
Program budgeting – a way to boost efficiency of the public sector • A transition to result-oriented spending is indispensable • The policy framework of budget-related decisions is shifted from planning of inputs to planning of outputs • Currently program budgeting is introduced and implemented in all line ministries • The long-term vision is to allocate funds per policy fields and priorities and not per institutions • Result-oriented measures are also envisaged at the individual level in order to stimulate the productivity of civil servants
Fiscal decentralization and public spending efficiency • Reform started in 2002 • Still to improve: • Standards for public services delivery • Matching revenue collection with expenditure needs • Higher level of citizens’ participation in the planning and execution of municipal bugdets
Important sectors that need urgent policy attention: Healthcare • A key sector with a view to the ageing population; • Posing significant risks to long-term sustainability of public finances; • A ‘higher value for money’ approach is indispensable • Higher quality of the medical service is demanded by citizens
Important sectors that need urgent policy attention: Education • Mismatches between labour supply and labour demand need to be addressed by adequate reforms in the area human capital formation; • Higher expenditure efficiency of spending should be required from schools and universities • The channels of public funding to education should be transformed and follow closely the students • Consolidation of universities and school networks is exigent • Financing of research should be shifted from subsidies to project financing
Other relevant reform areas • Business environment and administrative reform: to reduce the burdens to businesses and facilitate growth; • Innovation and R&D: to enhance the long-term growth potential of the economy at the micro and macro levels • Labour markets: to increase flexibility and reduce the social payments burden to the budget
Envisaged short-term policy formulation actions • The National Reform Programme will be reviewed and a monitoring of goals achievement will be performed until the autumn of 2007 • New goals and targets will be defined in order to match better economic developments, problems and prospects • The medium-term budgetary framework will be elaborated and announced until mid-2007 • The annual update of the Convergence Programme will be submitted to the Commission until December 1, 2007