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St George’s Advanced Assessment Course thoughts on a final medical assessment – the Short Case . GAME 5 th December 2012 Yvonne Finn. Briefly........... . The Short Cases examination Validity and quality assurance Constructs, domains & descriptors Standard setting
St George’s Advanced Assessment Course thoughts on a final medical assessment – the Short Case GAME 5th December 2012 Yvonne Finn
Briefly........... • The Short Cases examination • Validity and quality assurance • Constructs, domains & descriptors • Standard setting • Pros and cons of whole process
5MB Short case • 30% of 5MB year assessments • Requirement to pass • OSCE like in set-up • 6 stations; 1 pair of examiners at each • No set script • Usually clinical skills, diagnosis, interpretation • A single GRS
Short case marking sheet • YEAR 5 FINAL CLINICAL EXAMINATIONS 2011/2012 • SHORT CASES • STUDENT NAME:__________________________________________ • STUDENT ID NUMBER:_____________________________________ • DAY: 1 - WEDNESDAY 2 - THURSDAY (PLEASE CIRCLE) • SESSION: MORNING AFTERNOON (PLEASE CIRCLE) • STATION NUMBER (1 – 6): _________________ • AGREED GLOBAL MARK (OUT OF 10, to the nearest 0.5)*:_________ • COMMENTS (if any): • EXAMINERS’ SIGNATURES: _______________________ _____________________ *Please consider the following elements of the student’s performance in deciding upon his/her mark for this station: communication skills, approach to physical examination, ability to elicit abnormal physical signs, ability to interpret physical findings. Please use the full range of marks from 0 to 10 (to the nearest 0.5), referring to the following broad grade brackets as a guide: 0-4 = CLEAR FAIL; 4.5 = BORDERLINE PASS/FAIL; 5/5.5 = PASS; 6/6.5 = SECOND CLASS HONOURS; 7-10 = FIRST CLASS HONOURS. The gold medal viva candidate is likely to score well in excess of 7/10 in most stations.
Validity • “Validity is the sine qua non of assessment , as without evidence of validity , assessments in medical education have little or no intrinsic meaning”(1) • Contemporary view of validity: a unitary concept, with construct validity as the whole of validity • Purpose of validity testing is to support (or refute) the proposed interpretations of the test scores. 1. Downing S Med Ed 2003; 37: 830-837
Validity in Clinical Assessment • “Validity depends on the fidelity of the simulation” • Validity depends on the implementation of the assessment” Van derVleuten, St Georges; Advanced Assessment Course
Validity testing by... • Map test content to learning objectives of modules • Content representativeness of test material • Peer review • Examination blueprinting (handout) • Accurate descriptions/interpretations (ET) • Internal structure (reliability e.g. GT)
Validity testing by... • Response process – documentation of data quality control; rationale for using GRS vs checklist • Relationship to other variables (correlations) • Consequences – impact for examinees for assessment scores and outcomes (FP & FN) e.g. determination of the pass score, examiner qualifications, number of examiners
Constructs • “intangible collections of abstract concepts and principles which are inferred from behaviour and explained by educational or psychological theory” • e.g. Educational achievement Educational ability (aptitude) Attitudes
Domains in performance-based assessments Examples (handout) Clinical content – information gathering (Hx-taking) Clinical content – giving information Clinical content – communication skills Physical examination – clinical skills Procedure – clinical skills
GRS • Checklist vs GRS • GRS – “subjective expert judgement” more reliable than checklists “use expert judgement for assessing complex skills” • Use of domains (handout with descriptors)
Standard setting • Purpose - identify the cut-score, minimum competence required for progression/ graduation Competent Incompetent Pass Fail
Standard Setting • Method has to be reliable, credible, supported by a body of evidence in the literature, feasible, acceptable to all stakeholders • Absolute standard/criterion referenced • Borderline regression method with GRS requires at least 4 domains of GRS + overall GRS e.g. Handout; at least 100 students