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Seattle Pacific University Engaging the Culture, Changing the World. Teacher Professional Certification 2011-2012. Welcome! Thank you for coming. What is the Professional Certificate and who needs it?.
Seattle Pacific University Engaging the Culture, Changing the World Teacher Professional Certification2011-2012 Welcome! Thank you for coming.
What is the Professional Certificate and who needs it? The Professional Certificate is the second-level teaching certificate in the state of Washington. Anyone who holds a residency teaching certificate and plans to continue teaching in Washington must earn a professional certificate to remain licensed. The professional certificate must be earned prior to the expiration of the residency certificate.
How do I obtain a Professional Certificate? Pass the Washington ProTeach Portfolio Assessment Or… Earn a National Board certificate Or… Hold the Oregon CTL issued after January 1999 Plus… Document qualifying issues of abuse coursework
Should I consider National Board? National Board certification is designed for mid-career teachers who already have their 2nd level teaching certificate. • Estimated 400 hours to complete • Candidate average experience level = 13 years of teaching. • 1st year pass rate = 50% nationally; 60% in Washington. More pass on the second try. ProTeach is a similar process, but designed for novice teachers.
A Glimpse at ProTeach • Three portfolio entries, addressing the 3 professional teaching standards and 12 criteria • Candidates respond to prompts addressing the 12 criteria. • Narrative evidence and artifacts to support the narrative • Emphasis on student voice and positive impact on student learning • Candidates register electronically, select a portfolio submission date, and pay $495. • Portfolio is developed online using the ProTeach web-based portfolio system. • Portfolio is scored by Washington educators trained by ETS. • Candidates may be required to resubmit all or portions of the portfolio to obtain a passing score.
Professional Teaching StandardsWAC 181-79A-207 • Standard 1: Effective Teaching (7 criteria) • Standard 2: Professional Development (3 criteria) • Standard 3: Professional Contributions (2 criteria) Seattle Pacific University
Standard 1: A successful candidate for the professional certificate shall demonstrate the knowledge and skills for effective teaching which ensure student learning by: • Using instructional strategies that make learning meaningful and show positive impact on student learning; • Using a variety of assessment strategies and data to monitor and improve instruction; • Using appropriate classroom management principles, processes and practices to foster a safe, positive, student-focused learning environment; • Designing and/or adapting challenging curriculum that is based on the diverse needs of each student; • Demonstrating cultural sensitivity in teaching and in relationships with students, families and community members; • Integrating technology into instruction and assessment; and • Informing, involving and collaborating with families and community members as partners in each student’s educational process, including using information about student achievement and performance. Seattle Pacific University
Standard 2: A successful candidate for the professional certificate shall demonstrate the knowledge and skills for professional development by: • Evaluating the effects of his/her teaching through feedback and reflection; • Using professional standards and district criteria to assess professional performance and plan and implement appropriate growth activities; and • Remaining current in subject area(s), theories, practice, research and ethical practice. Seattle Pacific University
Standard 3: A successful candidate for the professional certificate shall demonstrate professional contributions to the improvement of the school, community and the profession by: • Advocating for curriculum, instruction and learning environments that meet the diverse needs of each student; and • Participating collaboratively in school improvement activities and contributing to collegial decision-making. Seattle Pacific University
Key Concept During the Pro Cert process, candidates shift their focus from teacher pedagogy to student performance. Effective teaching must produce evidence of positive impact on student learning.
Professional Certificate Timeline Seattle Pacific University
From the ProTeach Website: http://www.waproteach.org/registration/dates_deadlines.html Registration Fee $495 Resubmission Fees: Entry 1 $145 Entry 2 $150 Entry 3 $200 Additional Fees: Late registration $125 Change submission date $75 Score verification $50 Rescore Entry 1 $75 Rescore Entry 2 $75 Rescore Entry 3 $90 Limited Fee reductions available to qualified candidates (need-based) Seattle Pacific University
SPU ProTeach Support Seminars • ProTeach support programs are OPTIONAL. • SPU and others are offering support seminars to assist candidates. • SPU has a long history of involvement with and contribution to the development and implementation of ProTeach. • SPU partners receive facilitator training and ongoing support throughout the year. Seattle Pacific University
What approach is best for me? Should I go it alone?… • Do I prefer to work alone? • Am I comfortable with technology? • Am I detail oriented? • Am I likely to keep an appropriate pace to complete the portfolio on time? • Am I confident of my writing skills and evidence selection? Will I need support?... • Do I prefer to work with others? • Will I need help with technology? • Would I benefit from an guidance and feedback as I develop my entries? • Would I benefit from having interim deadlines and checkpoints for my work? Seattle Pacific University
SPU ProTeach Support Seminars • Work with peers and a trained ProTeach facilitator. • Attend classes in your own district. • Receive guidance and feedback on written narratives and selection of artifacts. • Receive assistance with technology requirements. • Follow a prescribed pace to complete the portfolio on time. EDTC 5175 – 4 credits 40 hours of facilitation and feedback No eligibility requirements Course materials provided $500 tuition No additional fees Seattle Pacific University
What should I do now? • Go to www.waproteach.org to learn more about ProTeach. • Study the information and submission dates carefully. • Determine your best “window” based on your certificate’s expiration date, allowing for 2 submissions. • Make an informed decision! Seattle Pacific University
Administrator Pro Cert SPU also offers Pro Cert for principals and administrators. Contact Jo Ellen McGrath mcgraj@spu.edu 206-281-2722 Seattle Pacific University
Further Information OSPI Professional Education and Certification • 360.725.6400 • http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/Teacher/Residency3.aspx • cert@k12.wa.us Washington ProTeach • http://www.waproteach.org/ Seattle Pacific University
Seattle Pacific University Engaging the Culture, Changing the World Pro Cert Associates Jan Brown brownj8@spu.edu Dianna Coile coiled@spu.edu Jo Ellen McGrath mcgraj@spu.edu Program Coordinator Jennifer Bostrom procert@spu.edu
Thank you! Thank you for your interest in SPU ProTeach Support! All of us at SPU wish you continuing success in your positive impact on students.