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Social Care and Inclusion. Management Forum October 2012. Telecare Strategy Gary Mack Head of Provider Services. Carers Strategy Emma Palmer Strategic Development. Absence Management / Pay & Grading Zoe Urwin Senior HR Advisor. HR update . Attendance management predictions
Social Care and Inclusion Management Forum October 2012
Telecare Strategy Gary Mack Head of Provider Services
Carers Strategy Emma Palmer Strategic Development
Absence Management / Pay & Grading Zoe Urwin Senior HR Advisor
HR update • Attendance management predictions • Pay and grading update
Attendance management The picture to date • Up to end of Quarter 2 = 6.45 days per employee • 2011/12 = 5.55 days per employee • Increase of 16.3% Challenges faced • High long term cases with inconsistent action • Low return to work completions • Very low number of warnings issued
Attendance management The improving picture • Downward trajectory • September 2012 less than 2011, first time since November 2011 • Longest person off sick = 155 days (5 months) • Number off long term sick (as at 8/10/12) = 11 / was 22 in May • Warnings issued in last 12 months = 83 (tripled since May)
Attendance management Still to improve… • Number off short term sick = 36 / was 29 in May • RTW compliance = 71.83%
Attendance management Overall prediction based on the state of the nation… 13.15 days per employee 5.32% reduction on 2011/12 However, watch out for restructures, flexi changes, VR and budget cuts as these will always impact negatively if not managed right!
Attendance management Still to improve… • Number off short term sick = 36 / was 29 in May • RTW compliance = 71.83%
Pay and grading update • All on track for completion within October • Remember to assess your enhancements, 5 – 15% as these may change as service delivery and structures change • Watch out for zero hours staff as they will cost more due to auto-enrolment next year • Remember that zero hours staff have holiday entitlement • Drop in sessions being facilitated by HR, dates on the intranet
Government White Paper • Caring for our future: reforming care and support • Paul Davies • Executive Director • Social Care & Inclusion
INTRODUCTION • The Department has published the ‘Caring for our future: reforming care and support’ White Paper, which sets out the vision for a reformed care and support system • The new system will promote wellbeing and independence at all stages to reduce the risk of people reaching a crisis point, and so improve their lives focus on people’s wellbeing and support them to stay independent for as long as possible
CASE FOR CHANGE • The White Paper clearly states that the care and support system in England today is not fit for purpose as it does not support people to stay as independent as possible, or empower them to take control of their lives, and so cannot respond effectively to increasing pressures over the coming years from a growing and ageing population
VISION • Promote people’s independence and wellbeing by enabling them to prevent or postpone the need for care and support • Transform the system to put people’s needs, goals and aspirations at the centre of care and support • Supporting people to make their own decisions, to realise their potential, and to pursue life opportunities
VISION • The vision will mean for people who use services and for families: • “I am supported to maintain my independence for as long as possible” • “I understand how care and support works, and what my entitlements and responsibilities are” • “I am happy with the quality of my care and support” • “I know that the person giving me care and support will treat me with dignity and respect”
KEY THEMES • The health, wellbeing, independence and rights of individuals are at the heart of care and support • People are treated with dignity and respect, and are safe from abuse and neglect • Personalisation is achieved when a person has real choice and control over the care and support they need to achieve their goals, to live a fulfilling life, and to be connected with society
KEY THEMES • The skills, resources and networks in every community are harnessed and strengthened to support people to live well, and to contribute to their communities where they can and wish to • Carers are recognised for their contribution to society as vital partners in care, and are supported to reach their full potential • A caring, skilled and valued workforce that delivers quality care and support,in partnership with individuals, families and communities
THE FINANCIAL CONTEXT • In the 2010 Spending Review the Government allocated an additional £7.2 billion up to 2014/15 to support adult social care • The reforms will deliver a re-engineered care and support system that shifts resources towards prevention and early intervention • The paper clearly states that it is not intended to set out a funding settlement for care and support in future years
OVERVIEW – DRAFT CARE AND SUPPORT BILL The draft Bill: • Follows on from the white paper ‘Caring for our future: reforming care and support’ • Sets out how the vision set out in the White Paper is to be delivered • Takes forward the recommendations of the Law Commission report on adult social care
THE AIMS OF THE DRAFT BILL • Modernise care and support law so that the system is built around people’s needs and what they want to achieve in their lives • Clarify entitlements to care and support to give people a better understanding of what is on offer • Support the broader needs of local communities as a whole, by giving them access to information and advice, and promoting prevention and earlier intervention to reduce dependency, rather than just meeting existing needs
THE AIMS OF THE DRAFT BILL • Simplify the care and support system and processes to provide the freedom and flexibility needed by local authorities and care professionals to innovate and achieve better results for people • Consolidate existing legislation, replacing laws that date back to the 1940s, with a single, clear statute • Supported by new regulations and a single bank of statutory guidance
THE BILL INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING PROVISION • New statutory principles which embed the promotion of individual wellbeing as the driving force underpinning the provision of care and support • Population-level duties on local authorities to provide information and advice, prevention services, and shape the market for care and support services • Clear legal entitlements to care and support, including giving carers a right to support for the first time to put them on the same footing as the people for whom they care
THE BILL INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING PROVISION • Set out in law that everyone, including carers, should have a personal budget as part of their care and support plan, and give people the right to ask for this to be made as a direct payment • New duties to ensure that no-one’s care and support is interrupted when they move home from one local authority area to another • A new statutory framework for adult safeguarding, setting out the responsibilities of local authorities and their partners, and creating Safeguarding Adults Boards in every area
NHS Developments Andy Rust Head of Joint Commissioning
Budget Position Lloyd Haynes Finance Manager
2012/13 Financial Position (Aug 2012) - (1) • Currently showing large forecast overspend on placement costs for OP, YADS and LD – total £2.776m • Offset by forecast under spends within other areas: • AACM vacant posts - £474k • Provider vacant posts - £697k • Strategic Dvlt vacant posts / office equipment / telephones / stationery - £1.399m
2012/13 Financial Position (Aug 2012) - (2) • Overall forecast position, incorporating some other smaller under spend is an overspend of £46k
Update on Savings Progress (Aug 2012) • Budget for 2012/13 agreed by full Council included new savings targets of £7.155m • Currently implemented £5.687m, with remainder still to be delivered mainly linked to continuation of reprovision programme (as at end of Sept 12 further £300k achieved to date)
Additional Risks (Aug 2012) • In addition to the forecast position the directorate is also actively managing several risks which may impact on the position which amount to £1.950m • These mainly relate to further increases in forecast placement costs and failure to deliver reprovision savings targets in full by the year end
What is it? • Tells people how well we have delivered against our • targets and indicates the challenges we face • Outlines our priorities for the coming year • Covers all aspects of Adult Social Care, Health and other associated issues • Retrospective – 2011/2012
Why? • Local and Self Regulation • Councils responsible for their own improvement • Emphasis on feedback from citizens/carers and • empowering them to influence decisions • It ensures transparency through Sharing data and information in an open and transparent way through local accountability
National context • All councils will follow the Adult Social Care Operating Framework • Role of the Care Quality Commission – reduced. Annual Performance • Assessment replaced by a requirement to provide a Local Account • CQC will undertake safeguarding inspection activity if requested by • the Secretary of State or ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social • Services) • Performance framework currently under review and anticipate it to expand
Structure of Local Account Efficiency and cost
Next steps • Draft Local Account - 31 October 2012 • Public consultation and multimedia campaign - November • Final Document - 31 December 2012
Get Involved ! For further information contact: Nigel Imber ImberN@walsall.gov.uk Anne Doyle DoyleAnne@walsall.gov.uk Consultation: Emma Palmer PalmerE@walsall.gov.uk
Table Exercises Table exercise 1 You’ve now had background information regarding the Local Account. We are planning to run six public Consultation sessions during November. From a Citizens perspective what would you ask regarding the Local Account ? Table exercise 2 As a manager within Social Care and Inclusion which of the 4 outcomes in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework is most relevant to your work and please give a specific example of how your Team has achieved this outcome