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Summary of the achievements of the NEW OSH ERA. Kai Savolainen, FIOH Coordinator of NEW OSH ERA. NEW OSH ERA: “New and Emerging Risks in Occupational Safety and Health - Anticipating and dealing with change in the workplace through coordination of OSH risk research”. Towards NEW OSH ERA.
Summary of the achievements of the NEW OSH ERA Kai Savolainen, FIOH Coordinator of NEW OSH ERA
NEW OSH ERA: “New and Emerging Risks in Occupational Safety and Health - Anticipating and dealing with change in the workplace through coordination of OSH risk research” Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Towards NEW OSH ERA • A need for an OSH ERA-NET was raised by OSH research institutes and policy makers within EU Member States in 2003 • Most of these institutes were involved in the Topic Centre collaboration funded by EU-OSHA since 1999 • Funded by the European Commission within the ERA-NET scheme Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
What is NEW OSH ERA • The main thrusts of NEW OSH ERA are OSH research networking, new alliances, and promoting OSH research within EU • The NEW OSH ERA is a new concept for the OSH: collaboration of research institutes, ministries, funders, and EU-OSHA • The NEW OSH ERA has been a promising platform to support European OSH research funding and has lead to thorough consideration of OSH issues within the Community Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Aim of NEW OSH ERA • The NEW OSH ERA aims to increase the scale, effectiveness and quality of research into new and emerging risks by promoting the coordination of OSH research funding in Europe, and developing a joint research programme Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
WOOD-RISK: AMI, Denmark Inserm, France INRS, France, LMU, Germany
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1: OSHA, Bilbao AMI, Denmark NIWL, Sweden KOOP, Germany TNO, The Netherlands
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1,2: AMI, Denmark BauA, Germany ELINYAE, Greece EUROGIP, France, DEMI, Portugal HSL, UK ISPESL, Italy ISTAS, Spain I-WHO, UK KOOP, Germany Prevent, Belgium TNO, The Netherlands RCHE, UK
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1,2,3: NIOH, Denmark BGIA, Germany BauA, Germany ELINYAE, Greece EUROGIP, France, HSL, UK ISPESL, Italy PREVENT, Belgium TNO, The Netherlands CIOP-PIB, Poland NCPH, Hungary
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1,2,3 + NEW OSH ERA: FWEF/TSR Finland STM/MSAHF, Finland BauA/FIOSH, Germany CIOP-PIB, Poland PT-DLR, Germany HVGB, Germany AMI, Denmark FOD WASO, Belgium ISPESL, Italy NIWL, Sweden FJOKK(NSPH), Hungary EASHW, Spain ELINYAE, Greece GENERAL DIRECTORATE, Greece BMWA, Germany MINSALUTE, Italy MGiP, Poland
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1,2,3 + NEW OSH ERA + NANOSH: LMU-MUENCHEN, Germany CIOP-PIB Poland TNO, The Netherlands HSL, UK BGIA, Germany ULEIC, UK
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1,2,3 + NEW OSH ERA + NANOSH: LMU-MUENCHEN, Germany CIOP-PIB Poland TNO, The Netherlands HSL, UK BGIA, Germany ULEIC, UK NEW COUNTRIES: Croatia Cyprus France
WOOD-RISK + Topic Centre 1,2,3 + NEW OSH ERA + NANOSH + NANODEVICE: TKK, Finland HSL.HSE, UK TNO, The Netherlands UNIKARL, Germany IUTA, Germany DGUV-BGIA, Germany NFA, Denmark SU, Sweden GRIMM, Germany DEKATI, Finland NANEUM, UK TSI, Germany DNV, Norway BAuA, Germany TUT, Finland CIOP-PIB, Poland UKU, Finland DTU, Denmark BASF, Germany Fraunhofer, Germany IGF-BBG, Germany IOM, UK EU-VRi, Germany LU, Sweden
Vision and mission of NEW OSH ERA • Vision: A European OSH research funding network supporting research into new and emerging risks for effective prevention and sound policies contributing to a safer and healthier working life • Mission: To contribute to the development of the ERA in OSH with a specific focus on new and emerging risks through reducing fragmentation promoting coordination of research funding at national level Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Objectives of NEW OSH ERA • Improve quality and increase amount of research on new and emerging OSH risks in EU • Promote the exchange of scientific knowledge • Set priorities for research on new and emerging risks in EU and influence OSH research funding policies at EU level • Increase awareness of the importance of the OSH research on new and emerging risks Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The NEW OSH ERA Strategies • Sustainable network of OSH research funders in EU MS • Jointly financed research programme with common priorities, joint evaluation and coordinated execution from national funds • Transfer of OSH knowledge to the workplaces • Exchange of information on new OSH risks • Priorities of research on new OSH risks in EU influencing EU and national research policies Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The achievements of NEW OSH ERA • All deliverables and milestones of the NEW OSH ERA project have been achieved • Main achievements: • Report on national OSH research landscape & management • Report on new opportunities in OSH research • A foresight study on OSH research • Memorandum of Common Understanding • A joint call • Forum on new and emerging risks at work Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • At near closing of the NEW OSH ERA project it is possible to assess the impacts and future effectiveness of the NEW OSH ERA • Grading of the self-evaluation: Poor - Moderate + Good ++ Excellent +++ Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • Development of the European Research Area in the field of OSH: ++(+)? • a new model of OSH research collaboration in agreement with ERA produced • new level of quality of networking and cross-border cooperation in the frame of joint calls and evaluation of submitted proposals Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • Establishing a durable European network for cooperation in joint research activities between key research institutes and other actors in the field of OSH: +(+) • NEW OSH ERA has empowered a durable research network between OSH research partners • joint activities generated: 1) Forum on new and emerging risks; and 2) joint calls for research • the Advisory Panel was not fully used, Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • Strengthening links between national and European policy makers and OSH research community: + • Forum aimed to link research community, the Commission, national governments, policy/decision makers, funding bodies and social partners • link between policy/decision makers, social partners, the Commission and the OSH research community has not strengthened as expected; this link needs to be empowered in the future Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • Establishing effective dissemination and promotion structures aimed at improvement of OSH in the enlarged European Union: ++ • NEW OSH ERA Newsletter has a great success • the potential of the Forum on new and emerging risks at work to impact improvement of OSH is high • the NEW OSH ERA website enables broad and successful dissemination of knowledge Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • Development of European and national strategies and establishing priorities in OSH research and other prevention activities: + • joint vision and strategies for OSH-research developed • adoption of the NEW OSH ERA vision and strategy on OSH by NEW OSH ERA partners has an impact on the European Union level • the vision will be communicated to the Commission to contribute the new EU strategy on OSH and future EU R&D Framework Programs – who will do that? – All partners? Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
The impacts of NEW OSH ERA • Improvement of competencies and quality of scientific projects in the field of OSH carried out by research partners of the Consortium: ++ • extensive exchange of information and experiences between OSH research programs • increase of research competencies of the project partners and an improvement of quality of scientific projects • increased quality of trans-border cooperation between partners; more willingness to coordinate research, to pool resources, to share knowledge and develop joint research Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Future challenges and opportunities Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Feedback from the NEW OSH ERA Advisory Panel • "I have great respect for the people in the leadership of NOE who had to conduct an extremely complex project. What has been the participation rate of partners to the strategic work during the project?." (slightly modified) • "The NOE webpage was not very interesting for the general public." • "The research programs overview is interesting as are the management approaches in different countries. Reports on emerging OSH risks were not new and not better than the report of the European Agency in 2005." Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Feedback from the NEW OSH ERA Advisory Panel • "The Memorandum of Common Understanding seems not to be a great achievement – most agreed upon in the start for NOE." • "The joint call is a success, as is the development of a call-specific Cooperation Agreement and the transnational funding." • The Forum was not a success: "most researchers still are not able to present their work for practitioners and politicians. A lesson learned could be that they have to be trained." Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Feedback from the NEW OSH ERA Advisory Panel • "A new model of research collaboration has been established indeed. A need to indicate how the Threats and Weaknesses can be dealt with to assure that this model can be successfully applied in the future." • "Is the network more durable than what already existed as PEROSH and the European Agency? The improvement of the transnational cooperation has to be shown in the second and more joint calls." (slightly modified) Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Feedback from the NEW OSH ERA Advisory Panel • "Informative reports and a Newsletter have been produced and made available on the website" • "..three major driving forces for improved ..OSH research: the OSH research community, the labor market partners and the governments. ..not obvious ..major efforts ..been made to ..to influence .. the Commission .. national governments about the potential of OSH research for the workers and enterprises within EU in spite of such objectives in the plan." Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Feedback from the NEW OSH ERA Advisory Panel • "The project ..mostly .. discussions among the partners ..only .. limited communication ..with the social partners and the ministries." • "There is a lack of a natural forum for communication between OSH players …within EU. I suggest that attempts are made to start planning for such a forum, perhaps through EU-OSHA." Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
Feedback from the NEW OSH ERA Advisory Panel • "The very fact that the major European funders of OSH research have met and get acquainted over several years should have increased the potential for collaboration to fulfill the aims of the NOE project." (slightly modified) • "Collaboration between the research institutions and joint calls from the funders seem most rational and all efforts should be made to understand the potential and problems with continued collaboration without external money from the EU." – Also the Agency's role emphasized. (slight modification) Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
ATTEMPTS TO DEVELOP DURABLE IMPACT • Contacts with the Commission: not successful, Commission recommends mainstreaming under Co-Operation themes • Discussions with NEW OSH ERA funding partners have been successful • The European Agency for Safety and Health has adopted the responsibility for the Forum • PEROSH have agreed to adopt the NEW OSH ERA way of organizing research • The joint call was a success Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
But in short: shrinking violets cannot cope with OSH research challenges – more is needed • OSH partner leadership committment needed more • OSH is a horizontal approach, and EU research is organized thematically • Mainstream – get OSH into themes • Way forward requires more communication with national governments, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Social Partners – to get air under the wings OSH research needs policy/political committment and funds Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Summary of the achievements / KS / 24.9.2014