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Our Symbols. Palestine Location. Palestine is located in South-West Asia and is in the heart of the Middle East. Capita l: Jerusalem . Neighbor Countries In the north Syria and Lebanon, In the south the Gulf of Aqaba and the Egypt In the east is Jordan.
Palestine Location • Palestine is located in South-West Asia and is in the heart of the Middle East. • Capital: Jerusalem. • Neighbor Countries In the north Syria and Lebanon, In the south the Gulf of Aqaba and the Egypt In the east is Jordan. In the west is the Mediterranean sea.
Palestinian Presidents Yasser Arafat Mahmoud Abbas
Facts about Palestine • Capital:Jerusalem • Official language:Arabic • Population: 4 million inside and nearly 5 million outside • Area:27,000 km² (35,637 sq. miles) • Religion :Sunni Muslims 75% Christians 25% • Climate : Palestine has a combination of Mediterranean and arid desert climates . Generally, Palestine has warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters.
Fact about Palestine • Holidays : Friday and Saturday in addition to some other religious and historical days ( Eid Al Feter , Eid Al Adha,Christmas , …) • Business Hours : For Public Sector 8 AM – 2 PM • For Private Sector 9 AM – 5 PM • Main Economic Resource : Tourism , Agriculture • Currency: Israeli Shekel (ILS) • Exchange Rate : 1 USD = 3.5 ILS
Historic Palestine • Palestine was once a land stretching from the Mediterranean coast east across the Jordan River, and from the Gulf of Aqaba north beyond the Sea of Galilee. • Today this geographical area is divided into the state of Israel (established in May 1948), and the West Bank (including eastern Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip which Israel occupied in 1967.
Cities of Palestine Bethlehem Gaza Hebron Jericho
Cities of Palestine Nablus Tulkarm Ramallah Qalqelia
Cities of Palestine Haifa Yafa
National flower, Bird and animal Shaqaeqalnu’man Almaha Sun bird
Crimes Of The Israeli Occupation Children
Crimes Of The Israeli Occupation Schools
Crimes Of The Israeli Occupation Hospitals
Crimes Of The Israeli Occupation Explosions
Crimes Of The Israeli Occupation Houses & Buildings
By Unity and Rocks How we Resist this Terrorism
Free Palestine