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Reports of Cheating Behavior on Social Contracts

Breaking Rules: Examining the Facilitaton Effects of Moral Intensity Characteristics on the recognition of Rule Violations. Wasieleski , David M.; Hayibor , Sefa ; Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 78(1-2), Mar, 2008. pp. 275-289. [Journal Article]

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Reports of Cheating Behavior on Social Contracts

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  1. Breaking Rules: Examining the Facilitaton Effects of Moral Intensity Characteristics on the recognition of Rule Violations Wasieleski, David M.; Hayibor, Sefa; Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 78(1-2), Mar, 2008. pp. 275-289. [Journal Article] Johnathan Lou, Charlie Kittler, Tristan Sguigna

  2. Reports of Cheating Behavior on Social Contracts • Executives at companies like Tyco, Enron, Parmalat, and WorldCom violated social contracts • Violation of rules constitutes an epidemic

  3. This Study • Examines individual’s ability to detect violators of a social contract • Focuses on three components of moral intensity: magnitude of consequences, social consensus, and proximity • Propose high level of moral intensity will lead to enhanced rule violator detection

  4. Design and Method • Wason selection task (social situation involving drinking age) • 320 undergraduate students, age ranged from 19 to 23 years • three moral intensity variables manipulated into a high and low condition • Z test

  5. Results • Hypothesis 1, 2 and 3 were not supported • Opposite direction occurred for 3rd

  6. Discussion • Possible explanations: • moral intensity characteristics • Wason selection task • Culture (norms of drinking behavior) • Concept of underage drinking (schema) • Issue –contingent variables do not facilitate cheater detection to any significant degree ?

  7. Critical Review • Morality and ethics in biological and evolutionary terms • Concept of moral intensity characteristics • Influence of our "nature" and our "nurture" in forming our ethics and moral behavior • Cultural values and age group differences • Wason Selection Task

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