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How common is Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer symptoms?

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How common is Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer symptoms?

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  1. How common is Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer symptoms? Well, people can get colorectal cancer between 20 years to 54 years of their life. Following that, an individual’scolorectal cancer symptomsaren’t that uncommon. A person attaining old age has an utmost risk of having abnormal cells in their colon. Following that, one needs to go through preventive tips to ward off its cause. Besides that, an individual may go through their treatment options as well. However, people may consult the doctors of a Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad for this purpose. So, one can go through this article to know about the top risks associated with colorectal cancer. A person may also explore certain treatment options for attending it. Is Colorectal Cancer Common? People must note that colorectal cancer is quite common in India that affects thousands of lives. One should know that 87 per 100,000 populations suffer from this disease. However, a person living in urban areas of India bears an increased risk of having the same. Following that, one’s diet can be entirely blamed for its occurrence. Still, an individual needs to note that bowel cancers aren’t that prominent here. What are the main causes of Colorectal Cancer? One can have various factors that can trigger the causes of colorectal cancer. In general, a person’scolorectal cancer symptoms may be caused by their genetic conditions. Here, an individual needs to notice the signs carefully before visiting a doctor. So, one’s main causes of colorectal cancer may include the following:

  2. Actually, people have higher chances of having colorectal cancer as they turn to become old. Most commonly, young adults, as well as teenagers, can also become a victim of this disease. Still, one must know that majority of colorectal cancer occur at 50 years or more. Following that, an individual may carry out a proper diagnosis within 68 to 70 years only. Smoking • A person can have irreversible damage to the colorectal mucosa leading to carcinogenic effects through smoking. Moving on, an individual’s body can have cancerous changes due to this. Following that, a person inhaling chemicals may damage DNA’s functioning in the body. Ultimately, one’s healthy cells may start mutating at a certain point in time. Eventually, an individual may invite the development of cancerous polyps with this. Regular Alcohol Intake • An individual may damage his liver by consuming alcohol regularly. A person can end up having liver scarring as well as inflammation through this. Moreover, a doctor has strongly connected the risk of alcohol consumption with colon cancer. Besides that, one’s DNA can be damaged considerably in this process. Family History One’s family history of colorectal cancer may trigger the cause of its occurrence at any time. Here, a person’s inherited genes may come from their parents or close family members. Still, one must note that faulty genes have about a 1 to 2 % chance of causing cancer. So, an individual with faulty genes may not end up with cancer as well. Unhealthy Diet • People need to know that consumption of sugary snacks can lead to the formation of colorectal cancer. Besides that, one can have increased insulin levels to some extent as well. Following that, a person may end up with kidney cancer through this. Moreover, an individual’s cravings for red meats can result in colon cancer too. Obesity • An individual may change certain essential hormones of the body by gaining excess weight. In general, people may blame obesity for having 11% of colorectal cancer cases. Eventually, one’scolorectal cancer symptoms may begin with the abnormal growth of cells in the colon. However, people can have multiple cardiovascular diseases by having obesity. African People •

  3. Most commonly, African people carry the utmost risk of having colon cancer. An individual’s diet having excess animal fat along with less fiber can cause this. However, one living in that part of the world needs to remain extra cautious of this disease. Hence, people can have numerous causes of ending up with colon cancer. Moving on, an individual must note that it’s common as compared to other cancer types. Moreover, a person must change their lifestyle to some extent for alleviating its impact. What are the main signs of Colorectal Cancer? Primarily, one’s location of the colorectal tumor says a lot about its signs. Most importantly, a person’scolorectal cancer symptoms may differ from others due to several reasons. Here, an individual may contact an oncologist after noticing its earliest signs. So, one’s main signs of colorectal cancer may include the following: Blood in the stool • Weakness • Feeling that bowel didn’t empty completely • Persistent abdominal discomfort • Constipation • Anemia • How can you treat colorectal cancer? People need to know that there are several treatments available for colorectal cancer. In general, a doctor may suggest the relevant treatment means after going through their health. Still, an individual’s treatment procedure may vary from the others. So, one may treat colorectal cancer in the following ways: Chemotherapy •

  4. An individual may be administered the drugs of chemotherapy for attacking cancer cells. Here, a person’s cell division is attained with utmost efficacy. In general, one’s drug goes into the bloodstream for defeating cancerous cells. Surgery • A doctor may recommend having a surgical intervention to treat colorectal cancer in its early stage. An individual may use the name colectomy where part of the colon is removed. Following that, a doctor may remove nearby lymph nodes along with the colon. Radiation Therapy One needs to know the implication of high-powered radiation beams to attain colon cancer. Here, a doctor may initiate this therapy for destroying cancer cells. Furthermore, an individual may use certain doses of chemotherapy along with radiation therapy. Still, one need not ignore the potential side effects of radiation therapy. Immunotherapy • Usually, a person’s immune system is stimulated for fighting off cancer cells in the colon. One’s body gets to get rid of foreign bodies with the help of a strong immune system. Following that, a doctor may combine other therapies along with it. Therefore, people can choose any treatment option as per their health condition. Here, an oncologist’s decision becomes very crucial when deciding the treatment plan. Conclusion: People need to know that colorectal cancer is quite common among all other types of cancer. An individual should note down the crucial causes of its occurrence. Besides that, a person must have an understanding of the common signs of this disease. Moving on, one should know about the treatment options available for it. However, an individual may have their say regarding the same. Ultimately, a person may contact the doctors of a Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad for this purpose. Read More: What are early symptoms of colon cancer?

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