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JFK Television, Catholic, Bay of pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Peace Corps, Assassination, Oswald, Ruby. LBJ Great Society, civil rights, Job corps, CR 1957, CR 1964, VR 1965, 1964 election, credibility gap, pentagon papers, gulf of Tonkin resolution. Vietnam
JFK • Television, Catholic, Bay of pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Peace Corps, Assassination, Oswald, Ruby
LBJ • Great Society, civil rights, Job corps, CR 1957, CR 1964, VR 1965, 1964 election, credibility gap, pentagon papers, gulf of Tonkin resolution
Vietnam • Quagmire, Westmoreland, Rolling thunder, Tet, Agent Orange, napalm, Ho chi minh trail, Vietcong, Vietminh, ARVN, anti war protest, war powers act, living room war, lottery draft, SDS, Lt. Calley, My Lai
Nixon • Watergate, Yom Kippur War, Silent Majority, Southern strategy, Executive privilege, US v. Nixon, China, Russia, détente, realpolitik, Henry Kissenger, Kent state, vietnamization, Cambodia, paris peace accords, Gerald Ford, pardon, resignation
Counter Culture • Alternative lifestyle, recreational drug use, music, protest, Haight Ashbury, Generation gap, Woodstock, sexual revolution, feminist movement, ERA, Stop ERA, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinam, Title IX,
1968 • Race riots, tet offensive, MLK assassination, RFK assassination, Johnson leaves office, Nixon election, rise of militant civil rights
Carter • Oil crisis, Iran hostage crisis, 3 mile island, Camp David Accords, bad economy
Civil Rights/Rights of the Accused • MLK jr, SCLC, SNCC, Black Panthers, Malcolm X, CR 1964, VR 1965, Montgomery Bus boycott, Rosa Parks, James Meredith, Medgar Evans, Brown v. Board, Plessy v, Ferguson, Selma March-bloody Sunday, Baker v. Carr, California v. Bakke, Engle v. Vitale, Abbington v. Schemp, Gideon v. Wainwright, Miranda v. Arizona, Non-violent protest, civil disobedience, Warren
Minority Rights • Latino movement, Chicano movement, La RazaUnida, Ceasar Chavez, bracero program, Immigration & Nationality at 1965, UFW, grape boycott, AIM, Alcatraz, Wounded Knee take over, Indian Self determination act, Asian American rights, Bureau of Indian affairs
Environmental Movement • Rachel Carson, silent spring, 3 mile island, love canal, Clean water act, clean air act, endangered species act