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Summary of key findings and recommendations from the 3rd CARE-HHH-APD Workshop at LUMI'06 in October 2006. Includes insights on beam parameters, injector upgrades, and PS2 improvements for future particle accelerators.
Walter Scandale, Frank Zimmermann 3rd CARE-HHH-APD Workshop LUMI’06, Valencia, October 2006 CARE-HHH Summary of LUMI06part II CERN, 18 January 2007 We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 “Structuring the European Research Area” programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395).
Beam parameters emerging from LUMI06 +LUMI’06
new parameter sets have acceptable electron cloud & increased pile-up events with a modest or no increase of the beam current 25 ns spacing with ultimate beam intensity and with a considerably reduced low b* need triplets of a new generation (large gradient and aperture) D0 and small-angle crab cavities 50 ns spacing long bunches may need wire compensation of the far beam-beam effect (12.5 ns short bunches today imply unacceptable heat load -> revisit it only if there will be bunch current limitations ) Beam parameters
Heat load data (L. Tavian) • Ultimate scenario add a dedicated cryoplant for RF cavities. • Long-bunch scenario add dedicated cryoplants for RF cavities and inner triplets located at the high luminosity interaction points. • Short-bunch scenario increase of the sector cooling capacity by a factor 4 (& local limitations in the beam screen cooling circuits).
Upgrade of the injectors (R. Garoby) Endorsed by the PAF
Parameters of the PS2 (M. Benedikt) • Twice average line density of PS • Twice longer machine • Twice extraction energy • Identical acceleration time • Shorter cycle time in some cases (LHC without double batch) • Actual performance will depend on the level of the injector upgrade • In case of staged approach: i.e. PS2 before injector upgrade • Line density limited to achievable PS density • Increased cycling time because of double batch filling from PS. Theoretically factor 8 increase in power and power density (assuming identical normalised emittances)
Concerns/limitations of PS2 (SPS+ and LHC) B. Goddard • Injection • High energy (3.5 GeV) H- injection system in PS2 • SPS injection system upgrade to 50/75 GeV • LHC injection system upgrade to 1 TeV • Extraction systems • Multiple extraction systems from PS2/SPS • SPS fast extraction at 1 TeV (B.dl) • Beam dumping • Aperture, dilution and absorption for SLHC dump (largeren, larger Itot, ~same E) • Machine protection for beam in gap in SPS+ and LHC+ • Radiation and “co-habitation” issues for internal dumps (PS2/SPS+) • Aperture and extraction system design for external dumps (PS2/SPS+) • Transfer lines • Bending radius and slopes for SC magnets (TI 2/8+ SPS+ to LHC+) • Kicker impedance • Already an issue in the SPS with existing kickers
Main area of interest for PS2 R&D B. Goddard Kicker upgrade • Impedance and shielding • Ceramic chamber coatings, surface treatments, geometries, effect on rise times • Ferrite surface treatments, stripes • Switch technology • Fast solid state high current thyristor devices • High Voltage technology • Flashover under vacuum (magnets, connectors, ceramic chambers) • Magnetic materials • High saturation ferrites • High Currie-temperature vacuum-compatible ferrites • Ultra-thin laminations, tape-wound cores • Coil technology • in-vacuum insulation • “New” beam transfer concepts • C-type extraction kickers • Beam intercepting protection devices • Materials and geometries for increased robustness • Consumable/single-use devices
FODO arcs of PS2 ? J. Jowet • RF constraint on transition energy severely constrains choice of FODO cell parameters • Large dispersion (4-5 m in QF) • Increased horizontal aperture • Solution with p/2 phase advance and nbend=4 is probably most practical • Leaves adequate straight section space within twice the circumference of existing PS • Other solutions with nbend=3 • Quadrupole strengths almost independent of other choices (determined by magnets and gtr). • Further evaluation of these solutions?
Alternative lattice for imaginary tr Flexible Momentum Compaction J. Jowet
PS2 Lattice investigations J. Jowet • Straight sections increase |gtr| • FMC (and similar) arcs eat up straight section space • Revisit RF requirement on gtr to relax constraints? • Define preferred choice FODO/FMC/other … • Adapt shape of machine (and circumference?) • Provide strong enough quadrupoles (double them?) • To be done: • Matching of arc modules to dispersion-free straight sections • Likely to use flexible matching sections • Design of straight section functionality (B. Goddard’s talk …) • Injection, extraction, RF, collimation, … • Analysis of lattice stability, chromatic, non-linear behaviour, etc. • Similar calculations for other arc modules (DOFO, doublet, …)
PS2: which benefits for the SPS? G. Rumolo
SC magnets for the SPS+ G. Kirby
Injector complex limitations G. Arduini • Nominal LHC beam at the performance limit (PS & SPS) • Ultimate is out of range for the time being • Ambient radiation, air activation, component aging,….. • Magnet aging (coil erosion, …) is a major issue • Space charge and reduced aperture are common limitations injection energy increase. • (The PSB will profit of the LINAC4) • TMCI in PS and SPS |h| increase (avoid transition crossing and ginj >> gtr) • Space charge: limit at ~0.1 given the long injection plateau • Vertical physical aperture (~5 mm) is the main limitation for the high intensity beams for fixed target physics.
Injector complex limitations G. Arduini • Electron cloud remains THE main limitation for the SPS (and for the PS?). The only “SURE” solution is the suppression of electron multipacting by a proper design of the vacuum system. • If the priority has to be given to the PS upgrade (aging and radiation issues) we need to define the strategy for the transition to a SPS+: • Experimental verification of the scaling • Optimization of the longitudinal parameters at the transfer • How far can we extend the palliatives we have developed (scrubbing, stabilization by feedback and chromaticity, ….) • Resources and machine time issues
RF issues and bunch length E. Shaposhnikova
ecloud heat load: LHC nominal case M. Furman heat load vs. Nb heat load vs. dmax dmax=1.7 tb=25 ns Nb=1e11 old dmax=1.7 dmax=1.5 new dmax=1.3 Solid: LTC40: ECLOUD (F. Zimmermann, LTC mtg. #40, April 2005) Dashed: new POSINST, SEY w/o rediffused dmax=1.7 heat load vs. Nb dmax=1.5 – New conclusion: ecloud less severe than before – dmax needs to be <1.3 (vs. <1.2 in the old calculation) – Very good agreement with ECLOUD if same SEY model dmax=1.3
ecloud heat load: LHC upgrade M. Furman heat load vs. Nb heat load vs. Nb Short bunch case (tb=12.5 ns) Longer bunch case (tb=75 ns)
ecloud heat load: injector upgrade SPS, Eb=50 GeV SPS+, Eb=1000 GeV M. Furman PS2, Eb=50 GeV
Intensity limitations in the PSB and in the SPS are the bottle necks of the injector complex The LINAC4 will mitigate the space-charge in the PSB PS2/PS2+ should be successor of PS: reliability & availability, well advanced technology optimum extraction energy, layout, & other parameters to be determined (to mitigate the SPS intensity limitations, ion acceleration, nu-physics) measures to improve the SPS until its successor will be considered Comparison PS2/PS2+ needed (eventually launch s.c. magnet R&D: superferric and 3.5-4.5 T, 2 T/s rate) superferric LER in SPS to be investigated (mitigate intensity limitations in the SPS by RF stacking in LER?) studies on space-charge compensation (e-lens) ? Check of the e-cloud in the upgraded injector to be reinvestigated and cross-checked Tentative conclusions Conclusion on injector upgrade
The end …dedicated to Francesco…