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Tyne Cot Cemetery. Jarny Fermaut 3MB1. Zonnebeke. Gemeente ten oosten van Ieper. Gekend voor de slagvelden tijdens WW1 ( Zonnebeke & Passendale ) De heropbouw van de stad na WW1 werd geleid door 2 architecten: Huib Hoste en Antoon Dujardijn .
Tyne CotCemetery JarnyFermaut 3MB1
Zonnebeke • Gemeente ten oosten van Ieper. • Gekend voor de slagvelden tijdens WW1 (Zonnebeke & Passendale) • De heropbouw van de stad na WW1 werd geleid door 2 architecten: Huib Hoste en Antoon Dujardijn. • 5 deelgemeenten: Zonnebeke, Passendale, Geluveld, Zandvoorde, Beselare • In december 2013 werd Zonnebeke en de hele regio opgeschrikt door een gigantische kettingbotsing op de A19 in de dichte mist.
Zonnebeke • Town nearYpres (eastside) • Knownfor the battlefields of WW1 (Zonnebeke & Passendale) • The villagers have rebuild the townafter WW1. Twoarchitectswere designed the new plans: Huib Hoste & Antoon Dujardijn • Zonnebeke has 5 districts (Zonnebeke, Passendale, Geluveld, Zandvoorde, Beselare) • In december 2013 a very big multiple collisionhappened on the A19 speedway in the fog. It was a shock forZonnebeke and the wholeregion.
Tyne CotCemeteryis de grootste Britse militaire begraafplaats TER WERELD. DE Begraafplaats telt bijna 12.000 grafstenen.. Jaarlijks komen er bijna meer dan 180.000 bezoekers naar Tyne CotCemetery.De achterzijde van Tyne Cot bestaat uit een muur met 35.000 namen van vermiste soldaten en is het vervolg van de Menenpoort. Tyne CotCemetery
TYNE COT CEMETERY is the biggestbritish military cemetery in the worldwith more than 12000 tombs. This Site yearlywelcomes more than 180000 visitors.The backside of Tyne cotcemetery has a wallwith more than 35000 names of missing soldiers. It is an extension of the menin gate. Tyne CotCemetery
COMMON WEALTH of nations • Tyne CotCemetery is a legendaryplacefor the British Commonwealth. • The Commonwealth is anorganisation of 53 member states. Soldiers from these member statesfought on the battlefieldsduring WW1. • Manynationalitiesappear on the tombs of Tyne CotCemetery (Australia, Canada, South-Africa, Great-Britain, …)
Luchtfoto Tyne CotCemetery Ligging Tyne CotCemetery
Paschendale is a famous song on WW1 by the British hardrock band Iron Maiden. It is also the title of a famous movie on WW1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAsUlCGUoWg
Enda Kenny & David Cameronvisiting Tyne CotCemetery Queen Elizabeth II and the formerBelgianqueen Paola visiting Tyne CotCemetery
Memorial Museum http://www.passchendaele.be/ Zonnebeke and Passendale are two little villages, at a stone's throw from Ypres. During the British attack of 1917, there were 500.000 casulaties in 100 days for a gain territory of only 5 miles. Passchendaele became an international symbol of senseless military violence in its most cruel form. In the Memorial Museum the memory of the battle is kept alive through images and movies, a large collection of historical artefacts and several life-like-diorama's. Eye-cathcher is an underground dugout tunnel with communication- and dressing post, headquarters, workplaces and dormitories. A breathtaking experience of how the British had to live underground like moles... just because there was nothing left above. The museum is set up in the historical castle of Zonnebeke, on the road to Tyne Cot Cemetery. Tyne Cot is the biggest military cemetery of the Commonwealth with 12.000 graves and an impressive Missing Memorial. You can also pay a visit to a recently discovered underground dressing post, the German trenches in Bayernwald and strategic points like the Menin Road, 's Graventafel and Polygon Wood with a professional guide. The Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 is an ideal starting point for a visit to the old battlefields, an absolute must for tourists ands specialists.