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ISMD 2010. The Quest to Find New Physics. Rick Field University of Florida. Outline of Talk. “New physics” in 1977. “New physics” in high multiplicity “min-bias” events at the LHC!. We hope much more “new physics” is soon to come from the LHC. Why expect “new physics”?.
ISMD 2010 The Quest to Find New Physics Rick Field University of Florida Outline of Talk • “New physics” in 1977. • “New physics” in high multiplicity “min-bias” events at the LHC! • We hope much more “new physics” is soon to come from the LHC. • Why expect “new physics”? • What “new physics”? • When “new physics”? • How to find “new physics”? UE&MB@CMS Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 22 Years! Rick Field (experimenter?) “Min Bias and the Underlying Events in Run 2 at CDF” Rick Field (theorist?) “Jet Formation in QCD” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 28 Years! Rick Field (theorist?) “Jet Formation in QCD” Rick Field (phenomenologist?) “The Quest to Find New Physics” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
“New Physics” 1977 FF1 1977 • What happens when two hadrons collide at high energy? • Most of the time the hadrons ooze through each other and fall apart (i.e.no hard scattering). The outgoing particles continue in roughly the same direction as initial proton and antiproton. • Occasionally there will be a large transverse momentum meson. Question: Where did it come from? • We assumed it came from quark-quark elastic scattering, but we did not know how to calculate it! “Black-Box Model” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
“New Physics” 1977 FF1 1977 • What happens when two hadrons collide at high energy? Feynman quote from FF1 “The model we shall choose is not a popular one, so that we will not duplicate too much of the work of others who are similarly analyzing various models (e.g. constituent interchange model, multiperipheral models, etc.). We shall assume that the high PT particles arise from direct hard collisions between constituent quarks in the incoming particles, which fragment or cascade down into several hadrons.” • Most of the time the hadrons ooze through each other and fall apart (i.e.no hard scattering). The outgoing particles continue in roughly the same direction as initial proton and antiproton. • Occasionally there will be a large transverse momentum meson. Question: Where did it come from? • We assumed it came from quark-quark elastic scattering, but we did not know how to calculate it! “Black-Box Model” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Quark-Quark Black-Box Model No gluons! FF1 1977 Quark Distribution Functions determined from deep-inelastic lepton-hadron collisions Quark Fragmentation Functions determined from e+e- annihilations Quark-Quark Cross-Section Unknown! Deteremined from hadron-hadron collisions. Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Quark-Quark Black-Box Model FF1 1977 Predict overall event topology (FFF1 paper 1977) Predict increase with increasing CM energy W “Beam-Beam Remnants” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
QCD Approach: Quarks & Gluons FFF2 1978 Quark & Gluon Fragmentation Functions Q2 dependence predicted from QCD Parton Distribution Functions Q2 dependence predicted from QCD Quark & Gluon Cross-Sections Calculated from QCD Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
QCD Approach: Quarks & Gluons FFF2 1978 Quark & Gluon Fragmentation Functions Q2 dependence predicted from QCD Feynman quote from FFF2 “We investigate whether the present experimental behavior of mesons with large transverse momentum in hadron-hadron collisions is consistent with the theory of quantum-chromodynamics (QCD) with asymptotic freedom, at least as the theory is now partially understood.” Parton Distribution Functions Q2 dependence predicted from QCD Quark & Gluon Cross-Sections Calculated from QCD Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Feynman Talk at Coral Gables(December 1976) 1st transparency Last transparency “Feynman-Field Jet Model” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
New Physics in “Min-Bias”? • CMS Two-Particle Correlations at 7 TeV. “Semi-hard” parton-parton collision (pT < ≈2 GeV/c) The Inelastic Cross Section + + + + … Multiple-parton interactions (MPI)! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations • Signal, S, is two particles in the same event. Background, B, is two particles in two different events. See the very nice talk by Xavier Janssen at this meeting for more details! • Correlation, R, is ~(S-B)/B. Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations CMS “min-bias” 7 TeV Bose-Einstein Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations CMS “min-bias” 7 TeV Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations CMS “min-bias” 7 TeV Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
High Multiplicity at 7 TeV Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
CMS High Multiplicity Trigger • A dedicated high multiplicity trigger was implemented in the two levels of the CMS trigger system. Level 1 (L1): Sum of the total ET (ECAL, HCAL, and HF) > 60 GeV. • High-level trigger (HLT): number of online tracks built from the three layers of pixel detectors >70 (85). Statistics for high multiplicity enhanced by ~1,000! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations • Lots of jets at high multiplicity! High Multiplicity “Min-Bias” Average “Min-Bias” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations High Multiplicity “Min-Bias” Average “Min-Bias” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Two Particle Angular Correlations • Long range (in Dh) same side correlations! What is this? High Multiplicity “Min-Bias” Average “Min-Bias” Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Long-Range Same-Side Correlations High Multiplicity “Min-Bias” High Multiplicity “Min-Bias” Also not there in PYTHIA 6 and HERWIG++! Not there in PYTHIA8! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Correlation in Heavy Ion Collisions • Long range correlations expected in “collective flow” in heavy ion collisions. Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Correlation in Heavy Ion Collisions • Long-range “Ridge”-like structure in Dh at Df≈ 0! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Proton-Proton vs Au-Au Proton-Proton Collisions 7 TeV Gold-Gold Collisions 200 GeV • I am not ready to jump on the quark-gluon plasma bandwagon quite yet! QGP Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Jet-Jet Correlations • Are the “leading-log” or “modified leading-log” QCD Monte-Carlo Models missing an important QCD correlation? • The leading jet and the incident protons form a plane (yz-plane in the figure). This is the plane of the hard scattering. • Initial & final-state radiation prefers to lie in this plane. This is a higher order effect that you can see in the 2→3 or 2→4 matrix elements, but it is not there if you do 2→2 matrix elements and then add radiation using a naïve leading log approximation (i.e. independent emission). • I do not know to what extent this higher order jet-jet correlation is incorporated in the QCD Monte-Carlo models. • I would think that this jet-jet correlation would produce a long range (in Dh) correlation with Df≈ 0 from two particles with one in the leading jet and one in the radiated jet. Why don’t we see this in the Monte-Carlo models? Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Jet-Jet Correlations • Initial & Final-State Radiation: There should be more particles “in-the-plane” of the hard scattering (yz-plane in the figure) than “out-of –the-plane”. ?? • I do not understand why this does not result in a long-range same-side correlation? Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Why Expect “New Physics”? • Dark Matter: If gravity is described by Einstein’s equations, the Universe we observe cannot be explained without sizeable “dark components”. • Unitarity: Fermi contact interaction is tamed at high energies through an intermediate Massive Vector Boson (W). However, massive vectors develop a longitudinal component and unitarity is lost at high energies! H Violates Unitarity ! Restored via Goldstone Bosons! “New Physics” No Dark Matter candidate in Standard Model ! “New Physics” Neutralinos, Gravitinos, Axinos, Scalar Neutrinos, KK Photons, KK Neutrinos, 4th Gen. Neutrinos, Mirror Photons, Mirror Nuclei, Stable States from Technicolor, Sterile Neutrinos, Light scalars, Q-balls, D-matter, Braneworld Matter, Primordial Black Holes, Axions, … Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
What “New Physics”? • Supersymmetry: • Extra Dimensions: *Hidden Sectors (Y. Xie ICHEP talk) *Exotic particles of Various Spin and Gauge permutations (Berger ICHEP talk) *Quirks (Y. Xie ICHEP talk) *Supermodels At Early LHC (Ligeti ICHEP talk) *Exotic Higgs Decays (Several ICHEP talks) *Many Others From James Wells (ICHEP 2010) LHC Street Lamp Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
When “New Physics”? • Expect more new LHC physics in 2011 (if Steve Myers’ integrated luminosity projections are correct)! Preliminary Projected LHC Total Int (fb-1) Steve Myers ICHEP 2010 • Also might see new physics at the Tevatron (e.g. AFB(top))! • I think the Tevatron and LHC programs complement each other nicely and I would like to see the Tevatron continue to run over the next several years! CDF has a high multiplicity min-bias trigger. They should look for long-range same-side correlations! If it is a QCD effect, it should be there at 1.96 TeV. Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
How to Find “New Physics”? Difficult to produce enough events with large “transverse” multiplicity at a low hard scale! CMS Calculate the Standard Model and QCD as accurately as possible and look for deviations from these predictions in the data! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Letter from Feynman July 1976 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Letter from Feynman Page 1 Spelling? Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS
Letter from Feynman Page 3 It is fun! Onward! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS