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News from ELAN

News from ELAN. SC of CARE Paris Sept 5 2005. News from ILC. GDE structure founded under B. Barish: 3 GDE regional Directors + ~40 CORE team (4 from ELAN managt) under ILCSC ‘oversight’ Snowmass meeting (ALCPG->Intal) 2 weeks in August to reach ILC configuration

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News from ELAN

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  1. News from ELAN SC of CARE Paris Sept 5 2005

  2. News from ILC • GDE structure founded under B. Barish: 3 GDE regional Directors + ~40 CORE team (4 from ELAN managt) under ILCSC ‘oversight’ • Snowmass meeting (ALCPG->Intal) 2 weeks in August to reach ILC configuration - Physics (Aspen), Detector, Accelerator (after KeK) - 640 participants (1/3 machine) - 10 critical recommendations/decisions • EUDET: I3 for detector approved 7 M€ 21 partners

  3. GDE – Staffing • Staff the GDE • Administrative, Communications, Web staff • Regional Directors (one per region) • Accelerator Experts (covering all technical areas) • Senior Costing Engineer (one per region) • Civil/Facilities Engineer (one per region) • Detectors (WWS chairs) • Fill in missing skills (later) • Total staff size about 20 FTE (2005-2006) about 40 heads. • The internal GDE organization and tasks will be organized internationally, not regionally

  4. GDE – Near Term Plan • Schedule • Begin - define Configuration (Snowmass Aug 05) • Baseline Configuration Document (end of 2005) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- • Baseline under Configuration Control (Jan 06) • Develop Reference Design (end of 2006) • Coordinate the supporting R&D program • Three volumes -- 1) Reference Design Report; 2) Shorter glossy version for non-experts and policy makers ; 3) Detector Concept Report

  5. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design Effort Project LHC Physics Baseline configuration Reference Design The GDE Plan and Schedule Technical Design ILC R&D Program Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt

  6. ELAN and ILC • Support relevant for European WS with acknowledgement of ELAN support (logo) Document(s) ELAN issued • List in http://esgard.lal.in2p3.fr/Project/Activities/Current/Networking/N2/ELAN/Workshops/ • Support for international (ILC) meetings: LCWS05 (MDI, ACCEL)+SNOWMASS

  7. Workshops Supported by ELAN

  8. Main decisions/recommendations

  9. Polarized e+/e- source based on Compton back scattering Frank Zimmermann, CERN LP05 • highly polarized e+ and e- (>90%); • generation decoupled from collider T. Omori, J. Urakawa, KEK K. Moenig, A. Variola, F. Zomer, LAL P. Raimondi Frascati to 5 GeV ring J. Urakawa ~100 MeV Accumulator Ring pol. e+ 1.3GeV S-band linac to 5 GeV ring 180 m laser-Compton ring ~100 MeV Accumulator Ring pol. e- ATF proof-of-principle experiment produced ~104 pol. e+ per pulse accumulate >100 bunchlets to make nominal bunch; →needs large-acceptance accumulator ring & fast cooling

  10. Cavity shape/material/processing • Summary Talk London (L. Lilje) https://ilcsupport.desy.de/cdsagenda/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a0522&id=a0522s53t3/transparencies/Summary_of_SRF_WG_LL_.pdf • BCD Proposal for Cavity preparation (short) http://alcpg2005.colorado.edu:8080/alcpg2005/program/accelerator/WG5/helen_edwards20050821164419.ppt • BCD Proposal for Cavity preparation (long) http://alcpg2005.colorado.edu:8080/alcpg2005/program/accelerator/WG5/helen_edwards20050819140512.ppt

  11. Next steps • European GDE meeting in Oxford • GDE meeting in Frascati to finalize decisions for the baseline -> ELAN support is asked by the B. Foster • Prepare for FP7 • Contribute to ILC outreach (presentation L. Lilje at Cornell & Snowmass)

  12. Outreach and Tutorials supported ELAN • Snowmass SRF Cavity tutorial (L. Lilje) http://alcpg2005.colorado.edu:8080/alcpg2005/program/ENO/Superconductingcavitiestutorial_new.pdf • Srf Tutorials at SRF 2005 Workshop WWW-Link: http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/SRF2005/ • Tutorial session on Sunday: http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/SRF2005/program.html • Especially talk by D. Reschke on cleaning (paid by ELAN): http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/SRF2005/talks/sunday/SuP03_talk_srf2005.pdf

  13. ELAN Management • New adsociates - US: SLAC (M. Ross) - Technion (S. Tarem) - Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission, Yerevan , Armenia - Cracow University of Technology, (Institute of Applied Mechanics), Krakow, Poland - University of Ankara (K. Ciftci) • Support ICFA school on ILC ? • ANAD has launched a NEST proposal 1st level selection EUROLEAP:European Laser Electron controlled Acceleration in Plasmas to GeV energy range

  14. HEEAUP 2005 Paris

  15. ELAN Documents

  16. Conclusion • ELAN activity is mainly driven by the international GDE (WG 3-4) • ELAN support has been instrumental in preparing and supporting the Snowmass meeting • European support has been essential and should be maintained within FP7 • Interesting prospects of collaboration with the laser-plasma community

  17. From ECFA (T.A.) • ICFA beam dynamics panel, Weiren Chou, European co-sponsoring of a linear collider (more specifically ILC) school in spring 2006 in Japan. He has contacted Japan (JSPS) and the USA (DOE) about co-sponsoring and sent a mail to T.A. about "which European agency to contact". Quantitatively we talk about 40-55'000 euros, assuming 20-25 students and 6-8 lecturers from Europe.

  18. Cornell WS Snowmass Snowmass+Report Doc-05-09

  19. London+Snowmass Report expected Paris meeting Euroleap

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