1. Reported Speech Unidad 5
2. SAID: Preterite of Decir
3. Past tense: Completed Actions He said, I went to the movie theater last night.
He said that he went to the movie theater last night.
l dijo, <<Fui al cine anoche.>>
l dijo que fue al cine anoche.
4. Present Imperfect They said, We are going to buy icecream.
They said that they were going to buy icecream.
Ellos dijeron, <<Vamos a comprar helado.>>
Ellos dijeron que iban a comprar helado.
6. Future Conditional You said, I will relax this weekend.
You said that you would relax this weekend.
T dijiste, <<Me relajar este fin de semana.>>
T dijiste que te relajaras este fin de semana.
7. Conditional Conditional I said, I would go to the party.
I said that I would go to the party.
Yo dije, <<Ira a la fiesta.>>
Yo dije que ira a la fiesta.
8. OJO ... = <<...>>
Ten cuidado con los sujetos y los verbos
Preterite -> Preterite
Present -> Imperfect
Future & Conditional -> Conditional