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Social 30-1. Chapter 10 – Part 2 (and some Ch 11 Stuff!). Housekeeping. Your IDEOLOGY assignments are PAST due! Your test will be next Tuesday. Remember, your in class is on the 27th. (Thursday!). Words. Authoritarianism Oligarchies One-Party State. Quick Review.
Social 30-1 Chapter 10 – Part 2 (and some Ch 11 Stuff!)
Housekeeping Your IDEOLOGY assignments are PAST due! Your test will be next Tuesday. Remember, your in class is on the 27th. (Thursday!)
Words Authoritarianism Oligarchies One-Party State
Quick Review Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy Rep by Pop. First past the line. Proportional Representation. Referendum and Plebiscite. Minority and Majority government.
Disregarding for the Common Good The common good is what is best for the people. Sometimes the government must do things that the people will not agree with, for the good of the people. Think about some things your parents or teachers may do, even if you don’t want it.
The Canadian Government going against the peopleThe Conscription Crisis
Conscription Crisis 1917 As an ally to Britain, Canada had no choice but to go to war. Britain asked the Dominion to send more troops.
Military Service Act PM Borden decided to establish forced military service CONSCRIPTION Adopted Aug. 29, 1917 100,000 men forced to join military. Applies erratically Included exceptions:
Many Canadians opposed the idea but had no forums to have their voice heard. Francophone opposition was the strongest. After the Military Service Act came into place in August, 2 days of violence broke out in Montreal. Many French Canadians felt that they should not fight a British war.
Deportation of War Resistors As we know, Vietnam resistors were allowed to stay in Canada. However, in 2008 we had many new resistors. The government passed a motion to allow them to stay in Canada. However, Harper’s minority government decided to send them back in order to preserve relations with the USA.
Public Security Acts Is public security a reason to take disregard the wishes of the people? Under times of social threat, the government can do things such as the PATRIOT ACT or the WAR MEASURES ACT. What are some times that the government can take away freedoms and not listen to the people.
PATRIOT ACT October 26, 2001 After the terrorist attacks of September 11. Increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records.
War Measures Act An area in Canadian Legislation that allows the government to suspend civil liberties. Used after WW1, WW2, and during the FLQ attack in Quebec.
Other Canadian Acts • The Emergency Act: • Replaced the war measure act in 88’. • Puts more restrictions on the ability of government. • The Anti-Terrorism Act: • Passed after 9/11. it makes terrorism a serious criminal crime in Canada.
Authoritarian Political Systems All major decisions made by a small group of people. Not concerned with the will of the people by about furthering their own ideals and ideologies. Some Examples:
Absolute Monarchy A form of government in which the leader is handed leadership by family or religion. Sometimes a legislative body exists, but they have limited power.
Oligarchy • Small group make the decisions for the people. • Controlled by family or other affiliations. • Some call the US an Oligarchy (But that is a stretch!)
One-Party State • A system in which one party runs the government and no other party is permeated to run candidates. • Some call themselves democracies. • However, little to know forms of Liberalism actually exist. • Such as Korea, Cuba, Nazi Germany, Etc…
Military Dictatorship Most common authoritarian government. A military leader and the military take complete control. Usually after overthrowing the previous government. They usually suspend all civil ideas and liberties.
Minority Tyrannies When a minority population has complete control over a majority population. Most famous example in the south African Apartheid. (1948-1994) During which time only white south Africans could gain citizenship and complete political rights.
Techniques of these governments • Vision: How great the country could and should be. (think about Hitler and Stalin). • Propaganda: Using a one sided message to inform the public how “great” everything is going. • Controlled Participation: Making people “Members” of the country. They are spies, attend rallies, and help the motherland.
Continued • Directing Public Discontent: By executing / persecuting people in a public manner. Most discontent (Publicly) stops. • Terror: Use brutal violence to disappear dissadents.
Pro: Address the needs of the people (?) Economic Stability. Cons: Loss of Freedom. No justice or liberty. Violence. Authoritarianism
Like we said yesterday. • Authoritarian leaders fail. • The reason being, they DO NOT LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. • Eventually, people revolt and take power.
That’s it…. • We finished! • Quick Review: • Absolute Monarchy • Oligarchy • Military Dictatorships • Minority Tyranny. • Patriot Act (We will talk about this again) • TOMORROW!