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Comenius Course- School Leadership for the 21 st Century CZ-2010-065-001

Prof. Gabriela Conea 16-21 Octombrie 2010 , Praga. Comenius Course- School Leadership for the 21 st Century CZ-2010-065-001. Personal Leadership “ Ce asteptari am, ce pot oferi?”. Parte a programului Hand by Hand ce acordă suport tinerilor după ce părăsesc instituţiile de îngrijire

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Comenius Course- School Leadership for the 21 st Century CZ-2010-065-001

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prof. Gabriela Conea 16-21 Octombrie 2010, Praga Comenius Course-School Leadership for the 21st CenturyCZ-2010-065-001

  2. Personal Leadership “Ce asteptari am, ce pot oferi?” • Parte a programului Hand by Hand ce acordă suport tinerilor după ce părăsesc instituţiile de îngrijire • Misiune:să ajute copiii crescuţi în case de copii să se integreze intr-o viaţă normală acordându-le suport în primul an de viaţă independentă • Obiectiv: integrarea cu succes a persoanelor care trebuie să părăsească mediul social al persoanelor dezavantajate pentru o societate independentă. Dialog cu Zuzana Hippamannova-director Café Rozmar

  3. Personal LeadershipCompleteness“Cati oameni am condus spre succes?” Vizită la Club baseball si softball Dialog cu Dan Bagin-leader la Eagles- Praha

  4. Learning OrganizationDeath “Este scoala mea organizatie de invatare?” • Vizită la Şcoala Primară MS a ZS Angelovova (Step by Step) Dialog cu Iva Cichonova- Director cu experienţă de 18 ani

  5. Creating a Culture of Inclusion(Nothing is for free!)Everything is possible“Viziunea scolii:întărirea elitelor sau ridicarea mediei?” Prânz la bufetul Jecna Voluntar la Nový Prostor (New space) Revistă bilunarăvândută în stradă de persoane în nevoi (homeless, pensionari)

  6. Leadership and CommunicationJoy “Leadership-ul in educaţie este diferit de cel în alte sectoare?” • Leadership in bussiness vs leadership în educaţie • Vizită la Şcoala particulară Duhovka (Montesori)

  7. Activităţi 1. Aşteptări (Ce poţi să oferi? Ce doreşti să primeşti?), prezentare personală 2. Delphinarium: reflecţii colective, raportări la experienţa personală 3. Leaderpholio: colecţie de planuri de acţiune individuale

  8. Resurse YOUTUBING LEADERSHIP: a few links from many on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9064bVVExRo - good general .ppt presentation about leadership with reference to other resources Qualities of Leadership - Leadership Quotes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhxINyIZ454&feature=related – inspirational presentation '(Famous Leadership Quotes) (Inspirational Quotes)To Be Succ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLA1YkIlWII&NR=1 – quotes on Moby background Leadership- What is it and How Can You Be a Good Leader http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpZR_hef5yM&feature=related – another quotes Are leaders born or made? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7CTQKJZjYY&feature=related – short stories of world leaders Thoughts of Leadership! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sDgIQJlGYg&feature=related Leadership: Becoming The Example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhA2BqE14kQ&feature=related movies: First rule of leadership http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWSrwEYJBrg&feature=related – cartoons Pearl Harbor - Leading by Example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgK1CEVPJNU&feature=related Colin Powell speaks about leadership http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T21HBWxBd-U Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-vve55FDaU&feature=related Any Given Sunday - Peace by Inches – Pacino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rFx6OFooCs&feature=related – fascinating leader’s speech Rudy Giuliani - "Leadership" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCF6ub-WCnY Leadership - Glengarry Glen Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKzMd328bMw The Importance of Learning in Organizations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUP4WcfNyAA&feature=fvw – Harvard learning movie Where Will We Find Tomorrow's Leaders? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMQmKHmIqY4&feature=channel – Harvard learning movie John P. Kotter, Our Iceberg Is Melting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh2xc6vXQgk&feature=related – change management for everybody – promo of J.P. Kotter’s book A Tale of Power & Vision http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZVIWZGheXY&feature=related / cartoons

  9. http://www.idelphi.eu/

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