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Created by Mr. Ng Josiah Quincy Elementary School

MCAS JEOPARDY. Click PgDn to Start. Created by Mr. Ng Josiah Quincy Elementary School. F. HOME. TEAM 5. TEAM 1. TEAM 2. TEAM 3. TEAM 4. TEAM 6. QUESTION. A. Which of the following is not an inherited trait of humans? A. eye color B. hair color C. favorite food D. height. QUESTION.

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Created by Mr. Ng Josiah Quincy Elementary School

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  1. MCAS JEOPARDY Click PgDn to Start Created by Mr. Ng Josiah Quincy Elementary School



  4. A

  5. Which of the following is not an inherited trait of humans?A.eye colorB.hair colorC.favorite foodD.height QUESTION

  6. C. favorite food

  7. Bison are grazing animals. They travelacross a prairie, eating grass. If therewere too many bison in an area, therewould probably beA.fewer predators of bison.B.many other large grazing animals.C.tall shrubs and many trees.D.less grass and more bare soil. QUESTION

  8. D. less grass and more bare soil.


  10. D

  11. An earthworm was placed on top of a thick layer of moist topsoil in a pan. The pan was placed in a room with the lights on. How did the earthwormmost likely respond to these conditions?A.by burrowing under the soilB.by crawling around in the panC.by staying where it was placedD.by trying to crawl out of the pan QUESTION

  12. A. by burrowing under the soil

  13. A student has decided to investigate whether the number of flowers on a plant will increase if the water supply to the plant is increased. She has five pots of geranium plants to use in her experiment. What factor in the experiment should be varied for the five plants inorder to answer the student’s question?A.age of seedlingsB.temperature of waterC.volume of waterD.number of hours in sunlight QUESTION

  14. C. volume of water

  15. Which of the following organisms have the greatest effect on an ecosystembecause of the changes they make to their environment?A.bees building a hive in a hollow treeB.wasps building a nest in a leafy bushC.beavers building a dam across a streamD.fish digging a burrow on a river bottom QUESTION

  16. C. beavers building a dam across a stream


  18. B. To absorb water

  19. Few flowers are able to grow on the northern arctic tundra. Those that do grow there have very short stems. How is this an adaptation to help them survive in the arctic climate?A.It protects them from freezing.B.It prevents them from being eaten by consumers.C.It protects them from breaking in strong winds.D.It makes it very hard for them to be pulled from the ground. QUESTION

  20. C. It protects them from breaking in strong winds.

  21. The drawing below shows an imaginary animal.Study this imaginary animal carefully. Identify onecharacteristics of this animal that could help it to survive. QUESTION

  22. Webbed feet, long neck

  23. Marta has a radio in her room. It requireselectricity in order to play. Which of thefollowing is necessary in order forelectricity to move from the source tothe radio?A.a circuitB.a magnetC.a light bulbD.an insulator QUESTION

  24. A. a circuit

  25. If enough heat is taken away from a container of water,what will happen to the water?A.It will begin to boil.B.It will become a solid.C.It will turn into a gas.D.It will increase in weight. QUESTION

  26. B. It will become a solid.


  28. D


  30. D


  32. D

  33. Energy appears in many forms. What form of energy is lightning?A.electrical energyB.mechanical energyC.magnetic energyD.sound energy QUESTION

  34. A. electrical energy


  36. B

  37. If a string on a musical instrument like a guitar is made tighter, the sound produced by that string will always beA.lower pitched. B.higher pitched. C.louder. D.quieter. QUESTION

  38. B. higher pitched


  40. D. Electrical energy was changed into heat energy


  42. B. All of the other lights will go out

  43. Which of the following lists Earth, Jupiter, the Moon, and the Sun in order from largest to smallest?A.Jupiter, Earth, Sun, MoonB.Sun, Jupiter, Earth, MoonC.Sun, Jupiter, Moon, EarthD.Jupiter, Sun, Earth, Moon QUESTION

  44. B. Sun, Jupiter, Earth, Moon

  45. Some plants grow only in specificplaces in the world. Some cacti, forexample, grow only in deserts. Whichof the following is most important indetermining where a plant can growand survive?A.animalsB.climateC.tidesD.wind QUESTION

  46. B. climate


  48. A. It will become larger

  49. DAILY DOUBLEHow much do you want to wager?click PgDn to view question Ricardo has an igneous rock in his rock collection. Where did this rock most likely form? QUESTION

  50. In a volcano

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