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Intellectual Property. Grade 5 Lesson 5. Hey Everybody!. My name is Tek. I ’ m going to be your guide today! I ’ m a part of i-SAFE, and we are concerned with helping you to be safe online.
Intellectual Property Grade 5 Lesson 5
Hey Everybody! My name is Tek. I’m going to be your guide today! I’m a part of i-SAFE, and we are concerned with helping you to be safe online. We want you to recognize and avoid dangerous, destructive or unlawful online behavior, and we hope to empower you to communicate what you learn from i-SAFE with others.
The PlanToday you will be learning about Intellectual Property. You will be completing a KEWL chart as a learning activity.
KEWL Stands for what we KNOW Stands for Expanding our knowledge Stands for What we want to learn Stands for Leading others in Learning K E W L
KEWL Chart – Cyber Security K Know E Expand Knowledge W What was Learned L Lead others in Learning KEWL Chart – Cyber Security This is what the chart looks like. You can copy it on your paper. You can also complete it as a class on an overhead
All Right – Let’s Get Started First we brainstorm!!!
What do we know about Property??? What is Intellectual Property??? List your answers in the K column of the chart. This column forms a foundation of what you currently know about property. Also list what you know about intellectual property. Hopefully you are somewhat familiar with both and able to give basic information. Sample question and answer: Q. What is property? What is intellectual property? A. Something you own, something someone can steal, etc.
Ok – so now that we have figured out what we know – time to find out what else we need to know! This information goes in the expanding your knowledge column
Expand Your Knowledge Where is your knowledge lacking? What more do you feel you should know about property and intellectual property? Sample questions to go in this column: • What else would you like to learn about property or rules concerning it? • Do we really understand intellectual property?
Teacher’s choice: For a classroom with computers, return to the index and select Optional Webpage Activities: Lesson 5. Students should work in groups. When completed - Return here to Slide 13 to conclude. Otherwise – let’s continue on…
Now it’s time to learn a little about Intellectual Property All right – let’s get into groups. Your teacher will divide you up for our next activity.
Group Directions • Each group should have the activity pages. The first two pages are information on Intellectual Property. The last two are activity pages to complete. 2. In your small groups, you should read and discuss the information on Intellectual Property 3. After you have read over and discussed the material, each group should come to a consensus on what you believe is the correct and lawful action for the scenarios you have.
Ok – Returning to our Chart Hmmm, What comes next? Oh yes, What have we learned about Intellectual Property???
What have we learned? Now that we have covered Intellectual Property, what have you learned from your information sheet and the scenarios. Check the “what you want to know” questions to ensure you have answered them all! Sample question and answer: Q. What do we know about intellectual property now? A. Intellectual property is information that is easily available on the Internet. However, just because it is easily available does not mean it can be stolen. Music, games, etc… should be purchased or the artist, owner is being hurt. Etc…
And Last, but not Least We have to come up with some empowerment activities. This means brainstorming how we can help others learn about Intellectual Property.
Leading Others in Learning This section allows you to identify ways to own the knowledge you have learned. By spreading knowledge to others, you continue your own learning. In this column brainstorm ways to spread knowledge. Sample questions and answers: Q. How can we spread what we have learned? A. Talk to parents about what learned. Give presentations to others, design posters, incorporate peer-to-peer communication.
Return to Your Groups!!! You will now be given the opportunity to create your own intellectual property in the form of original posters to share what you have learned. The poster topic can be on intellectual property (current lesson) or on any other topic taught in the i-SAFE curriculum, such as: community; online safety; email protocol; predators; etc. Your group should brainstorm and then draw your poster.
How Do you Know When You’re Done? Have you: 1. Completed your KEWL chart? 2. Completed your Scenarios? 3. Discussed as a class what you have learned about Intellectual Property? 4. Completed your Group Posters?
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