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worp vs warp . EMiL Experimental Methods in Linguistics. yellow. black. Halszka Bąk & Rafał Jończyk Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University. Research origins. Linguistics : magpie research methods . Psycholinguistics : psychology.
worp vs warp EMiLExperimentalMethods in Linguistics yellow black Halszka Bąk & Rafał Jończyk Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University
Linguistics: magpieresearchmethods. Psycholinguistics: psychology. Neurolinguistics: psychology and neuroscience.
LexicalDecisiontask Cat Aim: ortographyand semanticprocessing Presentation duration: 20ms, 150ms, 200ms, 250ms? Stimuliplacement: centre of the screen? Periphery? depends on yourgoals! Lafil ?
SemanticDecisiontask The coffee was too hot to… DRINK The coffee was too hot to…EAT AIM: Processing of meaning/semantics Hospital Doctor Doctor Rose ? ?
Stroop task Aim: investigatinginterference in the RTs of a task; conflictbetweenwordmeaning and itscolour Emotional Stroop task: capturesattention and RTs to emotional vs non-emotionalstimuli Name the colour: deathvsidea Green Blue Red
Discrimination task Which face ismore happy? Failla et al. 2003
Dichoticlisteningtask Aim: • selectiveattention; • hemisphericlateralizationof sounds and perception
Word recognition Dog leaf yellowleaflet punk green cat skin deadideal PNJA death nursehospital workshopdoctor housestick dog leaf yellowleaflet punkgreen catskin deadideal PNJA death nursehospital workshopdoctor housestick
Quantitativedata Reaction/Response Times (RTs): measured in miliseconds (ms) influenced by: priming, emotionalstates, attention, etc.
Quantitative data Accuracyrates (ACC) or Error rates (ER): measured in 1s (correct) and 0s (incorrect) influenced by: bilingualism, fallacies, cognitivedeficits, etc.
Qualitative data Facialexpression Prosody (speech contour) Gestures Body language Etc.
Physiological data Galvanic Skin Response (GSR; alsoSkin ConductanceResponse (SCRs)) Measures skin conductivity in microSiemens (mS) influenced by: stimulus modality, intensity, etc.
Physiological data Heartrate (HR) measured in beats per minute (BPM) influenced by: stimuliintensity, participant’shealth, etc.
Physiological data EEG: Event-RelatedPotentials (ERPs): measured in microVolts / sec unrivalledtemporalrsolution
Physiological Data Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): blood / waterdiffusionmoleculesmeasured in voxels greatspatial resolution poortemporal resolution
!!! YourHYPOTHESESdeterminewhatTYPES OF DATA youwillCOLLECT
Researchquestion frames a problem to be addressed & resolvedin research
Hypothesis A predictionabout a relationshipbetween Two (ormore) variables
A solid hypothesisis… ...Testable confirmorfalsify the hypothesis …Supportable provideempiricalevidence to confirm/falsify the hypothesis …Grounded groundyourhypothesis in theory/previousresearch …Relevant fill a gap in the research, resolveinconsistency, etc.
Special case… …Nullhypothesis- Nº No relationshipbetween the variables It isalwaysthere fail to reject Nº = cannotdrawconclusions from yourresearch
A variableis…? …somethingthatchangesorvaries e.g. amongpeople (IQ, gender, etc.)
Independent variable the aspectyoumanipulate to influence the end results e.g. instruction, types of stimuli, types of participants priming, etc. Whatisthe causeof a givenphenomenon? the cause= independent variable
Dependent variable the end result(hard data) e.g. RTs, ACC, ER, ERPs, etc. e.g. the amount of timeyouchoose to spenddoinggrammarexercisesdeterminesyourfinalscore on the PNJA exam in June ;)
summingup Hypothesis: Positive sentence context makes processing of positive words faster and more accurate. Prediction: faster & more accurate processing of ”+” WORDS in ”+” SENTENCE context. Independent variable: sentence context, word valence. Dependent Variable: RTs, ACC/ER Type of relationship: ”+” SENTENCE causessmaller RTs and greater ACC in responses to ”+”WORDS.
The simpleexperiment • Definehypothesis • Specify and definevariables. • Participants: experimental vs. control groups. • Random assignment of participants to groups • Collect dependent variable • No significantresult – no effect, no interpretation if you cannot randomly assign participants to your different groups, you cannot do a simple experiment
2 x 2 design 2 independent variables& 2 levels of eachvariable (positive; negative) x (congruent; incongruent) Gloria accidentally poured boiling water over herself and was BURNT / ROMANTIC* Their honeymoon in the gorgeous scenery of Paris was veryROMANTIC / BURNT*
Validity Internal External Ecological
Internalvalidity A B Your data reflects the realityunderinvestigation:independent variables and theirmanipulation
Threats to internalvalidity • Testing: pre-testsmaycausebiases • Instrumentation: pre- and post-testsmustmatch • Regression: biasedparticipantselection • Confoundingvariable: not properlycontrolled, manipulatedorunnoticed
Externalvalidity Resultscan be generalized to the widerpopulation