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Public Health’s Role in the Emerging Health Information Marketplace

Public Health’s Role in the Emerging Health Information Marketplace. Dave Ross, Sc.D. Director Public Health Informatics Institute. Paper Kills. Topics for Discussion. My Overriding Message.

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Public Health’s Role in the Emerging Health Information Marketplace

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Public Health’s Role in the Emerging Health Information Marketplace Dave Ross, Sc.D. Director Public Health Informatics Institute

  2. Paper Kills

  3. Topics for Discussion

  4. My Overriding Message Our collective challenge: To support and accelerate the transformation of public health practice in the e-health era by building on public health’s unique “infomediary” role. Our goal:improve population health with information outputs and outcomes that people care about.

  5. National Health Challenge Information Assault New Partners e-Health e-Public Health Forces shaping public health

  6. Our National Health Challenge Life Expectancy at birth Total Expenditures on Health per capita (US $)

  7. Smart Phone Culture 15-second rule 24-hour news cycle

  8. Modern Measurement Challenges(Big) Data Issues – 5Vs Variety Velocity Volume Veracity Voids Sources Formats Types Structures Transmission Storage Retrieval Computation Consumption Creation/generation Transmission Computation Consumption Completeness Comprehensiveness Fragments Representativeness Source (trust) Content Source: Herman Tolentino, Sridhar Papagari, Kate Glynn 15

  9. Community-Centered Health Information MICA - (Missouri Information for Community Assessment)

  10. Information Model View of Public Potential for Collaboration among PHSSR, CQI, & Informatics Info-mediary role

  11. Information Model: The Why’s and What’s Improve the public’s health Protect the public’s health Support public health actions and programs Manage administrative operations of the public health department Respond to public health threats

  12. Public Health Goals and Their Associated Functions Public Health Goal Improve the public’s health Protect the public’s health Respond to public health threats Assess community health Function: Assess Assess the environment for hazards Assess potential public health threats Function: Plan Plan to improve community health Plan to protect the public’s health Plan and prepare for public health threats Function: Act Act to improve community health through targeting individuals Act to control and mitigate public health hazards Act to respond to public health emergencies Act to enforce public health laws and regulations Act to respond to outbreaks Act to improve community health through targeting communities and populations Function: Evaluate Evaluate…actions for improving the public’s health Evaluate…actions for protecting the public’s health Evaluate…responses to public health threats

  13. Public Health Support and Administrative Operations Functions Set of Supporting functions Support public health actions and programs Manage administrative operations of the public health department Collect, maintain, and analyze public health data Provide legal support to the public health department Functions Manage finances Manage human resources Provide epidemiological, statistical, and analytical support Provide support for grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements Manage supplies Provide laboratory services and diagnostic support Provide informatics support Provide information technology services Communicate public health information Provide executive leadership Manage facilities and other capital resources Administer vital records

  14. Visit to learn more

  15. Collaborative Requirements Development Methodology

  16. Capture logic and requirements through nontechnical modeling Discrete work activity or task Where the work takes place Person who does the work Decision point in the work flow Capture rules, comments and feedback

  17. Informatics Baked In • Good informatics builds around CQI concepts • We want you to use CRDM • We want informatics projects to use CQI • Good informatics should enable public health services and systems research • Good informatics will build public health agency information capabilities

  18. Skate to where the puck is going, not where it is. ” Wayne Gretsky

  19. What is our role in an era of Google Flu Trends? Will your agency use big data? Will your agency have access to big data technologies? Will you use shared services (SaaS, PaaS)? Citizen agents via personal health information tools future Information Role

  20. Guiding Principles • Collaborate and drive consensus • Mutual contributions, shared implementation • Plan boldly, implement incrementally • Need to be both strategic and tactical • Understand we are transforming practice • Informatics and IT are tools

  21. Public health’s role in the Emerging health information market place

  22. Make data sharable • Embrace the Info-mediary role • Using data means we have a focus on interoperability & information integration • Make data, information & analytic tools widely available to public health, healthcare, payers and community partners • Create public use datasets • Support and use all payer claims datasets

  23. Focus on neighborhood health information • Establish multi-site collaborative projects • Establish agency-based i3-Labs (innovation & implementation informatics Labs) • Study and evaluate community interventions and the role information plays in them

  24. Establish an NCQA for social determinants of health • Establish a research base for linking social determinants with desirable health and community resilience metrics • Provide analytic support • Initiate “blinded benchmarking” to provide feedback on community-based program effectiveness

  25. Next Steps Throughout: Create awareness and “buzz” Monitor and evaluate implementation Produce and disseminate the final roadmap Obtain endorsement and commitment Refine the roadmap through broad public health collaboration Create version 1.0 e-Public Health vision and roadmap

  26. Q & A Enough of me, Lets talk!

  27. Work Areas of the Public Health

  28. Getting the right information, to the right person, at the right time to support them doing something constructive to advance health

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