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We must at all times remember, that the decisio n to take your own life is as vast and complex and mysterious as life itself. Al Alvarez, The Savage God. Suicidality as a Crisis of the Self. Suicid ality is best understood as a crisis of the self:
We must at all times remember, that the decision to take your own life is as vast and complex and mysterious as life itself. Al Alvarez, The Savage God
Suicidality as a Crisis of the Self • Suicidality is best understood as a crisis of the self: • ‘sui’ in suicide, both victim and perpetrator • closer to the lived experience • encompasses whole person – physical, mental, relational and spiritual • immediately raises important questions that suicidology largely ignores, especially … • who or what is this ‘self’ that is in crisis? • Myth: “depression is the major cause of suicide”
Individual Collective Integral Model - 4 Quadrants Exterior Interior Subjective I It Objective Behavioural (observable) Intentional (felt experience) Phenomenology Psychology/Psychiatry • Validity: aesthetic • personal meaning/values • integrity, sincerity • Validity: empirical • observable, measurable • testable, repeatable Its We Inter-Objective Inter-Subjective Social (systems) Cultural Sociology/Ecology Anthropology • Validity: ‘functional fit’ • cohesion, efficiency • ecological, economic • Validity: moral • shared meaning/values • ethics, justness
In theory there’s no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is. Anonymous
Singular Plural 4 Quadrants of Mental Health & Suicide Third-Person (visible) First-Person (invisible) • Lived/felt experience • personal, private • stories, self-talk, dreams • hope, purpose, meaning • ‘consumer’ perspective • ‘depth’ psychologies • (DBT) • Observable behaviour • biology (brain) • diagnosis/treatment • clinical • risk assessment • behavioural psychologies • (CBT) • Mutually shared experience • shared meaning-making • collective story-telling • peer support • consumer delivered • services • Social infrastructure • hospitals, services etc • public policies, laws etc • workforce, training etc • social work • media
Spirit Soul Mind Life Matter --------Physics Biology Psychology Theology Mysticism The Full Spectrum (Levels) of Consciousness Sources: Plotinus Aurobindo St. Teresa Grof Steiner Baldwin Habermas Maslow Buddhism Yoga Kabbalah Vedanta Theosophy Sufism Non-Dual Spirit
Singular Plural Holistic = All Quadrants, All Levels (AQAL) Third-Person First-Person IT - behavioural I - intentional WE - cultural ITS - social
Singular Plural ‘Evidence-Based’ Suicidology Third-Person First-Person IT - behavioural I - intentional WE - cultural ITS - social
Singular Plural ‘Evidence-Based’ Suicidology Third-Person First-Person IT - behavioural I - intentional WE - cultural ITS - social
Flatland “the great nightmare of scientific materialism was upon us (Whitehead), the nightmare of one-dimensional man (Marcuse), the disqualified universe (Mumford), the colonisation of art and morals by science (Habermas), the disenchantment of the world (Weber) – a nightmare I have also called flatland” Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology
Special mention • The Aeschi Group • Problems In Clinical Practice • even in the case of a severe depression, it is not the disorder itself, which initiates the suicidal act, but the "owner" of the depression, the individual itself • a striking discrepancy between patients' explanations of suicide attempts and those of examining psychiatrists • What's New: A Patient-oriented Approach • the patient's experience is conceptualized as the "gold standard“ • the patient's narrative is the basis of a shared understanding • 5th Aeschi Conference, 4–7 March, 2009 • “Suicide attempters: To hospitalize or not to hospitalize?” • For more: www.aeschiconference.unibe.ch
Singular Plural It Takes a Village Third-Person First-Person IT - behavioural I - intentional Suicide Prevention WE - cultural ITS - social
Do our mental health laws help or hinder suicide prevention? • scare people off from seeking help • can worsen or trigger suicidality • do they save lives or cost lives? • a gruesome calculation – what is an acceptable ratio? • primary source of “stigma” – i.e. discrimination • involuntary detention versus involuntary treatment • social model of disability – esp. human rights • replace Mental Health Act with Suicide Prevention Act • a question/challenge for the (LL) village ... • It Takes A Village To Prevent A Suicide
Ken Wilber Integral Psychology: Consciousness, spirit, psychology, therapy, Shambhala, Boston 2000 Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World, Integral Books, Boston 2006 The Integral Vision, Shambhala, Boston 2007 David Webb 'Self, Soul and Spirit: Suicidology's blind spots?' New Paradigm September 2003 - online at www.vicserv.org.au/publications/new_para ‘Bridging the Spirituality Gap’ Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health (AeJAMH) Vol 4(1) 2005 - online at www.auseinet.com/journal Or contact me: davidwebbo@gmail.com
We must at all times remember, that the decision to take your own life is as vast and complex and mysterious as life itself. Al Alvarez, The Savage God