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6. The percentage of children under supervision who are required to be seen a minimum of once every thirty (30) days, who are seen a minimum of every thirty (30) days, measured on a rolling 12-month basis shall be ≥99.5%.
6. The percentage of children under supervision who are required to be seen a minimum of once every thirty (30) days, who are seen a minimum of every thirty (30) days, measured on a rolling 12-month basis shall be ≥99.5%. 7. The percentage of mother contacts once every thirty (30) days for children in out-of-home care with a goal of reunification, measure on a rollling12-month bases shall be ≥70% The percentage of father contacts once every thirty (30) days for children in out-of-home care with a goal of reunification, measured on a rolling 12 month basis shall be ≥50%. The percentage of children in out-of-home care who received medical service in the last twelve months shall be ≥95% Contract Measures 1. The percentage of children served in out-of-home care who are not maltreated by their out-of-home caregiver shall ≥99.68% 2. The percentage of children in out-of-home care twenty-four (24) months or longer on July 1st who achieve permanency prior to their 18th birthday and by June 30, 2014 shall be ≥29.1% 3. The number of children with finalized adoptions between July 1 and June 30 shall be ≥(TBD). 4. The percentage of children in out-of-home care more than 12 months but less than 24 months with two or fewer placements shall be ≥(TBD). 5. The percentage of children in out-of-home care 24 months or more with two or fewer placements shall be ≥41.8%
Contract Measures 10.The percentage of children in out-of-home care who received dental services in the last six months shall be ≥85% 11.The percentage of children who are up to date on immunizations shall be ≥98% 12.The percentage of children ages 5-17 in out-of-home care currently enrolled in school shall be ≥95%.
Objective: Safety 1) The percentage of children served in out-of-home care who are not maltreated by their out-of-home caregiver shall be at least 99.68%. Dashboard Measurement FS106 List: FSFN Report “Abuse During Services by Perpetrator”
Contract Measure #1 – Maltreatment in Out-of-Home CareTarget – 99.68% safe Performance 12-13 Q4 99.85% Exceeds Target By .17%
Contract Measure #1 – Maltreatment in Out-of-Home CareTarget –99.68% SafeFY 12-13 Quarters 1-4 Green=≥99.68% Yellow=89.68%%-99.67% Red=≤89.68%
Objective: Permanency 2) The percent of children in out-of-home care 24 months or longer on July 1 who achieved permanency prior to their 18th birthday and by June 30 shall be ≥29.1%. Dashboard Measurement: FS671 Listing: DCF Web Portal, CBC Performance on Federal Performance Measures C3.1
Contract Measure #2 – Children in OHC over 24 MonthsAchieving PermanencyTarget – 29.1% Children on June 30, 2013 PerformanceFY 13-14 Q1 BFP 0% Gap 29.1%
Contract Measure #2 – Children in OHC over 24 MonthsAchieving PermanencyTarget – 29.1% Children on June 30, 2013(Goal is cumulative, YTD) Green=≥29.1% Yellow=25%-29.09% Red=≤24.99%
Objective: Permanency 3) The number of children with finalized adoptions between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 shall be at least 72. Dashboard Measurement FS 215 FSFN Report: “Adoptions Finalized by Month and Cumulate for SFY”
Contract Measure #3 – Number of Finalized AdoptionsTarget – 72 Finalized Adoptions Current Performance 5 Adoptions Annual Target 72 adoptions Current Goal 6.9% Quarter 1 Gap 18.1%
Contract Measure #3 – Number of Finalized AdoptionsTarget – 72 Finalized AdoptionsFY 13-14 Quarter 1
Objective: Permanency 4) Percent of children in out-of-home care more than 12 months but less than 24 months with two or fewer placements shall be 65.4% Dashboard Measurement 692 Listing: DCF Web Portal, CBC Performance on Federal Performance Measures C4.2
Contract Measure #4 – # Placements For OHC 12-24 Months Target – 65.4% Performance 13-14 Q1 60.51% Gap %
Contract Measure #4 – # Placements For OHC 12-24 Months Target – 65.4%FY 13-14 Quarter 1 Green=≥65.4% Yellow=60%-65.3% Red=≤59.9%
Objective: Permanency 5) The percentage of children in out-of-home care 24 months or more with two or fewer placements shall be ≥41.8%. Dashboard Measurement FS693 Listing: DCF Web Portal, CBC Performance on Federal Performance Measures C4.3
Contract Measure #5 – Percent of Placements for OHC 24 Months or MoreTarget – 41.8% PerformanceFY 13-14 Q1 25.35% Gap 16.45%
Contract Measure #5 – Percent of Placements for OHC 24 Months or MoreFY 13-14 Quarters 1-4 Green=≥41.8% Yellow=34%-41.79 Red=≤33.9%
Objective: Safety 6) The percent of children under supervision who are required to be seen every 30 days, who are seen every 30 days shall be at least 99.5%. Dashboard measurement FS773 Listing: DCF Web Portal, Children Seen Every 30 Days
Contract Measure #6-Children seen every 30 daysTarget 99.5% FY 13-14 Q1 97.99% Gap 1.51%
Contract Measure #6-Children seen every 30 daysTarget 99.5%FY 13-14 Quarter 1 Green=99.5%+ Yellow=99.01%-99.49% Red-=<99.0%
Objective: Permanency 7. Percent of Mother Contacts once every thirty(30) days for children in Out-of-Home care with a goal of reunification, measured on a rolling 12-month basis shall be ≥70% Dashboard Measurement ? FSFN Report: Worker Contacts With Birth Parents Listing
Contract Measure #7 – Percent of Mother ContactsTarget – 70% PerformanceFY 13-14 Q1 73.47% Exceeds Target By 3.47%
Contract Measure #7 – Percent of Mother ContactsTarget-70%FY 13-14 Quarters 1-4 Green=≥70% Yellow=65%-69.99% Red=≤64.99%
Objective: Permanency 8) Percent of Father Contacts once every thirty (30) days for children in out-of-home care with a goal of reunification, measured on rolling 12-month basis shall be ≥50%. Dashboard Measurement: ? FSFN Report: Worker Contacts With Birth Parents Listing
Contract Measure #8 –Percent of Father ContactsTarget – 50% Performance FY 13-14 Q1 45.23% Gap 4.77%
Contract Measure #6 –Percent of Father ContactsTarget – 50%FY 13-14 Quarter 1 Green=≥50% Yellow=45%-49.99% Red=≤44.99%
Objective: Well-Being 9) Percent of children in out-of-home care who received medical service in the last twelve months shall be ≥95%. Dashboard Measurement: ? FSFN Report: Healthcare Service Information for Children in Out-of-Home Care (end of month).
Contract Measure #9 –Medical Service Within 12 MonthsTarget – 95% Performance FY 13-14 Q1 96.42% Exceeds Target By 1.42%
Contract Measure #9 – Medical Service Within 12 MonthsTarget-95%FY 13-14 Quarter 1 Green=≥95% Yellow=85%-94.99% Red=≤84.99%
Objective: Well-Being 10) Percent of children in out-of-home care who received dental services in the last six months shall be ≥85%. Dashboard Measurement: ? FSFN Report: Healthcare Service Information for Children in Out-of-Home Care (end of month).
Contract Measure #10 –Dental Service Within 6 MonthsTarget – 85% Performance FY 13-14 Q1 84.03% Gap .97%
Contract Measure #10 – Dental Service Within 6 MonthsTarget-85%FY 13-14 Quarter 1 Green=≥85% Yellow=75%-84.99% Red=≤74.99%
Objective: Well-Being 11) Percent of children in out-of-home care who are up to date on immunizations shall be ≥98%. Dashboard Measurement: ? FSFN Report: Healthcare Service Information for Children in Out-of-Home Care (end of month).
Contract Measure #11 –Immunizations Up-To-Date Target – 98% Performance FY 13-14 Q1 98.57% Exceeds Target By .57%
Contract Measure #11 – Immunizations Up-To-DateTarget-98%FY 13-14 Quarter 1 Green=≥98% Yellow=88%-97.99% Red=≤87.99%
Objective: Well-Being 12) 12. Percent of children ages 5-17 in out-of-home care currently enrolled in school shall be ≥95%. Dashboard Measurement: ? Listing: None currently available
CBC PerformanceFY 13-14Quarter 1(Excluding Measures 1, 9-12)