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MULTIPLE REGRESSION. OVERVIEW. What Makes it Multiple? Additional Assumptions Methods of Entering Variables Adjusted R 2 Using z-Scores. WHAT MAKES IT MULTIPLE?. Predict from a combination of two or more predictor (X) variables

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  2. OVERVIEW • What Makes it Multiple? • Additional Assumptions • Methods of Entering Variables • Adjusted R2 • Using z-Scores

  3. WHAT MAKES IT MULTIPLE? • Predict from a combination of two or more predictor (X) variables • The regression model may account for more variance with more predictors • Look for predictor variables with low inter-correlations

  4. Multiple Regression Equation • Like simple regression, use a linear equation to predict Y scores. • Use the least squares solution.

  5. Assumptions for Regression • Quantitative data (or dichotomous) • Independent observations • Predict for same population that was sampled • Linear relationship

  6. Assumptions for Regression • Homoscedasticity • Independent errors • Normality of errors

  7. ADDITIONAL ASSUMPTIONS • Large ratio of sample size to number of predictor variables • Minimum 15 subjects per predictor variable • Predictor variables are not strongly intercorrelated (no multicollinearity) • Examine VIF – should be close to 1

  8. Multicollinearity • When predictor variables are highly intercorrelated with each other, prediction accuracy is not as good • Be cautious about determining which predictor variable is predicting the best when there is high collinearity among the predictors

  9. METHODS OF ENTERING VARIABLES • Simultaneous • Hierarchical/Block Entry • Stepwise • Forward • Backward • Stepwise

  10. Simultaneous Multiple Regression • All predictor variables are entered into the regression at the same time • Allows you to determine portion of variance explained by each predictor with the others statistically controlled (part correlation)

  11. Hierarchical Multiple Regression • Enter variables in a particular order based on a theory or on prior research • Can be done with blocks of variables

  12. Stepwise Multiple Regression • Enter or remove predictor variables one at a time based on explaining significant portions of variance in the criterion • Forward • Backward • Stepwise

  13. Forward Stepwise • begin with no predictor variables • add predictors one at a time according to which one will result in the largest increase in R2 • stop when R2 will not be significantly increased

  14. Backward Stepwise • begin with all predictor variables • remove predictors one at a time according to which one will result in the smallest decrease in R2 • stop when R2 would be significantly decreased • may uncover suppressor variables

  15. Suppressor Variable • Predictor variable which, when entered into the equation, increases the amount of variance explained by another predictor variable • In backward regression, removing the suppressor would likely result in a significant decrease in R2, so it will be left in the equation

  16. Suppressor Variable Example • Y = Job Performance Rating • X1 = College GPA • X2 = Writing Test Score

  17. Suppressor Variable Example • Let’s say Writing Score is not correlated with Job Performance, because the job doesn’t require much writing • Let’s say GPA is only a weak predictor of Job Performance, but it seems like it should be a good predictor

  18. Suppressor Variable Example • Let’s say GPA is “contaminated” by differences in writing ability – really good writers can fake and get higher grades • So, if Writing Score is in the equation, the contamination is removed, and we get a better picture of the GPA-Job Performance relationship

  19. Stepwise • begin with no predictor variables • add predictors one at a time according to which one will result in the largest increase in R2 • at each step remove any variable that does not explain a significant portion of variance • stop when R2 will not be significantly increased

  20. Choosing a Stepwise Method • Forward • Easier to conceptualize • Provides efficient model for predicting Y • Backward • Can uncover suppressor effects • Stepwise • Can uncover suppressor effects • Tends to be unstable with smaller N’s

  21. ADJUSTED R2 • R2 may overestimate the true amount of variance explained • Adjusted R2 compensates by reducing the R2 according to the ratio of subjects per predictor variable

  22. BETA WEIGHTS • The regression weights can be standardized into beta weights • Beta weights do not depend on the scales of the variables • A beta weight indicates the amount of change in Y in units of SD for each SD change in the predictor

  23. Example of Reporting Results of Multiple Regression We performed a simultaneous multiple regression with vocabulary score, abstraction score, and age as predictors and preference for intense music as the dependent variable. The equation accounted for a significant portion of variance, F(3,66) = 4.47, p = .006. As shown in Table 1, the only significant predictor was abstraction score.

  24. Take-Home Points • Multiple Regression is a useful, flexible method • Find the right procedure for your purpose

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