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RENO and the Last Result. Jee-Seung Jang for the RENO collaboration, GIST International Workshop on RENO-50 toward Neutrino Mass Hierarch SNU, June 13-14, 2013. Contents. Introduction to RENO ( R eactor E xperiment of N eutrino O scillations) Status of RENO
RENO and the Last Result Jee-Seung Jang for the RENO collaboration, GIST International Workshop on RENO-50 toward Neutrino Mass Hierarch SNU, June 13-14, 2013
Contents • Introduction to RENO • (Reactor Experiment of Neutrino Oscillations) • Status of RENO • Improvements in data analysis & the last results • Future plan and Summary
YongGwang (靈光) : ~250 km from Seoul q13Measurement in Reactor Experiment * The Disappearance of Reactor Electron Antineutrino Daya Bay Double Chooz RENO
RENO Collaboration (12 institutions and 40 physicists) • Chonbuk National University • Chonnam National University • Chung-Ang University • Dongshin University • Gyeongsang National University • Kyungpook National University • Pusan National University • Sejong University • Seokyeong University • Seoul National University • Seoyeong University • Sungkyunkwan University • Total cost : $10M • Start of project : 2006 • The experiment is running with both near & far detectors from Aug. 2011
RENO Experimental Setup 120 m.w.e. Near Detector Total average thermal output ~16.4 GWth 290m 1380m Far Detector 450 m.w.e.
Detection of Reactor Antineutrinos * Inverse beta decay (IBD) Neutrino energy measurement
RENO Detector (Gd loaded liquid scintillation detector) • 354, 10” Inner PMTs • ( 14 % surface coverage ) • 67, 10” Outer PMTs
Summary of Detector Construction Tunnel excavation Detector structure & buffer steel tanks competed Acrylic containers installed PMT test & installation Detector closing, installation of electronics & Dry run Liquid scintillator production & filling Start data taking
Finishing the Detector Installation(2011.1) VETO (Water) Buffer(Mineral Oil) Gamma Cather (LS) Neutrino Target (Gd+LS)
Liquids Filling (2011.6) Gd-LS filling for Target • Both near and far detectors are filled with Gd-LS, LS & mineral oil as of July 5, 2011. • Veto water filling was completed at the end of July, 2011. Water filling for Veto LS filling for Gamma Catcher Gd Loaded Liquid Scintillator
Gd Loaded Liquid Scintillator • Recipe of Liquid Scintillator • (to satisfy chemical, physical, optical properties, and safety requirements) CnH2n+1-C6H5 (n=10~14)
Stability of Gd Concentration * Stable light yield : ~250 pe/MeV Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 707, 45-53 (2013. 4. 11) * Stable transparency at 430 nm * Stable Gd concentration (0.11%)
RENO Electronics QBEE developed by ICRR for Super-K (QTC Based Electronics w/ Ethernet) Software Trigger High DAQ efficiency Software trigger selects the events specified by using the timing information in each hit-data cell • 24 channel input • 60MHz clock • 0.1pC, 0.52nsec resolution • ~2500pC/ch large dynamic range • No dead time (w/o hardware trigger) • Fast data transfer via Ethernet R/W 17usec Periodic Trigger time Event# N Event# (N+1) Event# (N-1)
RENO Status Near • Data taking began on Aug. 1, 2011 with both near and far detectors. • (DAQ efficiency : ~95 %) • A (220 days) : First q13 result • [11 Aug, 2011~26 Mar, 2012] • PRL 108, 191802 (2012) A • B (403 days) : Improved q13 result • [11 Aug, 2011~13 Oct, 2012] • NuTel 2013 • B (403 days) : Improved q13 result • [11 Aug, 2011~13 Oct, 2012] • NuTel 2013 Far • C (~700 days) : Shape+rate analysis • (in progress) • [11 Aug, 2011~31 Jul, 2013] B • Absolute reactor neutrino flux measurement in progress • [reactor anomaly & sterile neutrinos] C
Improvements in the Data Analysis Statistics : -- about twice more data Systematics : -- Improved background estimation/reduction (Li/He background, fast N, flasher events) -- Improved energy scale calibration
Energy Scale Calibration Ge 68 (1,022 keV) Co 60 (2,506 keV) Cf 252 Cf 252 (2.2/7.8 MeV) (2.2/8.0 MeV)
Energy Scale Calibration Far Detector Near Detector We found a good calibration function for reactor energy scale.
Signature of Reactor Neutrino Event (IBD) • Prompt signal (e+) : 1 MeV 2g’s + e+ kinetic energy (E = 1~10 MeV) • Delayed signal (n) : 8 MeV g’s from neutron’s capture by Gd • ~26 ms (0.1% Gd) in LS Observed spectra for Prompt Signal Δm212 = 7.6x10-5 sin2(2θ12) = 0.8556 Δm213 = 2.32x10-3 sin2(2θ13) = 0.113
Observed Spectra for Delayed Signal (n captured by Gd)
Backgrounds • Accidental coincidence between prompt and delayed signals • Fast neutrons produced by muons, from surrounding rocks and inside detector (n scattering : prompt, n capture : delayed) • 9Li/8He b-n followers produced by cosmic muon spallation Accidentals m Fast neutrons 9Li/8He b-n followers m m p g 9Li n n e Gd Gd Gd n
9Li/8He Background • 9Li/8He are unstable isotopes emitting (b,n) followers and produced when a muon interacts with carbon in the LS. 9Li/8He IBD
Background Spectra • Total backgrounds : 6.5% at Far • 2.7% at Near • Background shapes and rates are well understood
Summary of Final Data Sample (Prompt energy < 10 MeV) 279787 30211 20.48± 2.13 4.89± 0.60 737.69± 2.58 70.13± 0.75 369.03 402.69 62.0± 0.014 71.4± 0.014 3.61± 0.05 0.60± 0.03 13.73± 2.13 3.61± 0.60 3.14± 0.09 0.68± 0.04
Expected Reactor Antineutrino Fluxes • Reactor neutrino flux - Pth : Reactor thermal power provided by the YG nuclear power plant - fi : Fission fraction of each isotope determined by reactor core simulation of Westinghouse ANC - fi(En) : Neutrino spectrum of each fission isotope [* P. Huber, Phys. Rev. C84, 024617 (2011) T. Mueller et al., Phys. Rev. C83, 054615 (2011)] - Ei: Energy released per fission [* V. Kopeikin et al., Phys. Atom. Nucl. 67, 1982 (2004)]
Observed Daily IBD Rate Reactor OFF R2 R1 R5 R4 R6 R5 R3 R3+R5+R6 • Solid line is predicted rate from the neutrino flux calculation. • Observed points have very good agreement with prediction. • A new way to measure the reactor thermal power remotely!!!
Reactor Antineutrino Disappearance • A clear deficit in rate • (7 % reduction) • Consistent with neutrino • oscillation in the spectral • distortion
Definite Measurement of Sin22q13 1st result (PRL) New result
RENO’s Projected Sensitivity of q13 (5.6 s) (402 days) (~ 12 s) (3 years) (18 % precision) (8 % precision) • 3 years of data : ±0.008 (8% precision) • - statistical error : ±0.010 → ±0.006 • - systematic error : ±0.015 → ±0.005 2013. 3 (8 % precision)
Summary • RENO measured the q13 successfully and stable data taking exceeded 600 days. • RENO improved the systematic uncertainties and • energy calibration after publication of the first result. • -- The clear disappearance of the reactor antineutrinos. • -- New result with 5.6 s • RENO is preparing a new result based on shape analysis. • RENO projects 3 years of data to improve the sensitivity of q13measurement.
Thank you ! & Enjoy the conference and Seoul !
Comparison of Observed Spectra Finally, we can compare the number of rector anti-neutrino events observed in our detector with the expectation from the reactor.
Cf Contamination • Tiny fraction of Cf calibration source dissolved into Gd-LS after Oct. 13, 2012 : • - Loose O-ring in the source container → LS into the container • → Cf out of its disc package → Cf contamination on gloves • → Cf contamination on the container surface & dissolved into LS • - Cf at the bottom of target (confirmed by event vertex)
Cf Contamination Removal by a multiplicity cut & estimation by its energy shape
Observed Daily IBD Rate Cf contamination It is the accurate flux measurement. New methods for remote monitoring of reactor.