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ENSO and other teleconnections

ENSO and other teleconnections. Fig. 10-19, p. 275. Fig. 10-19a, p. 275. Fig. 10-19b, p. 275. Fig. 10-20, p. 275. Fig. 10-21, p. 276. Fig. 10-21a, p. 276. Fig. 10-21b, p. 276. Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean

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ENSO and other teleconnections

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ENSO and other teleconnections

  2. Fig. 10-19, p. 275

  3. Fig. 10-19a, p. 275

  4. Fig. 10-19b, p. 275

  5. Fig. 10-20, p. 275

  6. Fig. 10-21, p. 276

  7. Fig. 10-21a, p. 276

  8. Fig. 10-21b, p. 276

  9. Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean The Research Moored Array for African–Asian–Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction* Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Atlantic

  10. NOAA ship Kaimimoana

  11. Fig. 10-22, p. 277

  12. Fig. 10-23, p. 277

  13. Fig. 10-23a, p. 277

  14. Fig. 10-23b, p. 277

  15. Fig. 10-24, p. 278

  16. ENSO and PDO Figure 3 The impact of ENSO and PDO on Columbia River summer streamflow at The Dalles, Oregon for 1900-1999. The horizontal lines show average streamflow over each of the PDO epochs (cool: 1900-1925, warm: 1925-1945, cool: 1945-1977, warm: 1977-1995). The red dots are El Niño years, the blue dots are La Niña years, and the green dots are ENSO neutral years. The figure shows "naturalized" streamflow (i.e., with the effects of the dams numerically removed) for April-September of each year.

  17. North Atlantic Oscillation Fig. 10-26, p. 280

  18. Arctic Oscillation… Other Teleconnections http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/intraseasonal/z500_nh_anim.shtml Fig. 10-27, p. 280

  19. Fig. 10-27a, p. 280

  20. Fig. 10-27b, p. 280

  21. Recent AO index http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/teleconnections/ao.php

  22. The Arctic Oscillation (AO) is a large scale mode of climate variability, also referred to as the Northern Hemisphere annular mode. The AO is a climate pattern characterized by winds circulating counterclockwise around the Arctic at around 55°N latitude. When the AO is in its positive phase, a ring of strong winds circulating around the North Pole acts to confine colder air across polar regions. This belt of winds becomes weaker and more distorted in the negative phase of the AO, which allows an easier southward penetration of colder, arctic airmasses and increased storminess into the mid-latitudes.

  23. 1/6/2014

  24. 1/10/2014

  25. Correlation r=0.63

  26. Explain why the west coast is relatively dry and the east coast in wet.

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