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Explore key discussions on educator qualifications, mentor documentation, observation timelines, and certificate recommendations from the December 2016 Human Resources Advisory Council meeting facilitated by Melissa Aguero Ramirez, HR Administrator at Region One ESC.
Human Resources Advisory CouncilDecember, 2016 Facilitated by Melissa Aguero Ramirez HR Administrator Region One ESC
Welcome, Introductions, & Announcements • New • Retirements
Educator Preparation Programs • ILP3 – Sandy McCounaghy • Project P.a.C.E. – Dr. Andrea Cruz
Questions Mentor Teacher Qualifications Could you please provide specific examples of ways in which an EPP can document a mentor as being an accomplished educator? How are you going to address the issue of requiring service records and certificates OR evidence of accomplishment as an educator, for the cooperating teachers and mentors? I can't even imagine getting all of this paperwork on mentors. The figure in 19 TAC 228.10(b) provides several examples of how evidence of an accomplished educator can be provided. Evidence of training; and Service record and teaching certificate; and Evidence of accomplishment as an educator. This includes: Evaluations that include evidence of student learning; or Campus or district reports that include evidence of student learning; or Letters of recommendation that include evidence of student learning. A form signed by the campus or district administrator attesting that the cooperating teachers and mentors meet the certification, experience, and accomplishment as an educator criteria. Documentation from EPP and campus or district administrator is required if an individual with the required credentials is not available.
Questions Observations Can the requirement for observing interns within the first 6 weeks be changed to the first 9 weeks? Observing a brand new teacher within the first 3 weeks of school puts them in a very anxiety provoking position when they are still implementing beginning of the year procedures and routines. For programs who choose to give new teachers some time to adjust, that leaves only 3 weeks to complete those first observations which is difficult. The overall purpose of the pre-conference, observation, and post-conference is not to provoke anxiety but to provide guidance and support for the intern. 19 TAC 228.35(g)(2) and (3) require the first observation to be competed within the first six weeks and the first three observations to be completed within the first half of an internship. 19 TAC 228.35(g) requires the initial contact between an intern and a field supervisor to be within the first three weeks, but this initial contact does not have to be the first observation. These requirements cannot be changed without additional rulemaking.
Questions Recommendation for Standard Certificate Chapter 228 6D - Will we now have to have a written form that shows that the site supervisor recommends the candidate for standard certification? 228.2(21) - Since when do we need a campus administrator to sign off on an internship? We will become indebted to school administrators that may or may not be doing their due diligence in regards to supervision. Candidates who are admitted on or after the effective date of December 27, 2016 will need approval from the field supervisor and the supervising campus administrator to determine of an internship is successful. 19 TAC 228.2(21)
http://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/Laws_and_Rules/SBEC_Rules_(TAC)/State_Board_for_Educator_Certification_Rules_-_Texas_Administrative_Code/http://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/Laws_and_Rules/SBEC_Rules_(TAC)/State_Board_for_Educator_Certification_Rules_-_Texas_Administrative_Code/ http://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/Leadership/State_Board_for_Educator_Certification/
Special circumstances • Special education • Definition of self contained, resource, behavior unit, etc. • Pass content as well? • Bilingual • Dual language exception
ETS Payment processhttp://www.actrgv.com/uploads/2/1/2/6/21261294/texas_gov_payment_demo_7-21-16__002_.pdf