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Neutral Beam Heating and Current Drive in MAST. Rob Akers ST Workshop, PPPL, 20 th Nov 2002. This work was funded by the UK DTI and EURATOM. The NB injectors are on loan from ORNL and the NPA from PPPL. B. Lloyd 1), J-W. Ahn 2), L.C. Appel 1), E.R. Arends 3), K.B. Axon 1), R.J. Buttery 1),
Neutral Beam Heating and Current Drive in MAST Rob Akers ST Workshop, PPPL, 20th Nov 2002 This work was funded by the UK DTI and EURATOM. The NB injectors are on loan from ORNL and the NPA from PPPL.
B. Lloyd 1), J-W. Ahn 2), L.C. Appel 1), E.R. Arends 3), K.B. Axon 1), R.J. Buttery 1), C. Byrom 4), P.G. Carolan 1), C. Challis 1), D. Ciric 1), N.J. Conway 1), M. Cox 1), G.F. Counsell 1), G. Cunningham 1), A.C. Darke 1), A. Dnestrovskij 5), J. Dowling 1), M.R. Dunstan 1), A.R. Field 1), S.J. Fielding 1), S. Gee 1), M.P. Gryaznevich 1), P. Helander 1), M. Hole 1), M.B. Hood 1), A. Kirk 1), I.P. Lehane 6), G.P. Maddison 1), S.J. Manhood 1), R. Martin 1), G.J. McArdle 1), K.G. McClements 1), M.A. McGrath 7), H. Meyer 1), A.W. Morris 1), S.K. Nielsen 8), M.P.S. Nightingale 1), A. Patel 1), T. Pinfold 1), M.N. Price 1), J. Qin 2), C. Ribeiro 1), C.M. Roach 1), D.C. Robinson 1), O. Sauter 9), V. Shevchenko 1), S. Shibaev, 1) K. Stammers 1), A. Sykes 1), A. Tabasso 1), D. Taylor 1), M.R. Tournianski 1), G. Turri 2), M. Valovic 1), G.M. Voss 1), M.J. Walsh 10), S.E.V. Warder 1), J.R. Watkins 1), H.R. Wilson 1), Y. Yang 11), S. You 2) and the MAST and NBI teams. 1) EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, UK 2) Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BZ, UK 3) FOM Institut voor Plasmafysica Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein, Netherlands 4) University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, Manchester, UK 5) Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia 6) University College, Cork , Ireland 7) University College, Dublin, Ireland 8) University of Aarhus, Denmark 9) CRPP, Association Euratom – Confederation Suisse, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 10) Walsh Scientific Ltd, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3EB, UK 11) Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei, 230031, P.R. China
Introduction In order to simulate NBI discharges on MAST: a) Codes are being built/commissioned - LOCUST, TRANSP, SCoPE etc. and b) an advanced set of diagnostics are being developed/installed to provide input and cross checking with code predictions eg. 100-200Hz TS, 200 chord Zeff, Scanning NPA. Codes are being commissioned on highly suprathermal discharges where the beams produce a large perturbation to the plasma.
The MAST NBI injectors 2 ORNL NBI injectors Co/counter tangential injection, RT=0.7m Typical Design E0 : 40keV 70keV Pb : 1.5MW 2.5MW Species : H or D D
NBI orbits in MAST are extreme: 40keV D orbits in #6894 @300ms, Ip~350kA
Diagnostics - code inputs and outputs: equilibrium: magnetics + EFIT (+ Fast CCD as cross check) e- density and temperature: 100-200 Hz NdYAG TS or 300pt Ruby TS e- density (EDGE): Da model (M.Tournianski) ion temperature: CXRS or Ti=Te ion rotation: CXRS (or assumed ~100km/s in core) Zeff: 200 point Bremsstrahlung camera + NdYAG/Ruby ion density: assume fully stripped C6+ + Zeff + NBI model neutral density: Da array or model (DOUBLE) (or both) neutrons: Range available, including blanked off NPA strips fast neutral efflux: Scanning NPA Psep: Langmuir probes + bolometry + IR camera Plasma purity: SPRED (survey) Challenge is to model/combine all these as a self consistent picture of the plasma
Electron density and temperature Electron density, temperature etc. are reconstructed from 100-200Hz Nd-YAG data (for time evolving simulation) or from 300 pt. Ruby TS data for fine scale reconstruction in the pseudo steady state.
Zeff data • Plasma imaged @ f-11 on an interference filter (/d : 5213/4Å) using telecentric optics. Filter imaged onto a frame-transfer CCD which is binned to 128x128 - 256x256 pixel/chord array @200-100Hz with reasonable noise (<2%) • Abel inverted ZEBRA profile compared with Zeff=1 bremsstrahlung from MPTS
First results from the scanning NPA show radial behaviour of ions close to primary injection energy in agreement with modelling
Counter injection has been tested, producing high performance plasmas (assuming Ti=Te) 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Time (s)
Counter-NBI (#6612) Co-NBI (#6536) Preliminary neutral beam current drive studies indicate beam driven current comparable with theoretical predictions (INB/Ip ~ 0.2-0.3)
Low current, low ne~1x1019/m3 suprathermal discharge #6894 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (s) • INBCD ~ 70-100kA, consistent with Vloop • Pabs~50% @ Ip~0.35MA, ne~1x1019m-3 • Highly suprathermal discharge (80% fast ion energy) • Growth and decay of beta indicates fast ion slowing down well modelled
Modest density (ne ~ 1 - 3 x 1019m-3) for good beam penetration and high momentum input per particle to maximise flow shear ITB discharge shown in M.Gryaznevich’s talk on Monday 7051 250-255ms 7051 150ms 3 Ti n19 2 Ruby C6+ v NdYAG 1 0.6 1.0 1.4 R(m) Early NBI (~2MW) to inhibit current penetration weak central shear (EFIT)
Suprathermal discharges with high rotation and broad current profiles are well modelled #7051 Pabs ~ 40%
A note on confinement time W=WEFIT-Wfast
Quasi Steady State discharge #6952 shows Ti>Te • Absorbed power Pabs~100% @ Ip~0.8MA • Ti(sep) > Te(sep) indicated by probes • Ti(H) > Te(H) required for match to W • Small amount of D contamination of H-beam • HH ~ 1.0 for quasi steady state period
Conclusions • An advanced set of NBI/CD codes are being developed/deployed on MAST • eg. LOCUST, TRANSP, SCoPE • An advanced suite of diagnostics is now commissioned, with futher upgrades and additions • planned for the near future, (first data taken for 100-200Hz Nd-YAG TS, 2D Zeff, • scanning NPA) • LOCUST, developed to model the extreme fast ion orbits in START fits the majority of • discharges extremely well, even at very low Ip and density where plasmas are highly • suprathermal (~80% fast ions) and losses are high • First tests of counter NBI yield high performance, ELM free plasmas • First tests of NBCD at low Ip, low ne show NBCD to be at the expected level • Next step: fully commission TRANSP and SCoPE, assess importance of beam-beam • collisions, to understand any differences between TRANSP and LOCUST • Use these tools to target long operation of MAST through optimisation of NBCD and • pressure driven currents and to validate/develop simulations of next step devices (STPP, CTF etc.)