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Switzerland addresses natural hazards with a risk-oriented approach, ensuring adequate security against natural disasters. This article explores the measures and priorities in managing natural hazards and the importance of infrastructure in the country.
Management of Risks from Natural Hazards An opportunity for Switzerland! First name, last name, member of PLANATEvent, location, date
As a society, we are competent in dealing with risks – we manage risks from natural hazards in a conscious and forward-looking manner.
ObjectivesSwitzerland provides adequate security against natural hazards Principles Switzerland addresses natural hazards with a risk-oriented approach IntroductionUtilization and interconnectedness of theliving and economic environment are increasing; solidarityandresourcesare limited Measures and prioritiesRisk management is an ongoing endeavour that requires resources and prioritising
Our risk landscape Source: BABS ‘Disasters and Emergencies in Switzerland 2015’
Single events result in major damage Total annual damage (CHF bn) Source: WSL, mod. PLANAT
Settlement developments are expanding 1970 2012 1864
The population and settlement area are growing Source:Federal Statistical Office
The importance of infrastructure is increasing Main commuter flows between municipalities, 1990 Number of commuters for work(total for both directions) Number of rail commutersto the municipalities Source: FSO – Federal Census
The importance of infrastructure is increasing Main commuter flows between municipalities, 2014 Number of commuters for work(total for both directions) Number of rail commutersto the municipalities Source: FSO – Federal Census
The importance of infrastructure Flow of goods traffic by road (tonnes per year) Source: Federal Statistical Office, 2015
The importance of infrastructure Flow of goods traffic by rail (tonnes per year) Source: Federal Statistical Office, 2015
Solidarity 300,000buildings in Switzerland are located in areas at risk of flooding; this equates to 13% of all buildings 1 out of 7Every seventh personin Switzerland lives in abuilding at risk of flooding 4 out of 5Swiss municipalities have been affected by flooding in the past 40 years Source: www.hochwasserrisiko.ch
The climate is changing Average annual temperature compared to the 1961-1990 mean
Who is PLANAT? 18members fromvarious institutions and areas relatingto natural hazards PLANATNational Platform for Natural Hazards 1997Founded by the Federal Council as an extra-parliamentary commission
PLANAT's mandate from the Federal Council Strategic tasks Coordination Raising awareness
PLANAT's strategic tasks • Management of Risksfrom Natural Hazards • 2018 strategy • A society that is competent in dealing with risks Protection against Natural Hazards 2004 strategy Integrated risk management for natural hazards
PLANAT's strategic tasks • Security Levelfor Natural Hazards • Recommendations and materials • Recommended level of security for the management of natural hazards
PLANAT’s current strategic documents • Management of Risksfrom Natural Hazards • 2018 strategy • A society that is competent in dealingwith risks • Security Levelfor Natural Hazards • Recommendations and materials • Recommended level of security for the management of natural hazards
ObjectivesSwitzerland provides adequate security against natural hazards Principles Switzerland addresses natural hazards with a risk-oriented approach IntroductionUtilization and interconnectedness of the living and economic environment are increasing; solidarityandresourcesare limited Measuresand prioritiesRisk management is an ongoing endeavour that requires resources and prioritising
We achieve adequate security by… beingable to adapt being able to recover being resistant
We strengthen our resistance by … Providingredundancieswhere necessary Avoidinghazards Resistance Providingadequate protection Being resistant means reducing damage from hazardous natural events to a tolerable level.
We strengthen our ability to recoverby … Preparing ourselves Ability to recover Providing adequateresources Offering mutualassistance Ability to recover means the rapid regaining of functional capacity for society and the economy after natural events.
We strengthen our ability to adaptby … Identifying andreacting tochanges Ability to adapt Impartingknowledge Creating and deepeningknowledge Ability to adapt means that society and the economy can prepare for changes in conditions in a timely manner.
ObjectivesSwitzerland provides adequate security against natural hazards Principles Switzerland addresses natural hazards with a risk-oriented approach IntroductionUtilization and interconnectedness of theliving and economic environment are increasing; solidarity and resources are limited Measuresand prioritiesRisk management is an ongoing endeavour that requires resources and prioritising
The management of natural hazards follows proven principles Risks from natural hazards are known to all stakeholders Switzerland practices a comprehensive risk culture Ongoing risk dialogue is a prerequisitefor enduring cooperation Decision-making takes into consideration the risks from natural hazards
The management of natural hazards follows standard principles Weighing of interests and setting priorities Risk assessment and evaluation Integrated risk managementinvolves everyone Uniformapproach Considerationof uncertainties Consideration of conditions Deployment of availablecourses of action
The management of natural hazards follows standard principles Society Professional associations Risks from natural hazards are managed in a spirit of solidarity The research communityand education and training institutions Publicauthorities, organisations, and emergency services Planners and engineers Individualsand businesses The insurance sector Policymakers
The management of natural hazards follows standard principles Gear educationand trainingtowards practicalneeds Develop anunderstandingof risk management Prepare knowledge for practical applications Coordinate theraising of awareness among the population Provide sound scientific principles Identify knowledge gaps Build up knowledge in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way Knowledge of natural hazards and risks is up-to-date and accessible
The management of natural hazards follows standard principles Effective action meanssetting risk-oriented priorities Risk management takes into accountall aspects of sustainability Efficient action means achieving the optimum
The management of natural hazards follows standard principles Integrated risk managementinvolves everyone Risks from natural hazards are managed in a spirit of solidarity Risk management takes into accountall aspectsof sustainability Switzerland practices a comprehensive risk culture Knowledge of natural hazards and risks is up-to-date and accessible
ObjectivesSwitzerland provides adequate security against natural hazards Principles Switzerland addresses natural hazards with a risk-oriented approach IntroductionUtilization and interconnectedness of theliving and economic environment are increasing; solidarity and resources are limited Measuresand prioritiesRisk management is an ongoing endeavour that requires resources and prioritising
Report on natural hazards: strategic measures 95 measures 6 action areas
Report on natural hazards: strategic measures Hazard and risk basics • Intervention and recovery Preparedness Risk communication, education, and research Planning and cooperation Changes to legislation
From PLANAT’s perspective, the following priorities need to be set … Avoid unacceptable additional risks Implement comparable processes for dealing with risk Implement IRM at all levels Foster solidarity Clarify responsibilities Create awareness of responsibility Enhance and exchange knowledge
Management of Risks from Natural Hazards An opportunity for Switzerland! A society that is competent in managing risks gives the economy a competitive edge We recover rapidly,learn from events,and identify future problems Competency in managingnatural hazards is an export commodity We secure our living and economic environment for the long term
" La chance ne souritqu'auxespritsbienpréparés. "Louis Pasteur
ContactNational Platform for Natural Hazardsc/o Federal Office for the Environment FOEN3003 BernDownload strategy: www.planat.ch/strategie2018/ First name Last nameMember of PLANATe-mail T +41 Helen GosteliHead of PLANAT Secretariathelen.gosteli@bafu.admin.chT +41 58 464 17 81