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Ko Taranaki te Maunga Ko Tokomaru te Waka Ko Urenui te Awa Ko Ngāti Mutunga te Iwi Ko Kai Tangata te Hapū Ko Raumati te Whānau Ko Ngaropi Cameron ahau. Ngaropi Cameron. Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki Tangata Whenua Development and Liberation Service. ‘ He kai kei aku ringa ’.
Ko Taranaki te Maunga Ko Tokomaru te Waka Ko Urenui te Awa Ko Ngāti Mutunga te Iwi Ko Kai Tangata te Hapū Ko Raumati te Whānau Ko Ngaropi Cameron ahau
Ngaropi Cameron Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki Tangata Whenua Development and Liberation Service
‘He kai kei aku ringa’ ‘An offering - our most abundant gift’ Connecting Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki Research to Community Action. Montana 2015
Kaupapa Māori Rangahau Tupuake Rangatahi Resiliency He Mokopuna Whānau violence
Whānau Violence Community Kōrero He Waipuna Koropupu Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass in Active Citizenship
Whānau Violence Community Kōrero He Waipuna Koropupu Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass in Active Citizenship
Master Class in Active Citizenship CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER “If we want to change the nature of our communities, then we need to change the nature of the conversations we are having with one another.” Peter Block: Community – The Structure Of Belonging
The Possibility Conversation The Ownership Conversation The Commitment Conversation The Gifts Conversation The Dissent Conversation The Invitation Conversation
The Gifts Conversation He kai kei aku ringa
WHAT PARTICIPANTS SAY • “The Masterclass has given me a fundamental change in • headspace about my work in the community.” • “I definitely feel more empowered. I don’t feel so persecuted by • different agendas, and instead I am asking, What’s got my name • on it?, and thinking, I can make a difference here.” • “I felt very inspired, brave, incredibly powerful, and have left the • Masterclass with a clear direction.” • “The diversity of the group is a real asset. I valued the • opportunity to hear other people's stories that I don’t hear in my • normal community connections.” • “The Masterclass is giving people a shared language to talk • about community approaches to development. And if we don't • use this language, we will lose it.” • “It has made a great difference in all my conversations. I now ask • harder questions, and push harder for community-based • perspectives.”
Whānau Violence Community Kōrero He Waipuna Koropupu Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass in Active Citizenship
He Waipuna Koropupu Sample of conversation topics raised: • What is our cultural relationship with suicide? • Do we have one? • Do we have a traditionof suicide in Taranaki? • Is there a whakapapato suicide? • If there is what is it? • Is there a genetic predisposition to suicide?
Rangatahi Resiliency Ki Uta – Whānau Careers Tupuake – T3 Tupuake – Integrated Attendance Service
He Mokopuna He Tupuna Kaha Māori Matua Poipoia Whānau Whakapiripiri
Rangatahi Resiliency Whānau violence He Mokopuna Ki Uta Tupuake – T3 Poipoia Kaha Māori Matua He Waipuna Koropupu Community kōrero Tupuake – Integrated Attendance Service Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass in Active Citizenship Whānau Whakapiripiri
He mihi tēnei ki a koutou ngā kaitiaki mo tēnei hui me ā rātou e tautoko ana ngā mahi o Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki. Ki ngā whānau e tautoko ana ngā rangahau kei te mihi mo tō whakaaro me ngā manaakitanga, tēnā koutou tēnā koutou tēnā tātou katoa NZ Health Research Council NZ Lottery Board Te Rau Matatini Te Kotahi Research Institute Māori and Indigenous Analysis Ltd Dr Janice Wenn Dr Leonie Pihama Dr Gary Hook Bry Kopu Kiterangi Cameron Marnie Reinfeld Rawinia Leatherby Matehuirua Limmer Te Rehua Mareikura Moewai Aterea Awhina Cameron